I bought GT, GT2, and GT3 new. I stopped with GT4 and I'll tell you why;
Fully customizable button mapping was removed in GT4. I prefer a somewhat unique control scheme. Left analog stick to steer, right analog stick for gas/break BUT I like down to be gas and up to be brake. Its reverse of default and unchangeable right-stick controls in GT4.
I didn't purchase GT4 untili I found the Gamester Revolution controller that has a switch to invert right analog stick and it was in the $20 bargain bin by then.
I don't have a PS3, but I'd buy one for GT5...if controls are fully customizable a la GT-GT3.
Basically, about $600 of potential Sony revenue rests on them including a few pages of code. Guess we'll see what they do. Besides, it'd be a good idea anyway with so many people preferring x/square, R2/L2, R1/L1, right stick, etc for these functions.