No, I am not an IFS calibrator...
I am, although not as a business, I enrolled in the seminars and received my certification five years ago for the sole purpose of getting a better understanding on front projection calibration, getting to play around with the latest $,$$$ calibration equipment from Sencore and a $100,000 prototype digital projector, but most of all, an opportunity to pick the brains of Joel Silver and Jim Burns, two very experienced and highly opinionated video experts. 👍👍
I also second all your recommendations, although these days, as much as I respect highly qualified ISF calibrationists, these days you no longer have to use $,$$$ pieces of equipment to properly calibrate a display. For serious DIY calibrationists, I highly recommend
Malori Colorfacts, but if you are on a really tight budget and you trust your eyes to see very small differences in luminance and color, you can make your own D65 lamp for under $20, and then use the display's service menu to adjust the grayscale accordingly to match the lamp.
Making things even better for the consumer and worse for professional calibrators is that unlike years past, many displays now come calibrated close to D65, or at least have a D65 setting that is fairly accurate. This is largely in thanks to the ever growing population of die-hard videophiles who relentlessly educate their friends on the importance of a properly calibrated display, as well as improved technology making it much easier for manufacturers to produce properly calibrated displays right out of the box. 👍👍
That being said, the THX optimizers are free, and fairly decent, and both Digital Video Essentials and AVIA are both quite good and cheap, and have far more advanced tips on calibrating as well as the necessary test patterns to fully check a display’s capability beyond just calibrating it… which in most cases is where these discs will come in handy the most. I use these discs all the time when doing display analysis and comparisons.
There are also other test software and discs, including new ones for HD DVD and Blu-ray.