What is your favorite button layout?

  • Thread starter hansiu
just curious, why cant you do that with X as accelerate and square as brake?
You can, it's just that doing it that way round means you have to hold the tip of your thumb in the air all the time so as not to press the brake (most of the time you are on throttle). I found this uncomfortable, hence I prefer [ ] for accel and X for brake.
i find my g25 to be perfect.. but all i need to change is those 2 red buttons on the wheel... i need to switch the look back to the right side... and ebrake for the left side since that hand is always on the wheel while i shift gears with right hand.
left stick = steer
right stick = throttle/brake
R2/L2 = shift up/shift down
R1/L1 = look behind/special

and then when i need to use the throttle and brake at the same time i use the square and cross (but they are pretty much useless as to throttle and brake control)

and then i have my dfp.