What is Your Idea of an Immersive Environment in Gran Turismo?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
I concur with your thoughts on immersion and elaborate. I feel as though concepts shouldn't be at a dealership showroom because in real life how often would that happen? Race cars, and concepts should be located at one place. I was thinking of them all being in a big warehouse which is divided by manufacturers. A sort of lack-luster down to business environment. I would like to see the salesman laugh at you when you are a newbie with no money and you ask to sit in a million dollar race car. Once you have enough money in your bank to buy a car then perhaps the salesman would let you have a seat in the car and test drive it. Otherwise all your allowed to do is walk around them and look in the windows. Nicest cars would still be roped off.
I feel as though people shouldn't be able to just walk into a dealership and test drive every single car there. If they let that happen then what would be the first thing most people would do? If you have enough money in the bank then a real life salesman will give you the time, and would like to see that in GT5. Also if you have enough a-spec points and notoriety then i'm sure dealers wouldn't mind letting you take their cars for a spin around their course.
Anyone familiar with Test Drive Unlimited know what it's like just to be in some showroom. TDU has a nice base. Thing is, there are too few cars in showrooms. What works to TDU's advantage is how there are specialized showrooms for a variety of cars. There are two types of showrooms- dealer showrooms for a specific make and showrooms featuring a general collection of cars. Case in point... you have something like the U.S. Independents, which only specializes in American cars. You're not going to find an Audi TT (for example) at a firm that specializes in American cars. I think that places like these are a way to find some unique and amazing cars. I almost wanted to say rare cars, a quality unique to Forza with the Rarity deal. Take Houston, for example. We have the Momentum and Advantage brands that specialize in more high-end cars. We even have a group known as Expo Motorcars, which specialize in exotics. So how do I want to execute this? Here's what I'm thinking of.

The same massive city layout (may even call it Newriver City, named after the signs you see around Special Stage Route 5 (and maybe 11 as well)) will be there. You'll still have home. Going around the massive city, I'm thinking of "villages" catered mostly to certain types of cars and race events. I'm going to use Europe as an example. Pretend I have 300,000 credits.

I want to go out and purchase an Audi R8 road car. Then, I want to go to Ferrari and get me the lovely F430 in either Rosso Corsa or Blu Tour de France[/I]. Let's start with Audi first. I visit the Europe "village." What happens now is that I can choose between any nationality of car or visit a specific maker that tickles my fancy. I must head over to Audi to get the R8 I've longed for. I have two choices- visit the Audi showroom and get the R8 from the main showroom, or visit a firm that deals with exotics. How often do you see an R8 on the road? Thought so. Here is a nice catch to this. If you decided to talk with a representative at the showroom to tell you more about a car, getting more information on a car is equal to when you go to "Info" on a car. Imagine a representative giving you a brief overview on the car and even present you with facts and figures about the car. Before I pay up, imagine if I'm offered a test drive of the car. The test drive is optional. Let's say that the R8 costs 250,000 Cr. I pay the people to get the car and have it delivered. Either that, or I drive off in my newly-bought car.

Now let's get the Ferrari. I have about 50,000 Cr. left from getting the Audi. Those of you who know that the F430 doesn't come very cheap know what price I'm bringing up. I'm going to say the F430 costs 200,000 Cr. I go through the same process of wanting more information, test drive, and all that. So when I go to pay up, I just press X or O to get the F430. However, the car costs 200K Cr. I have 50K. What I can do is help pay for the car by exchanging some of my existing cars. No way I'm selling something I just got! Here's a catch. You HAVE to have money or trade in the current car you have for credit to exchange in financing a car. So there's another option I'm thinking of: go home, use your online services (in the game), and pay for the cars with the dealer you've just contacted. Internet shopping for cars in GT. Let's pretend the service is called "GT Web." You'd just browse for a certain retailer in the game in GT5, find a car, then sell some of your cars to equal the money needed to get the car you want. So I have (as an example) a 1990 Corvette ZR-1 that's about 65,000 Credits as its real price, a Mazdaspeed RX-8 I've used in races that would sell for 50,000 Cr. used, and a 1970 Chevelle I've won Stars and Stripes events with that sells for 40,000. Guess what? I now have enough money to finance getting that F430. More than enough money to get two cars. I could have the car delivered to my home in GT5. Then be the envy of everyone in the neighborhood! :lol:

Now let's chat about classic cars. There are classic car dealers specializing in classic cars from a defunct car company. Examples include Autobianchi and Plymouth. These classics dealers are also companies that still make cars, but only have classics to share with you. These examples (from GT4) include Bentley, Dome, Lancia, Cizeta, and Buick among others. I'm envisioning showrooms adorned in the colors of the companies they represent. Maybe the floors are all hard maple floors. Music in showrooms is optional, but imagine old songs playing to keep you in a classic mood. I can imagine a showroom showcasing classic muscle cars while "Pick up the Pieces" (by the Average White Band (name of the group) in 1975) is playing in the background. There are brown brick walls around as well. No point in making a classic showroom look ultra-modern. I'm saying this for purist sakes.

Concept cars wouldn't be for sale. If only a concept is offered (like Cadillac in GT4), then the only way you'll get it is to win a certain race or championship. You may not even get to sit in it. TDU had a club catered to concept cars that you could buy at showrooms. Fact of the matter is, you'll never get a concept from a show floor.

Specific tuner cars are usually not offered for sale unless they were made by the company's tuning firm. The Blitz Skyline is seen as a Tuner in GT4. That is what I'll define as a "specific tuner car." Something like the Dodge Viper ACR or the Tom's X540 Chaser are what you can buy new in GT5. The showrooms would look like the companies would offer. So a company offering you a drift car will likely have stuff like blaring music and even pictures of the car in action. PD could elect to just have random pictures of the car going sideways at a certain track. Stuff like Mercedes-Benz's AMG department could specialize in showing you AMG models, like the Mercedes-Benz CLK63 AMG Black Series.

Companies that have only race cars won't have a showroom that you can just bring your kids over to say, "that car is wicked sick!" A race car group would have to have you perform some tasks to win the car. This will introduce an element of "Tourist Trophy." You have to have a certain license to race certain cars. The more capable and powerful, the higher the license requirements. You may even have to clear a race series to be able to buy the car. I don't really know of anything along the lines of race car inquiries. Do race car specialists only specialize in specific cars? Not all do. Imagine RM/RacingModify (to use TT terms) cars created by previous owners and even those fantasy LM cars from a dealer. This is even if you want a tuned car that was built by a previous owner that has gladly put it up for sale.

Another aspect with cars is used cars. GT4 had three kinds of used car lots: historic cars (before 1990), Early 90s cars (1990-1995), and Late 1990s cars (1995 to present). I mentioned that some car lots will feature used cars from their own makes as well as others. I've seen several showrooms that have used cars other than the ones they showcase. There's a Clear Lake Dodge here in the Houston area. I think I've seen other kinds of cars sold besides those of Dodge or any affiliated brands. You just won't find many premium cars in the Used lot unless you go to a really good dealer. The lots change often. These lots are mostly restricted to those who sell newer cars. What are the chances you'll see a Nissan 240SX for sale from an Autobianchi store? There would even be online shopping in the game to look for cars you wish to obtain without having to show up at a dealer (no shame in not going to a dealer).

I'll be free to talk more about this deal in the future. I'll even come along with ideas for Home.

Good news for you, Kazunori mentioned something last year about PS Home integration with GT5. He plans to have a GT5 Home space with showrooms, an auction house, and live car show unveilings. He will also work with car dealerships to have their own showrooms where you will be able to buy in-game cars as well as their real life counterparts! He wants you to be able to test drive any car in game before you buy the real one :). This is his dream; to have Gran Turismo become a car enthusiast hub for all real world and game related car material :D. GTTV and the simultaneous (down to the second) in-game/real life Tokyo Motor Show unvielings of the GTR and STI in the GT5P TMS Special Demo were a very tiny taste of what is to come. Basically the same things you've pointed out, though you've gone into far greater detail than he did. Kaz is way ahead of you :D. You have some other really great ideas though too! I hope PD sees this.
nah. I say stick to race tracks and cut of stretches of road like the tail of the dragon but the "free roaming" thing... ill put that with my GTA gaming.
I don't have a PS3. I'm not really an online person. So I'm unaware really of the Home deal. I have no experience with the Home option.
i think home is the logical place for most of this stuff..

im really interested so see how it pans out..
your home avatar should start to find its way into lots of games...
GTA multiplayer...
GT replays.
sports games...
the "you" should stay with you...

i really cant see GT dealerships becoming too literal..
the GT style has always been about perfection.. real car dealers arnt perfect.. they are usually kind of crap...
GT isnt bound by reality... any virtual dealership is going to be "brand essence" amplified to extreme levels..


you should check it out john..
it still a little way off from public beta, but its sonys long term plan for online...
GT, as a major platform tent peg is going to have to have a good showing there

WARNING: This is going to be a VERY LONG post!

Okay. Now I look at the link provided in Post #40. I may be inclined to say that we may really get a good amount of customization to make our own unique players. Part of the immersive attributes I'm trying to think about include the driver. Here are some things I wonder:

* possible to have a customizable character that takes full advantage of the My Home deal? Imagine your created character racing in Gran Turismo 5.
* I'm seriously considering teammates, GTPlanet. I'd be interested in seeing your character in the game as well as a teammate to provide for a B-Spec racer as well as a seperate member of the team that that can compete in other events to build money for the team.

That character creation thing could be interesting. Maybe Sony's ahead in all of us. I'd love to imagine being able to create lots of different characters to make our own race team. Everyone from the manager to everything else would be great. I could imagine a more personalized pit crew as well. I was pretty creeped out at the guy that was used followed by a manly-looking girl that was (thankfully) modified to look somewhat decent. I follow women's fashion, so I'm glad they changed up her looks from that guy. On another hand, it would be great to be able to have a female racer in GT5 for the ladies of Gran Turismo.

The home customization process seems pretty cool. Make your own home and put it in GT5. However, I'm thinking more about race teams than usual homes. GT has to adopt some kind of sense that you're a racer though GT is seen more as a driving sim than a pure racer. At least have the element that I'm part of my own race team trying to make it big in the GT realm. So I'm thinking of some kind of option that will allow you to have a race team and your own race shop to work on cars to go racing with. The house in the demonstration kind of looks like a Monte Carlo-style setting, only without really tall buildings. Either that or a lovely San Francisco kind of setting. In "Test Drive Unlimited," all you really get are random loops of the guy doing stuff at the house. An expansive home option would mean that you could be able to perform certain tasks at home. These include (but not limited to) doing online work in GT5 (car shopping, checking offers, getting newsletters from One-Make race clubs, and more), setting out on the road to access certain venues (like car dealers and the race shop) through the huge GT5 map, and other things of that nature.

--- Immersion with the General GT Environment ---
Gran Turismo is about motorsports. What you're playing for is to win every race and become your own hero/heroine on the track. I'd propose a realistic twist to the calendar system as well as an interesting take on One-Make Races. "Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2" had you being able to purchase cars and tune them up to go racing legally in daytime, then head into nighttime for bragging rights. A system I'm looking at would mean that the majority of racing takes place on weekends and even some weekdays. There lies a problem with this. A day passes when you do any race. It's almost as if you have to choose what kind of race event you want to be in for that given weekend. Does this sound like any specific game to all of you? Right- Enthusia. Those of you who have played Enthusia know that you can race any event that weekend. Only when you get to the RS series, it's recommended you race the RS races to improve your rankings in the RS class to make that King of the Year Grand Prix on the final weekend of the year. So how could this be taken? Here are some ways.

I draw on "Need for Speed: Pro Street" for this one, as you have track days. You have to dominate track weekends to advance to the other series and other race events. What makes it all unique is that there is a weekend for you to be at a race track to compete in a variety of race events. You should be able to compete in as many events as you like that day. Even more so if you have the kind of car to compete in these events. So let's talk about a race weekend at a track. There are two kinds of race events: regular events and feature events. Regular events are available almost all-year 'round. The feature events are special races that are usually either championships, endurances, or certain Single Day competitions. I'll use Midfield Raceway as an example. Pretend the car I have heading into this event is a 1996 Nissan 240SX.

<<< = eligible to compete

(a Midfield Raceway weekend)
Midfield Raceway: Normal Events
* Japanese Car race @ M.R. Normal - only for Japanese cars <<<
* Turbo Battle @ M.R. Normal - only for turbo cars <<<
* V8 Battle @ M.R. Reverse - only for V8-powered cars
* Front/RWD Battle @ M.R. Reverse - FR cars only <<<
* Mid-Engine Challenge @ M.R. Normal
* Drift Challenge @ M.R. Reverse <<< (since it's RWD)
* Over 3000cc Race @ M.R. Reverse
* Sunday Cup @ M.R. Normal <<<

Midfield Raceway: Feature Events
* Ferrari Challenge Rd. 4
* Nissan Micra Cup Rd. 2
* Dream Car Championship Rd. 4
* Autobacs Super GT Rd. 5
* Gran Turismo World Championship Rd. 7 (Midfield Raceway Grand Prix)

Midfield Raceway has two configurations (Normal and Reverse). So all events would be held around some deviation of the course. But what if you're taking part in a major race event? Here is the same example using Suzuka Circuit. Pretend my car in this series is the Audi R8 road car.

(a Suzuka weekend)
Suzuka Circuit: Regular Races
* Clubman Cup @ Suzuka West <<< (though it would be a blowout win)
* Sunday Cup @ Suzuka East <<< (though it would be a blowout win)
* German Car Race @ Suzuka Circuit <<<
* Japanese Car Challenge @ Suzuka Circut (using the 8-Hour motorcycle race layout)
* Over 2000cc Race @ Suzuka East <<<

Suzuka Circuit: Feature Races
* Supercar Festival Rd. 4 @ Suzuka Circuit <<<
* Touring Car Challenge @ Suzuka Circuit Final Round
* Suzuka 1000km @ Suzuka Circuit
* Gran Turismo World Championship Rd. 9 @ Suzuka Circuit
* Formula GT @ Suzuka Circuit Rd. 14

Tracks that have different configurations can have races held on different configurations can have specified layouts to work with. The action is just at one track configuration with my Midfield Raceway example, but different layouts at tracks like Suzuka can mean interesting race action on different configurations. NFS: Pro Street featured action at one track area with different kinds of races available. Unlike NFS:PS, I'd be more than happy to allow you to keep all winnings and not force you to win every race that weekend. Also, I think there would be a preference as to what races are run at what days at different times. The Gran Turismo World Championship and Formula GT races at Suzuka would likely be held on Sunday. The other three aforementioned races among my Suzuka feature races can take place on Saturday. The other races could be held on Friday or Saturday.

A model I've proposed to allow for you to stay in the know on upcoming race events is to sign up for newsletters in the game. As each day passes in GT, imagine getting reminders on special track meets as well as championship races. On the day that the race will take place, you can be able to prepare your car and report to the race events to take part in the race event. Race clubs are what "Test Drive Unlimited" came up with that features some races requiring a specific type of car. I don't think you should be able to race to become President of the club, but I think you can be able sign up to compete in One-Make series sponsored by the manufacturers where it's just you going up against other racers racing the same kind of car or type of car as you are. This would keep things organized so that you don't have to get in a specific car and go race at will in a One-Make race. GT4 elaborates on what cars are eligible to be raced in a One-Make race (and even in regular races). Thing is, you never know what kind of car to really bring. I had a GT2 experience in which I drove the FWD Renault Clio and tried to enter the Clio Cup. Unfortunately (remember that I was scared of racing RWD car), the race required the mid-engined/RWD Clios. I think there were some cars that you could race in certain One-Make races, but don't have a RacingModify feature. All cars should be made able to be recreated and turned into purpose-built race cars, if not highly-tuned cars. These newsletters in the game should allow you to stay intact with all racing events. An interesting twist is that the cycle of race events repeat each month. So when the four One-Make races (for those that have four One-Make races) are complete for one month, the same rotation of races continue for next month in the same order.

Finally, imagine a convention show held annually or bi-annually in "Gran Turismo City" that gives you a chance to sign up for and compete in race events around the world. You can learn more information on what races are run that year or in months. Here is an example of a racing convention:

(Gran Turismo Racing Convention)

Select a series:
* >>> Gran Turismo World Championship <<<
* Formula GT
* Ferrari Challenge
* Stars and Stripes
* Italian Avantgarde
* Gran Turismo All-Stars

INFO: "The Gran Turismo World Championship is the premier series of Gran Turismo racing. Only the finest race GT and prototype cars and race car drivers compete to become World Champion. It consists of ten rounds of competition going around the world in competitive races. An International A-Grade License is required to compete in the Gran Turismo World Championship. High-class driving talent is expected of you when competing in this series."

I look at these conventions as a way to get inexperienced/new GT gamers a look at racing events held throughout each year. You can learn about racing events as well as sign up for them. Something you've noted was how much I said "sign up" for races. Imagine being at these yearly conventions to learn more about race events and take part in them from the convention. Doing these things at these racing conventions will get you more information about the racing series and when races will be held. As long as you have a car and the license needed to race in them, you can compete in the series.

--- Immersion: Tracks ---
Every track is available to be raced on all year (except for temporary courses). I brought up track weekends. Does that usually mean each race is held on the weekends? Not really. "Race Weekend" is a general term to describe a time when a track is available to be raced. They can be a Thursday-Sunday swing. They may only do racing between Thursday to Saturday. They may even be Saturday and Sunday (or Saturday into Sunday for 24-hour endurances). They could even be an entire week of racing at the track. It may even be just one day with lots of racing. Your fantasy mail or E-Mail account in GT may give you stuff like racing at a certain track for a weekend. It could even be about tracks giving you E-Mail saying, "thank you for participating in race events at our track. Your cooperation is appreciated. Hope you can race here again someday." Imagine the Driving Park even giving you mail about competing at the Driving Park to test your abilities and even have some races.

Temporary courses (non-permanent courses) can be hard to come across because you don't have the luxury of racing around anytime you like. That's because most of these courses are usually city streets and country roads. You may receive some messages wanting you to compete in racing events on temporary courses. You could compete in a regular race or a feature event. We have Eiger Nordwand and London as temporary courses. So imagine a message saying this:

"(FirstName LastName), we would love to invite you to visit London for a series of great racing on our city streets! There is nothing like racing in London with attractions such as Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the world-famous Big Ben. We think you are an extremely talented driver. As soon as you can make flight arrangements, we'd love for you to compete in London for cash and prizes. Please let us know if you are interested in competing in London for this race weekend."

Would you take the offer? You probably would. I imagine you also get a look at all the upcoming race events for that race weekend.

The same kind of messaging would go for rally events (on and off road). It would be no different from any other race invite deal. The thing to remember is that real gamers and groups could schedule challenges and meets for you. Imagine you and [as many as 15] other people all meet in this one group to race an event or a championship. Organizers could set cash rewards for the race event or mini-championship. So this can benefit both offline and online gaming.

--- A Proposal? ---
Test Drive Unlimited gave you as few as 4 cars and as many as 10 to have in one house (depending on garage capacity). "Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3" gave you the ability to have five cars available to race with, but you have an underground garage that can house 15 cars. If you are "equipped" with a Dodge Viper GTS (the 1990s Vipers) at a race event and are unable to compete in a certain kind of race, I'm proposing having as many as four cars to have with you to a race event. Amateur races will have you with maybe one or two cars with a good hauler or trailer. I think four cars in one weekend can be possible. So how would this work? The car you're currently using is automatically able to be shipped if you choose to. For the kind of trailer or hauler you have, you can select what cars you want to have with you to compete in a number of events on any given track weekend. You may even give a teammate on your race team a car to use for a weekend in other action. What are the advantages (all of this driven on "Need for Speed: Pro Street," by the way)? You can choose different cars to use for different kinds of races. You can enter any car you like as long as it's within the guidelines of the required race (for example, a Honda Civic can be entered in a FWD race or a Japanese race, but is disqualified from a RWD race or a drift battle). So you can have as many as four cars to take with you to compete at race events. You don't have to race back home to pick a car to compete in a certain race event when you can just select what car you want to take with you for a specific race event. Don't have a car that meets requirements but have a car that CAN compete in that specific race? You can just change cars and bench the other car(s) from the competition.

These thoughts take time. That's why I take so long to be so detailed. What you think about these items I brought about?
I didn't plan for this to be this long. They just happen sometimes. Here's the shorthand:

* realistic calendar system for races rather than picking any available race
* realistic track weekends and track events
* sign up for championships and clubs
* racing convention?
* track weekend full of events to compete in
* a proposal to allow as many as four cars to be taken to one track for a variety of races?

That's the short look at it all. I would add this stuff to my personal homepage, but I can't get around to using both PageBreeze and Freewebs together. But that's el gordo y la flaca (the fat and the skinny) on my most recent ideas shared.
I've got a new twist on the B-Spec: I propose that players are allowed to enter 2 cars in a B-Spec race. Of course, since I was hopeless at doing the licenses ( I had to give my memoy card to an old mate to do them for me) I am a great advocate of B-Spec racing.

To John BM: I didn't really understand what you wrote - but I'm a bit tired right now and can't conentrate. But I'm sold on the idea of customisable garages.
My favorite kind of garage from Test Drive Unlimited was that one house that had the house with the glass window roofs and a little palm tree. My favorite realistic garage from TDU was the generic one that had the floor with blue and white checkered designs on the garage floor and on some of the pillars. Let me talk about how my idea for a "ready" garage goes.

--- How the Two Garages Work ---
The system of a primary garage and the secondary garage work is that one garage features cars that you will currently be using. These can be for measures such as tuning, painting, taking out on the road to a race event, oil changes, and more. The secondary garages simply hold every other car in your possession. I want to remind you that I'm talking about a race team and not so much your home. You have a home to go to, but I'm talking about race shops. The ten cars you want to work with can be used for tuning and taking out to the races. The ten cars you can use in the main garage can be used for whatever purposes you want to use them for. This makes up your "roster" of cars you can use for any race event in GT. Think of professional sports where only a select number of players can start for the main team. You can change up the cars in the 10-car garage at any time. You can even choose to let certain lots be empty so any car can come in. If you buy/win a new car and have empty space in your primary garage, the car will automatically be added to your primary garage (unless you choose to take it to your secondary garage). If you don't have space for the car you won, then make some room by selling one of your cars or purchase extra buildings to house your cars.

I won't get into dynos and stuff until a future post, in which I'll talk about that race shop of yours.

--- Race Trailers Explained ---
There are two kinds of haulers- race trailers and race transporters. Race trailers are usually their own little area attached to some kind of commercial truck or regular truck. Most fancy teams have transporters. I want you to visit the following link to learn more about race transporters. This is a NASCAR example that still shows off what a race transporter can have: < http://www.fedex.com/us/sports/fedexracing/hauler_tour.html >. It shows you every nuance of what a race transporter has. The thing I fear is that having four cars probably isn't going to be possible. Most transporters can get two cars in, maybe a third as well. I've seen some online that can hold three single-seaters. The transporter or trailer will allow you to have multiple cars to take with you to race events so that you don't have to go home and pick out whatever car you want. Should you win a new car and have space to put it into the trailer, you can be able to put that car into the trailer or have it delivered to your garage. Should you not have enough space in your garage, you'll have to purchase seperate steel buildings that can house 25 to 50 cars depending on how many cars you want to store and how many you can afford. Something I'm not too sure of is if it will be possible to paint up race transporters and trailers with your team colors. My "team" colors are blue and gold.

I think you may start out with getting a commercial truck (like a semi or a commercial-spec pickup truck) with a trailer housing a car you're racing for the race. Sometimes here in Texas, I've seen dirt track cars (and even a nice bracket drag racing car) on trailers heading to the race track. Now for some European perspective. Take a look at this: < http://www.racecartransporters.net >. That's Hopkins Motor Sport Limited and some of the transporters and trailers. I'm providing these links as examples. For perspective on having a race trailer setup, look at the 2005 BTCC one. How is it possible to get four cars to a track with a transporter that holds two? Build two transporters. I'm envisioning this possiblity of having as many transporters as you need to go around the world with your racing machines. What "Need for Speed: Pro Street" lets you do is pick a certain race day to compete in as many events (or all of them) with different kinds of cars. You can't dominate the race day if you don't have certain cars. For example, you need a regular race car for just about every event. However, you need other kinds of cars available for extra races. I had that Nissan 240SX for road racing followed by a Chevrolet Cobalt SS for drag racing (I won this car).

The model I'm envisioning lets you carry two different cars for a transporter or trailer to compete in different events. Before a race starts, you have the option of getting into a car eligible to compete at the race. An interesting possibility is that you can have one car, and a pure racing version of it. Think of GT2 where there were some One-Make races that require both a regular car race and a race car event. Take the Dodge Viper GTS for example in GT2. You needed to have a Viper to race with in the Viper Festival of Speed. Thing is, you need to have a road-going Dodge Viper as well as a race-modified Viper to compete in both events. Or what if you want to do a single race series using two different cars? That's also possible. Say you're racing a Ford GT around the streets of New York, but choose to go with a TVR Tamora around London. That's possible. There are many ways to have the opportunity to race in several series at tracks. You get a chance to have racing experience as well as a better chance at dominating race events.

I mentioned cars in one of my previous posts. Well, I saw a YouTube video that shown something that you can do with a machine- start it up. How many of you would be happy if some representative in the car showrooms demonstrated the car's performance and lights and stuff? A person could have the keys and let you hear the engine as it starts up. That's as far as he's (or she's) going. You want to go at least 1 mph? Buy the car or take a test drive. Thoughts?
I like te garage and trailer ideas John.

And to add to it: what if PD plans on adding truck racing.
Then you would need special trailers that can haul racing trucks :)
Hi John,

I'm also a big fan of TDU. TDU hit on a revolutionary idea for racing games. (I heard that a game called Motor City did it first). But the idea is that you have race tracks but the race tracks are scattered around a wide area where you can drive around.

The cool thing about TDU was that the tracks were part of the Island. You could drive to the track if you wanted. Or you could just drive around with friends.

GT can't do the same thing because the tracks Suzuka, London, Eiger are in different parts of the world. For GT to do what TDU does it would have to abandon those cool famous tracks.

I would like to see PD do a TDU type game and fix what's missing from TDU.

TDU would have been perfect if:

1. The Hardcore Mode physics were much better and it was a basic option.
2. Proper damage modeling.
3. The roads were better.
4. The track textures were more detailed compared to ordinary roads.
5. Real tuning and customizing options like Forza 2.
6. They dropped this impossible idea of having everyone in the world connected to the same island through all these parallel servers. If people could run there own stand alone servers like Battlefied 2 servers it would be awesome. Imagine if a club could have their own servers. Simply put the servers for TDU sucked.
7. Clubs worked properly. You could see club member avatars when you're all together.

I loved TDU but I hate that they hit on something so cool but they're not going to perfect it. I bet you TDU 2 will not fix ANY of the things I listed above.
Half of this post is a review of what I've discussed so far while the other half is a new idea I've shared.

--- Immersive Elements Overview So Far ---

* Cars are what makes Gran Turismo fun. You got a variety of machines across a broad amount of decades. While I don't envision ANY kind of free-roaming (meaning I'm still thinking of sticking with the large GT map we've been accustomed to for a while), I do envision stylish showrooms showcasing cars right before your eyes. I'd be undecided as to free-roaming of the showroom (like with the PGR series) or simply selecting out cars the way TDU does it (though I'd prefer some better views of the cars). Showrooms should be available for new and used cars. The showroom experience allows for better freedom for checking out the cars and hearing them at speed. It's all to provide the immersive effect of being one with the car- a perfect balance of yin and yang. * Any car purchased would get you immediate attention from clubs and racing folk trying to get you to compete in certain series that your car can compete in. * Starting the engine, opening the doors, letting down the windows (if any) should help in getting more acquainted with cars. Race cars may have a team on hand to let you sit in the car and start it up. * There should be two variations of two kinds of showrooms: a manufacturer-specific showroom and specialty car showrooms based on nationality or car type. Also, showrooms with used cars of a certain manufacturer (or others) as well as a used car dealer with no specific preference on a specific nationality or brand of car. * Going to showrooms to see cars up front is an outstanding experience, especially when it involves seeing cars up front and being ready to pay my credits to earn them, let a representative tell me more about the car, offer me a test drive, and all that. * I also favor exchanging cars to be able to help pay for cars I can't readily afford. It's almost like in TDU that you can exchange a house you have to purchase a new one (only as long as you have enough money even after the knockoff price is shown to you). * I even think of online browsing in GT to buy cars. You don't have to go to the showroom to get a car the way you want it. You can even sell your cars for cash. I'm even thinking of any auctioning for cars. * Classic, concept, tuner, and race cars should have their own kind of ways to get the cars. Only exception is if there are ready-made race cars for you to paint and tune for racing.

* The prospect of a customizable character for My Home would be amazing as you could be able to make your own character to go racing with. So you can then have your own racer rather than some faceless dweeb. * Home customization is not something I really favor, but I'd favor building up a race shop.

General Environment of Gran Turismo
* I'm envisioning a consistent calendar system in which you can actually go out on the weekends and go racing. You have a chance to compete at races around the world or be at one place in the world. * Track days and race weekends will give life to races and make things fun to compete in various events held at the circuit to get more money as well as boost racing experience. This idea was inspired by "Need for Speed: Pro Street." Only that you're not required to clear every event. Doing as many events as you can can help you clear the game faster as you get to compete in various events on a track day. * Tracks with various configurations can be used for various events at a time. This is also inspired by "Need for Speed: Pro Street." Think about racing various track challenges with some of your cars. * Getting a certain car or type of car that can be used for a race series you haven't competed in can give you newsletters. You can even sign up for newsletters in the game to know what all there is for you to compete in. Also know when to prepare your car or cars for the event. * I even thought of a convention in "GT City" that you can attend either annually or bi-annually in the game to learn about race events upcoming. You can sign up for race events. Something I recently thought of was being able to sign up for race events with cars provided by the sponsors. Online racing has its own all-year convention that allows you to know what racing is on tap soon or in the future.

* Track days and track weekends will bring life to tracks. You are not required to "dominate" a track day or race weekend, but you can be invited to race many tracks. Track meets in GT4 were a precursor to something fun. You can meet cars with the same level of tuning as yours on a track at once. Imagine if as many as 15 people signed up to use the track to tune up their cars. You may even get to compete at a certain track for a Single Day special race. * Temporary courses aren't available all-year 'round. These temporary courses could be available to be raced via newsletters and mail. And I'm talking about races for cash. * I even favor online gamers to be able to come up with their own events to give online gamers a chance to compete for fun and money.

John's Proposal!
Why not have more than one car to race with? Take a car from a race trailer or race transporter to go race or sell/buy cars.

Two-Garage System
* Primary garage are cars ready to be raced or serviced. Secondary garage houses all other cars in your possession. You can exchange cars of yours to sell to equal the price of more expensive cars. * This "roster" of 10 cars can all be used to compete at will.

Race Trailers and Transporters
* I introduced this concept to allow for multiple cars to be at a track at once. I'm thinking of a maximum of four cars, meaning two trailers/transporters will need to be used to be able to take cars out to the track. * You may elect to have one trailer for your car and another for your teammate(s).

So let's move on with another idea.

--- Immersive Elements of the Race Shop ---
The only customization I can envision of a race shop is a so-so logo as well as deciding team colors. Outfits can be customized from race suits to certain other outfits (like stylish polo shirts bearing team colors and even (if chosen) race queen outfits). How you want a race shop to come about depends. You have three options in my vision: (1) build your own race shop that gives you the basic amemnities for a race team from land plots (can be upgraded with money), (2) purchase a vacant building that can house a race team, or (3) be invited to join a race team to build up enough money to eventually start your own race team when you have enough money.

I've said that tracks and races in GT need a shot in the arm. Well, so does the racing. Gran Turismo was never a pure racing sim. However, you complete a GT on racing. I think it's time Gran Turismo introduces racing elements without being too much of a racing game. So here is another proposal of mine: being able to customize your teammates as well as the B-Spec racer. The B-Spec mode is what I consider my teammate or "warm-up" driver. Think of in baseball when a pitcher gives up too many hits and runs to be replaced by a someone from the bullpen. You may elect to create your own racer from the Home option with the PS3. Give it a name and all that. "B-Spec Bob" (Which I hate) is popular, so you may well name the B-Spec racer Bob (something). I even think of finding or creating teammates. I think as many as four teammates for regular race series and as many as sixteen (four drivers to a car for endurance racing). GT4 was on the right track allowing you to change to your B-Spec racer whenever you want to rest your nerves until the next time you hit the track. I'd like to allow for multiple players to take over driving duties or the AI B-Spec racer to take over. No loss in money, no loss of A-Spec points, it's about a team effort. You may even customize the team manager. Is the team manager a retired racing star trying his/her hand at owning a team, or is he/she a revered team owner that is the owner of one of the most elite racing teams in the world? Is this a 60-year old veteran of owning race teams, a 35-year old woman who projects herself to the team without fail, or (this may also be possible) is the manager you as you try to take care of multiple duties to keep the team afloat? It may be optional to create race queens. Most of them are just to help market your team. There may even be an opportunity that any of your race groupies may also be their own racers on the side. You don't control their careers, though. This isn't The Sims.

As long as a team has enough money, you may even afford to have custom race cars. A team can build ground-up race cars based on a street car you own. Either that, or you have the race team take an existing street car to turn it into a pure race car. Can't pay 85,000 Credits to make a racing version of your car? A race team can be able to build a race car from the ground built to the specifications you choose. Do you want to take a FWD car with an Inline-6 tuned to 300hp to be turned into a RWD car with a race-prepped turbo V6 with 350hp? Do you want to take an old beater (not likely to be in GT) to be turned into a respectable road or drag racer? Do you have a blank race car that your team has purchased from a dealer that you want to make into your own race car? Your race team can be able to build race cars. They may even build copies of cars tuned to certain types of racing or different specifications (think of one being an oval car while another is for road racing). You can choose manufacturer logos or go with team colors. I'm even thinking of coming up with certain generic schemes you can use to paint up cars. Think of painting each car in the same team paintscheme, or the same paintscheme in different colors. I say my colors are blue and gold, but my alternative colors are red and gold. Think of the two color schemes for the six Special Models in GT1 as well as the two paintschemes for RacingModify schemes. Ridge Racer V gave you as many as four different color schemes. I'd favor this.

I hinted on this in past posts, but let me get back to it. Cars can be worked on in the shop, but 10 cars can be available as part of a primary "roster" of cars to be used for tuning and other operations. Every other car is just part of seperate garages. Customizing a garage may not be possible. However, I do think of a certain style to how the 10-car garage goes. Is the 10-car primary garage two rows of five cars, or a row of 10 cars with tool boxes near them? I'm favoring the two rows of five cars like with "Test Drive Unlimited."

Advantages of Fielding a Multi-Car Operation
An advantage is that the team can make money with winning races. You win a race while your two teammates make it a 1-2-3 finish. That means you get the winning purse, but your team wins a lot of money from a race. This money can be used to perform more operations or purchase new upgrades including dyno testing, in-house oil changing, graphics design for the cars, maybe even making a museum for your winning cars. Your shop can start as a few cars in operation and can be upgraded to something similar to a Formula One race shop. You still need to win every race to get the 100%, but your teammates can help pump money into the race team to keep it financially stable. The team can also use the money to purchase racing tires of various degrees. This way, you won't need to use your own money to get racing tires and such. You may even want your team to use its own money to purchase more expensive race cars. This, as long as they have enough to make it happen.

Race team ideas and comments?
You all can have a piece of my mind free of charge! Here's more for you all:

--- Immersive Elements: Tuning ---
"Test Drive Unlimited" has been my basis for a lot of things. I think the tuning element makes a huge difference if you're trying to win races with a potent car. A good service from most car clubs is a free upgrade of any car in your collection. Let's look at tuning shops themselves. There are four types of tuners I'd like to specify- (1) tuning groups associated with the car company (like Mazdaspeed for Mazda), (2) companies that offer tuned cars (like TRD and Amuse), (3) specialty tuners (like those that specify in muscle cars), and (4) aftermarket companies offering performance and visual parts usually on the cheap. Stepping into a tuning shop in TDU didn't really have anything like watching the crew go to work maxing out your car. I'm not anticipating any kind of tuning package that allows you to see the crew install parts to your car. I don't think you'll see someone pop the hood/bonnet on your Dodge Viper while they install a Stage 3 Normal-Aspiration kit. I'll attack a few nuances of tuning.

* Going to the Tuner. Remember how I said that purchasing a car can entitle you to getting offers to race in certain One-Make events? This would also include tuning mail. You know, get an idea of where you can tune your car through E-Mail or regular mail in the game. My demo vehicle is the Renault Clio Renault Sport V6 from 2000 (using GT5P car list). I could go to Renault Sport to get parts for my hot French hot hatch, or I could go to a Euro-tuner for some speciality parts for European cars. I could get the basic parts for the cars in my possession from the company tuner or tuning department. Then when I'm done, I can move on to an aftermarket tuner for some visual work. I know what you're thinking- "you're not thinking body kits are you, John?" What I could do is that I could pick up some body parts to offer for a unique track attack car. The replacement parts could even just be regular parts of a car, only offered in carbon fiber material. I could even make it a proper GT race car by going with amber lights and a full cockpit similar of a pure GT race car. I could even try a kit that gives me four auxillary lights for endurance racing. I could just buy a lightpod for rally racing. The tuner is where you go to make your car better than stock and even look the part (most just look the part without much consideration to performance).

* GT Auto. So what becomes of GT Auto if I can get most of my services complete at a tuner? Well, GT Auto will still be there in my vision. You can still pay to change your oil and wash the car (unless you have your race team to do it). A lot of basic car material can still be bought at GT Auto. I can imagine multiple GT Autos across this virtual city to find one close to you. All of which should still offer the same parts. Or if you want to make this a little more realistic, you may even go to certain GT Autos that do body repairs for damaged cars. GT Auto is still the premier place to go for regular car maintenance and even some different car parts. Imagine GT Auto offering things like replacement light bulbs, steering wheel covers (may not happen), brake pads and shoes, and that sort of thing. GT Auto could offer some replacement parts to keep your vehicle in top condition. MAYBE you can have stuff like a car washing kit so you can wash your own car at home. I don't know about all that just yet.

--- Immersive Elements: Life to Tracks and Races ---

* "Living" Tracks. I mentioned Track Days in a previous post. What I mean by "living" tracks is that tracks are there to offer all kinds of racing services. Here is an idea I want you to think about: racing schools. Attending racing schools can get you more experience with the race track as well as bettering your driving and racing skills. Gran Turismo 2 somewhat had this feature. Some tracks had races at driving school-type tracks. Think about in GT2 when you had some cars that had "D-Rights" on the side of the car like with the Mazda Miata. These driving schools can be host sites for license tests and lessons. These track-owned cars can be lent to you to practice your driving skills. You will be disallowed purchasing a track's cars. As for temporary circuits, a parking lot close to the track or any other designated area can suffice. Events on these tracks can range from go-kart tracks to autocross to even time trials. A good thing I'd like to point out is that you don't have to get all-gold for these track days. Racing machines include go-karts, compacts, high-performance sports cars, single-seater formula cars (like F3 or Star Mazda), to even some spec race cars.

* Specialty Race Events. This idea is a mix of Track Days and Family Cup. My vision has race tracks (even some temporary circuits) offering cars that will be lent to you to go race in. Imagine if specially-tuned versions of street cars and race cars were made available to you to go race in for cash. Take the Since these are mostly low-key race events, you don't need any International grade license. All you need to do is pay a fee of 100 Credits or so to go racing. You'll race against other amateur racers trying to make it big in GT. This reminds me of when you start out in "Need for Speed: Pro Street." The cars are provided and maintained by the track and event sponsors. All you do is pay to sign up and compete for money. This is even if you have a Super License and just want to do some on-the-side racing to help make some extra money. Depending on the kinds of cars raced, winning races with more capable cars provided by the track or event can yield higher race purses. And most of these races can be true sprint races lasting anywhere from five to thirty minutes depending on what kind of race you enter and how long you want the race to be. At temporary circuits, there is a unique urban feel at city courses where you can compete in amateur races that are support races for any feature-type race. Think of racing a one or two lap amateur-level race at Tokyo R246 and compete in a regular race afterwards. You can walk away with more money in one race day or race weekend! Positives outweigh negatives.

* Single Day Competitions. Think of the Toyota Pro Celebrity Race when Toyota Celicas used to be mostly raced (now the Scion tC is raced). These are single-day competitions that you may be invited to race. I'm not sure if you're required to win these races since most of these single-day competitions are exhibition races. It's just there for you all to enjoy racing. "Pro Race Driver" even had some single-day races. The events are usually held at a certain race track. However, some single-day events can be held at various regional venues. I mentioned the Toyota Pro Celebrity Race. Imagine similar events at Sears Point, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, or even Seattle (to keep a West Coast vibe) that rotate every now and again. Some you can be invited to attend, some you may have to sign up for to take part in a one-make race. Events themselves are mostly circuit races. However, imagine a "celebrity drift competition" or a time trial similar to when celebrities on "Top Gear" race a "reasonably-priced car" around the Top Gear test track. The drifting and time trials all take place as one car is on the track at a time. This adds more racing opportunities and usually takes place at temporary circuits.

That's all from here. Take care!
--- Immersive Elements: Offline Community, In-Game Characters, and Human AI ---
Please note this does not have to do with the driving styles of AI. I'm talking about more human-like characters. Here is another proposal of mine: feature racers with names. What this does is let you be able to know racers by name to know who you're racing against rather than what car you're racing against. The simple side of this is to feature generic and parodic (real-life racers with fictional names. For example: Mike Shoemaker to parodize Michael Schumacher). If such an option is presented in GT5, I'd like to imagine a "roster" of racers. The key racers of such rosters are those who are some of the best to take on. Think of this as trying to get all five Suzuka 8-Hour bikes from "Tourist Trophy." These great racers that take part in Gran Turismo are the hundred or so drivers you'll need to take on to prove you are one of the best racers in Gran Turismo racing. These make up the best racers one can ever take on in offline play. These elites of motorsports come from many regions and nations of racing and even include sportscar racing. Let's say that winning championships and races against these elite racers can result in winning anything ranging from cash bonuses as well as new cars. Imagine having to beat one really good racer in order to win a car you could also win by getting all-gold in International-B license tests.

"Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2" had an interesting message board system in which progression of the game was documented in comments on message boards. Think about it- your success in racing getting noticed by people around the world whether online or offline. Envision GT fans who would go to races to see you perform and win. This would introduce a new kind of measure of your success in racing- charisma. Consistently win races- get more fans. Consistently lose races- get less fans. Consistently win challenging races or in challenging positions- get more fans and improve your status as one of the true elites. Consistently win weak races or in cupcake settings- you'll get more fans, but at the expense of not being recognized as a racing hero. Consistently lose challenging races- you won't get too many fans and lose out on enhancing your image as a racing elite. Consistenly lose weak races or just blow a win- you'll get fewer fans and get disrespected by most racing fans. How does this work? I'll demonstrate:

Charisma Explanation
I've always regarded a difficulty of 0 (10 A-Spec points) as normal difficulty. Anything south of 0 or 10 A-Spec (even 9 or 11 A-Spec) is easy. Anything north of 0 (10+ A-Spec) is harder. Most I've ever A-Spec points I've won was 200 A-Spec by upsetting the JGTC/Super GT race cars at Tokyo R246 in my Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept Car. You have a 10-point scale. A score of 0 rates you as a racing cupcake or someone just trying to cheat his/her way to success. A score of 10 rates you as a racing hero who isn't afraid of challenges and usually finishes consistently (doesn't mean he/she wins every race he/she enters. It can just be a great racer who finishes on the podium a lot). Every racer would start at 5 by default. This feature is simply a measure what kind of racer you are as far as being a winning racer as well as your status as one of the best in all of Gran Turismo. Online racing would give you the chance to compete against people of certain classes. Say you want to compete against those whose charisma rating is between 7 and 10. You can choose to race these elites. Or if you're terribly inexperienced, you can just go with the 0 to 3 class. If such a feature is implemented, imagine receiving "fan mail" in the game complimenting you on being such a winning racer, or getting hate mail wanting you to step up your racing and not win so many one-point A-Spec races. This charisma factor can even determine if you'll be able to compete in certain races or get certain cars.

The Offline Community and Paddock Talk
Envision going up to racers at events and chat with them. You can go up to any racers you come to contact with before a race begins to chat with them about the race. You may not know what they could say. They can be all macho, all passionate, all inexperienced, or even legendary. Here's an example of what it would be like if you came across racers at an event. You'll see a frame around the driver on your screen featuring this information:

NAME: (FirstName LastName)
EXPERIENCE (A-Spec Points and Charisma): xxxx A-Spec (Charisma Level)
AGE: xxx
GENDER: Male/Female
FROM: (City), (State/Province/Prefecture (optional)), (Country)

Now let's look at what certain people would say. The first is an experienced racer. The second is a passionate racer. The third is a macho racer.

Experienced Racer:
"You want advice on Suzuka Circuit? I think it is an extremely rewarding circuit. The main parts of the track that determines success or failure are how you take the 130R and also the Casio Triangle. Screw those up, and you're in trouble."

Passionate Racer:
"There is nothing like racing around the streets of Tokyo. I've been to Tokyo outside of racing several times. You could check out the city when it isn't race day. Even when it is race day, it's so much fun to race this track."

Macho Racer:
"You brought THAT car to this race? Listen, pal... there's no way you're going to beat me racing my sweet muscle car with that foreign jalopy you brought to this race. After I'm done with you, maybe you'll think again about bringing that lousy car to this series."

This one is a bonus:

Macho Girl Racer
"Thanks for calling me beautiful. Just remember that I'm just as capable on the race track as you are. Don't go easy on me just 'cause I'm a girl. Okay, honey? Give me your best shot racing here at Motegi East Short Course."

It's these things that will give the AI some personality rather than a lot of faceless racers. It would be interesting to see a rotation of drivers of different body types and personalities and genders. It's something like this that adds some personality to the AI. It doesn't mean real drivers have to be included, but at least we can know who's out there in offline play (as well as online play in which the entire field isn't all human drivers). The human element was great in GT4. Why not some sort of community for GT5 in which there are believable drivers complete with their own personalities in offline play? This kind of RPG-like depth can make AI seem believable and human. Most other racing games have had some sort of driver recognition system. And for races that require more than one driver (like rally racing or any kind of endurance race), there should be more racers representing one team. It's what I want to envision for endurance racing because I don't think it's possible for one driver to stay in a car racing for endless hours. Even "Sports Car GT" had a two-driver system where there are multiple racers at one time. I even envision drivers stepping out of cars and putting in new drivers. Is PD going to go this deep with the pit sequences and such? Just add a little more personality to the AI to make things interesting rather than feeling like racing a bunch of faceless racers. This is even if they have nicknames that they go by. Make things fun, man!
I have not had time or perhaps have not tried to read all of John's ideals. However I do agree with giving the A.I. a name and a face. It would be interesting if there was say 200 or more fictional A.I. drivers. Each would have a good set of skill factors that would influence how they race and react to differnt situations. Perhaps even your "B"-spec driver or drivers could share the same features. Meaning that you could design/create your own "B"-spec drivers. At the start of the game most A.I. and "B" spec drivers would have similar skills than they would progress throughout the game. Also what if you could say trade "B"-spec drivers by online methods. Guessing I am saying that you could fire and hire drivers from a large pool of drivers. Each driver would have some sort of automated profile. Driving style, race course preference (short track, city, real, long tracks etc.). Then of course each would have the variuos skill levels and car preferences. Things like this would if done tastefully would really add a lot to the game play, but if done wrong or without much testing could be very bad for the GT Series. In the end for me getting the core features of the game as perfect as possible should be done first. This means, cars, sounds, tracks, A.I., online, race structure, menus etc. should all be perfected before adding additional (new) features.
I was thinking a little bit about what a Home model for GT5 could be like after seeing that E3 news conference regarding Home. Home obviously has to be a garage or a race shop.

Immersive Elements: Home and Home Implementation
I'm not necessarily talking about My Home. What I'm discussing is PlayStation's Home deal. There could be ways this can be implemented. I will refer to this as "PlayStation Home" or "PS Home" through this post. Here are some samples:

* Have a public viewing garage looked on by people. They could be able to talk about cars in your possession. Anyone who visits your garage may be able to check out the car, try to sit in your car, or issue a challenge for you to compete against you in online play.

* If custom houses can be created and be viewed in GT5, think of building a garage or house the way you want it in an environment you wish to have it. You could have something like a 10-car garage in "Test Drive Unlimited," or have a race shop to rival Prodrive or Scuderia Ferrari. Your living space will allow you to check out GTTV, chat with other racers both in your friends and from others, view cars in your possession, or whatever.

* A PlayStation Home specific to GT could be a representation of a media center or lobby at Grand Valley Speedway. You go around and meet people to join clubs or challenge racers. It may be impossible to come up with believable environments for every track in GT5, but at least a generic lobby suitable for GT5 would suffice. I used Grand Valley Speedway as my base since this is GT's signature track. A PlayStation Home lobby may also be a car meet. Cars currently used by other gamers could all be part of this huge parking lot where you can communicate with other racers.

John-itorial: Can "PSN Home" and "PSN Home" Characters Work in GT5?
Here's a model I've thought of when I imagined PSN Home... you can somehow create your own racer by using the person you use in the My House thing. What I am also thinking of is that online racers can use THEIR characters in their cars. This may even give gamers a chance to make an avatar of sorts representing people. The best aspect would be to make your own character to somehow be used in every car in GT5 when GT5 is released.

Where am I getting this inspiration? Believe it or not, "Mario Kart Wii." You can make those Mii's for your racing machine of choice in that game. I've even gravitated towards the avatar system with the XBOX 360. What's the difference between these PS3 avatars, the Mii's, and the XBOX 360 avatars? These models are realistic humans. Perhaps realistic enough to possibly be able to be implemented in GT5 to go racing. Could it happen and could it succeed? Well, can you recreate yourself with this new program? Do you know how to create your own racing suit to purchase as well as any helmets you create? Maybe to make things easier, you could just have a blank racing suit and racing helmet. Then imagine having the ability to create your race suit as well as any team colors to use in the game. Your GT race suit could be available in low resolution to be shown in your personal home on PSN Home.

Now could this all work? It would depend on how much PD allows the ability to utilize characters you make and be able to use them to be in your cars. Then too, everything is fully detailed in GT. The PSN Home characters of yours will have to have about as much detail as almost any 3D model in GT5. Perhaps you'll just have to be the generic guy. You know, I'm Black and wear glasses. Something like this can add a personal touch to your cars. A 3D representation of yourself racing cars in your possession in GT5... doesn't that sound like fun? I even think about racers of the fairer sex. Even the PSN Home demo character eventually became this girl apart from the dopey guy a demo started out with. And I'm imagining that how you're dressed casually can be how you look when you want to go casual. All you'd need would be some driving gloves and go racing (if you choose to). Probably not recommended if in a serious race car racing at full song. The game may recommend you race in a racing suit if driving a Racing car.

On the other hand, using these virtual models to race in cars can be a nice way to show off individual outfits and such. It wouldn't hurt too much to have a driver in low-res, especially for those who don't have a character created through PSN Home. Think of this as something funny- big person, small car. Like an basketball player at 6'10" driving a Daihatsu Copen or a Subaru 360! Or even an overweight guy trying to fit into a Ferrari F2007 F1 car! At least a more personal touch can be added. Long haired ladies can see their hair fly into the wind from a drop-top while driving or racing. Same could go for guys with stylish hair or any "pretty boys." I'm not saying this SHOULD be implemented. However, I'd be interested if My House and the My House character you've created can be used interchangably with GT5. It would be as close to being in a game's environment than playing a Nintendo Wii game.

Comment at will!