What is the worst song ever?Music 

  • Thread starter Curveball
This doesn't even want to be a genre. It's absolutely the least effort put into any song for many years. It's devoid of tune, melody, anything remotely catchy, it's just a string of empty, weak, minimalist future-house trap nonsense.

Still waiting for the english version to come out.

Edit : found something better (or worse) (for facebook users)

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Depends what you consider bad.

If you think pure noise and violence is bad; try anything by Bodily Wastes (seriously this is not for the weak hearted).

If you dont like repetition; try this.

If you are like me; try anything that is considered "Pop".
This doesn't even want to be a genre. It's absolutely the least effort put into any song for many years. It's devoid of tune, melody, anything remotely catchy, it's just a string of empty, weak, minimalist future-house trap nonsense.

They've just gone one step worse

(Watch out for swearing, but honestly that's the last of your worries here)

Seriously though, does 99% of trap have to sound like a sheep receiving a prostate exam?
Lyrics are about a woman who is proud of her own natural breasts and she proudly wears her bra number 2. lol why ass in video?
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I was going to post this in the 'Most Annoying Song' thread, but that thread's been dead since August 2014, So...

Repetitive, ear-grating pop with no poetic value or lyrical depth. When she was still with No Doubt I could at least stand her.
The search is over. Everyone can pack up and go home. Absolute worst achieved. Awful video. Awful song. Awful lyrics.

Songwriting isn't for everyone.

....I don't care what others say. One song I rate absolute worst is Single Lady by Beyonce.

Here is an example of a song that is so bad, it's awesome (in my eyes at least, almost everyone I play it to hates it, and with good reason)
You are the Gothic Robots;
You are the Gothic Robots;
You are the Gothic Robots;
You are unbearably repetitive;
You are unbearably repetitive;
You are unbearably repetitive;
You are horribly out of key;
You are horribly out of key;
You are horribly out of key;
You are a flipping cacophony;
You are a flipping cacophony;
You are a flipping cacophony.


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