What is your Top speed on the Test track?

  • Thread starter Rx7fatboy
It's not only that, turning is a race. Not just flying down a high-banked corner at 300-some-odd miles per hour as if you are imitating a horrible re-inactment of a Daytona Race. Those are the most boring races I've ever seen. And the Test Course displays that. So I understand what you are saying.....fully.
But I am entitled to this one joke: "Yeeeeeeee-hawwwwwww! We got ourselves a roundy-round! Look at those Monte Carlos go!!!"

I don't mean to offend any if not all fans of Nascar that read this, But I can't get how anyone could sit and watch the same-make cars go around the same OVAL track every year, and win the same looking trophy, ALONG WITH MILK! WTF???? Oh well. Maybe whoever reads this can explain it to me.
Look, I'll break this down to a simple science:

NASCAR Racing 2003 Season remains the benchmark for all NASCAR simulations (note I said simulation, not Game, like the console versions of NASCAR Blunder) to date. That said, you have no idea how out-of-control you are until you actually make a few laps around, say, Rockingham or Darlington. Unless you've got a hell-bent pusher (aka tremendous understeer). Go buy the game (it's now $6 at Amazon), or if you're real cheap/lazy, download the demo off bhmotorsports.com. Now, get yourself a cheap wheel, then go to theuspits.com/sim downloads/pwf downloads and download the Papyrus update and the PWF expert setups (nice, loose, fast setups). Go into options and turn all aids off. Now, run 5 laps at an easy track like Daytona, and tell me you're not in a constant fight to keep the car straight down the straightaways and really fightin not to spin out through the Tri-Oval. That's the NASCAR Blunder 2004's major problem with the console version: It's way too easy compared to the real thing. Plus professional drivers make it look easy, because, well, they're professional drivers. If you still ain't convinced throwin' a 3600 pound stockcar around is hard, go run a few laps at Sears Point (Infineon). Hell, I'll be impressed if you don't end up flat-spotting your tires in braking zones. Go ahead. I'll be patient :) And when you come back I promise you'll change your opinion after a 1-hour experience with the game. Hell, you might just love the game, even just for the TPTCC and Trans-Am mods availible at The Pits, plus the couple hundred of downloadable tracks :D

Also, unless you face the reality of the common-template (Which makes all cars aerodynamically equal) there are technically 4 makes; Chevrolet (With their well-known Monte Carlo), Ford (Taurus), Dodge (Intrepid, and, soon, Charger), and, with no factory support anymore, Pontiac (Grand Prix, until 2006). Toyota is planning to make thier big entry into the primere series around 2007 (they're already running Craftsman Trucks). Also, to the hate of some fans, NASCAR is no longer the 'redneck sport' you (for for you younger fellas like me, your dad) probably make it out to be. In case you've missed NASCAR's latest 10 years of evolution, the sport has changed. For one, Jeff Gordon has won 69 races since then 👍 But not just the drivers, have you looked at the track selection? Kansas City, Kansas, Fontana, California, Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, Joliet, Illonois, Fort Worth, Texas... These are all tracks that, although the majority of them are 1.5 mile tri-ovals (aka cookie cutters), 10 years ago, we didn't have on the circuit. NASCAR is now a national sport, lagging only in the Northwest and Northeast. Drivers are being picked out at a very young age. (Rookie Brian Vickers isn't even old enough to drink) Veterans are taking a hard fall. Of course, you still have many, *cough* 'diehard' fans and wannabes (Jr fans), but when I went to Pocono, I saw a few African-Americans here, a couple of Hispanics there... the sport is changing. Bill Lester is an African-American Craftsman Truck driver. Hideo Fukuyama, road-course specialist, is from Japan (he ran when they used to race Suzuka, now he's trying out the 'home' tracks). Diversity is definately starting to form. You watch, in 10 years, like it or not, NASCAR will be a household sport, like baseball. And, sadly, the way Brian France and Mike Helton are running things, it will be a cookie-cutter-filled household sport :(
The thing is though, like a lot of US homegrown sports, e.g. Baseball and American football, Indycars, its only of interest to Americans (and their Canadian cousins) Racing throughout the rest of the world take place on racetracks with more than 2 or 3 cambered bends for the most part.
Alright Victor, Now I get what you are talking about, but unfortunately for me, I find it a BIT boring. But If the sport is changing, I'll give it a SLIGHT chance. Besides, it's better than watching Michael Andretti get owned continuously in various championships. Oh well. So I'll give it a bit of a chance. Oh yeah, from what I did hear on various websites, there are supposed to be some African-American, Hispanic and French rookie drivers coming to NASCAR. I'm not too sure if it is even true, but hey, I'd like to see SOMETHING new. :lol:
Victor Vance
Look, I'll break this down to a simple science...

I was totally taken by suprise after reading the length of this post. In this thread I expected to see random spam about 1 billion mph in an escudo or something. :lol:

Actually, I took a look in this thread because I ran the test course to break in a lotus v8 se.

I was amazed with how well the stage 4 turbo esprit v8 se took the test course.
260+ mph in turns
275+ mph on straights

thought the test course thread might like to have that info.

Standard, no tricks, 275mph in lotus esprit v8 se.
Victor Vance
Look, I'll break this down to a simple science:

NASCAR Racing 2003 Season remains the benchmark for all NASCAR simulations (note I said simulation, not Game, like the console versions of NASCAR Blunder) to date. That said, you have no idea how out-of-control you are until you actually make a few laps around, say, Rockingham or Darlington. Unless you've got a hell-bent pusher (aka tremendous understeer). Go buy the game (it's now $6 at Amazon), or if you're real cheap/lazy, download the demo off bhmotorsports.com. Now, get yourself a cheap wheel, then go to theuspits.com/sim downloads/pwf downloads and download the Papyrus update and the PWF expert setups (nice, loose, fast setups). Go into options and turn all aids off. Now, run 5 laps at an easy track like Daytona, and tell me you're not in a constant fight to keep the car straight down the straightaways and really fightin not to spin out through the Tri-Oval. That's the NASCAR Blunder 2004's major problem with the console version: It's way too easy compared to the real thing. Plus professional drivers make it look easy, because, well, they're professional drivers. If you still ain't convinced throwin' a 3600 pound stockcar around is hard, go run a few laps at Sears Point (Infineon). Hell, I'll be impressed if you don't end up flat-spotting your tires in braking zones. Go ahead. I'll be patient :) And when you come back I promise you'll change your opinion after a 1-hour experience with the game. Hell, you might just love the game, even just for the TPTCC and Trans-Am mods availible at The Pits, plus the couple hundred of downloadable tracks :D

Also, unless you face the reality of the common-template (Which makes all cars aerodynamically equal) there are technically 4 makes; Chevrolet (With their well-known Monte Carlo), Ford (Taurus), Dodge (Intrepid, and, soon, Charger), and, with no factory support anymore, Pontiac (Grand Prix, until 2006). Toyota is planning to make thier big entry into the primere series around 2007 (they're already running Craftsman Trucks). Also, to the hate of some fans, NASCAR is no longer the 'redneck sport' you (for for you younger fellas like me, your dad) probably make it out to be. In case you've missed NASCAR's latest 10 years of evolution, the sport has changed. For one, Jeff Gordon has won 69 races since then 👍 But not just the drivers, have you looked at the track selection? Kansas City, Kansas, Fontana, California, Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, Joliet, Illonois, Fort Worth, Texas... These are all tracks that, although the majority of them are 1.5 mile tri-ovals (aka cookie cutters), 10 years ago, we didn't have on the circuit. NASCAR is now a national sport, lagging only in the Northwest and Northeast. Drivers are being picked out at a very young age. (Rookie Brian Vickers isn't even old enough to drink) Veterans are taking a hard fall. Of course, you still have many, *cough* 'diehard' fans and wannabes (Jr fans), but when I went to Pocono, I saw a few African-Americans here, a couple of Hispanics there... the sport is changing. Bill Lester is an African-American Craftsman Truck driver. Hideo Fukuyama, road-course specialist, is from Japan (he ran when they used to race Suzuka, now he's trying out the 'home' tracks). Diversity is definately starting to form. You watch, in 10 years, like it or not, NASCAR will be a household sport, like baseball. And, sadly, the way Brian France and Mike Helton are running things, it will be a cookie-cutter-filled household sport :(

Heh - Heh... I got a idea. How about Nascar sucks, and you need to stop turn left.

Here, do the following.

  • Go to every race of the European LeMans Series.
  • Go find a european ladie.
  • Get Laid.
  • Say good bye to nascar.
  • And then say hello the good stuff.
I say drop the ovals and get some real tracks, 500 miles at full throttle isn't racing. And yes I did read that whole post and no the drivers are still not "professianal", it may take some fighting with the wheel, but go do one full, fast lap around Monaco in Schumachers Ferrari, if you live I'll give you respect.
Darin - I would but to me we don't need to take 24 hours to settle a race, I think latinos and asians are prettier than europeans (well, ok, a french blonde with a nice rack and tight figure is hard to pass up), already done, I'll say 'thank god I'm back in a sport where you don't wreck the second someone bumps you in the rear, I know the good stuff well.
Hey, I just wanted to give a little support to the underdog here... :D

Jeff Gordon (I think it was) races in the michelin race of champions and does very well. 👍

If you guys can't respect that, then you need to re-evaluate your opinions of what a professional driver is.

NASCAR might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it still has value.
Maybe not on the same level as F1 for some of you, but for others it may be.

So what's the point?
There isn't one. ;)

Just lay off, cause let me remind everyone,
Being an asshole is not cool.
So if someone likes nascar, let them, just don't be a jerk about it. :D

btw, did anyone catch my post recounting the 275mph test track run in a lotus.
Sure, any of us could do it, but did any of you think the lotus would really run at over 1000 hp with a stage 4 turbo? :eek:
Victor Vance
Darin - I would but to me we don't need to take 24 hours to settle a race, I think latinos and asians are prettier than europeans (well, ok, a french blonde with a nice rack and tight figure is hard to pass up), already done, I'll say 'thank god I'm back in a sport where you don't wreck the second someone bumps you in the rear, I know the good stuff well.

You know, I count you as a redneck.. So I gotta type like it.

Yee-Haw sonny boy - lets watch some of that turning left sport known as nascar. Whoop-de-do, all them boys going left, I can't help the excitement.. *falls asleep*

Thats exactly what nascar is and does. Puts you to sleep.

Test Course is teh suck.
Wow, Not even I would go that low. Although that was a decent hit with recoil, dude....Darin....Never mind. :lol: I can't help but crack up as others crack on NASCAR. But then again, I could always go back into the whole "Michael Andretti getting owned and scraped for an entire year by unknown frenchies (No offense to the french folk) and then trying to act cool about it". That was not only sad, that fueled my happiness and laughter for that year. But I couldn't remember if it was either '98, or '99.....or was it '97.....Oh well. All that I know was Andretti got owned like a cheap backyard whore and was left in all the dust in the world. Normally, I'd root for 'em (Only because they have that 'typical Andretti-Violent-driving Style and habits'--If you ever watched them for the entire race, then you know what I'm talking about.) but they just got scraped, and sent home. Anyway, my point is, every driver has his/her day. Hell, even Mario went in front of the camera after one race and bluntly said "I don't know why all of this is happening. Maybe this isn't our year."

Shining Mirage
Wow, Not even I would go that low. Although that was a decent hit with recoil, dude....Darin....Never mind.:lol:

No you wouldn't. Its what I think about it. When I have to say it. Damnit, I say it.
Okay. Perhaps. But think about it this way. The only downfall to nascar is the left side of the tires are thicker than the right. Only because they have to support the fact that they have to turn left. Simple. Can't drift, 'cause if you do, you'll be one with the donut. (Oval) And drafting is the ENTIRE RACE, and not countersteering like on Monza. Makes sense, doesn't it? :lol:
WRX racer 04
1300 mph in the toyota gt-one race car
(yes it does hit that and i will prove it)
Everyone knows that and yes I will prove it.

I just hit 250 in a Mini Cooper, damn fast car if you set it up right.