What is the worst YouTube video ever?

This... just this. Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend - Problem (profanity warning):

This is the second time I've found myself in this thread and I'm about to start threatening with AUP violations.

This is just... it's like The Room: The Musical. They're literally singing lyrics that I'm assuming they wrote... like they don't understand the words coming out of their mouths.

I thought only Tommy Wiseau could achieve that.
Anything by TexhRax.

Showoff who likes destroying multiple expensive stuff and swim on a hunderds gallons of Coca Cola with his 1000 dollars Drone.

Also videos with "Cool and edgy" 3D rendered intro, especially with hard dubstep.
Wow, surprised I didn't find this thread sooner. A lot I could mention, but I'll just start off with this:

Pretty much any video by JIMBOTHY

I cannot stand this guy. In his videos, he talks in this phony voice almost the entire time and likes to shout into the mic at random times. Now I get his videos are intended to be jokes and such, but that doesn't mean they can't be terrible. Now I have a sense of humor and I know how to take a joke, but this guy just tries way too hard to be funny in his videos and I don't find him funny at all. I can't really pick one particular video from him that is the worst. I find him to be the most annoying Youtuber ever and how he gets 750,000+ subscribers is beyond me
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All of BiblicalReapers videos. Biggest scumbag on YouTube.

He insults his viewers intelligence by constantly posting clickbait videos. Wastes people's time by ringing GameStop asking to trade Infinite Warfare in for COD2017 which isn't then announced yet. Spent all of his money on COD Points then makes a video crying with forced sad music in the background so people will donate to him just so he can buy more cod points. Note of the time of the video he bought a new IPhone & he won't get a job.
Makes videos about COD 2017 being confirmed when no word of it has been spoken by Activision yet. Should see all the dislikes he gets & all the hate he gets from other YouTubers he deserves all the hate he can get.

There is a lot more. Search him up. You'll see why he's such a scumbag.
Anything that looks like it's been filmed on a sandwich...

People who don't use tripods and try and hold the camera whilst doing something...

People who think YouTube is a slideshow sharing website....

Long irritating or cheesy intros with annoying music...

#potatomasterrace :P

1. Videos with automated(?) robot sounding voice over.

2. Clickbaits.

3. Dramas.

Not all of those are bad and unnecessary. One particular channel I watched uses text-to-speech because she had something happen that rendered her unable to speak. Everything else though, unless its intented for something like an animation, is definately annoying.

All of my Youtube videos. :lol:

Bro, do you even cringe?