What License or mission are you struggling with that you feel ashamed about?

  • Thread starter Benny44
Hey people, after reading your posts above regarding the Fuji overtake mission ( partially suspecting it could be harder than before ),
I got curious and gave this another try this morning ( a relaxed New Year's Day here in Ludwigsburg ).

My prerequisite was to win within the first mission scenario I get. You all know you can have quite a lot of different scenarios depending on how the opponents are placed on track, on how the wind is, ...
Those of you who struggle may just try to exit and start again until the conditions are optimal, that's not been my intention this time though.

Now, let me just give you my results :
There were no obvious differences to what I had experienced since PD's reset of the leaderboards.
The car handled as expected, and it's still as quick as it always was.
Trading paint is still possible without getting disqualified ( honestly I thought this is more lenient than before ).
And well, it's still possible to overtake on the final straight if you get a good exit from the last turn.

It took me about 15 minutes to get the timing and the line right for overtaking the NSX, as it always lost its rear after turn 13, but that actually was the hardest part. The next attempt gave me the win.
I've saved and shared the replay via the GT7 show booth. It's by no means what I'd call a great run, it's clean though without any contact and a finishing time of 1:13,396. TCS 0, ABS standard, BB +2.

If anyone's interested, hashtags are #gtp, #fuji and #missionstruggle - I called it "Moby Dick on Fuji".

A happy New Year to everyone !

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Hey people, after reading your posts above regarding the Fuji overtake mission ( partially suspecting it could be harder than before ),
I got curious and gave this another try this morning ( a relaxed New Year's Day here in Ludwigsburg ).

My prerequisite was to win within the first mission scenario I get. You all know you can have quite a lot of different scenarios depending on how the opponents are placed on track, on how the wind is, ...
Those of you who struggle may just try to exit and start again until the conditions are optimal, that's not been my intention this time though.

Now, let me just give you my results :
There were no obvious differences to what I had experienced since PD's reset of the leaderboards.
The car handled as expected, and it's still as quick as it always was.
Trading paint is still possible without getting disqualified ( honestly I thought this is more lenient than before ).
And well, it's still possible to overtake on the final straight if you get a good exit from the last turn.

It took me about 15 minutes to get the timing and the line right for overtaking the NSX, as it always lost its rear after turn 13, but that actually was the hardest part. The next attempt gave me the win.
I've saved and shared the replay via the GT7 show booth. It's by no means what I'd call a great run, it's clean though without any contact and a finishing time of 1:13,396. TCS 0, ABS standard, BB -2.

If anyone's interested, hashtags are #gtp, #fuji and #missionstruggle - I called it "Moby Dick on Fuji".

A happy New Year to everyone !

Your message inspired me to try again and just got gold! with 1.14.191, used TCS 1 👍
Just 2 missions for me Drift & Drag

Drift - just can't do these. The drift at Daytona Road Course my best score is 6500. Just can't find that extra 1k
The drift in the Subaru at Tuskuba is just impossible. The first section I can get about 2/3k but the right hander I can't seem to drift the car.

Drag - the most unrealistic rubbish of the lot. So I've tuned up some pretty quick cars which should easily beat the final 2 drag cars but for what ever reason they don't come even close to get near them cars. From what I've seen on posts online most people use a that tomahawk or some other stupid car and then fit crazy tuning upgrades. Feels like it not even worth completing these Drag missions. Your spend X millions credits for 30k credits.. how does that make sense?
High speed ring circuit experience. Getting the 1 lap attack gold seems to be more difficult than initially thought! I thought "a simple track, should be easy.." NO they want you to drive all the way up the embankment on the hardest turns to get that gold time... I'm on a controller and trying to do it without any aids, just ABS. What a hard time.
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High speed ring circuit experience. Getting the 1 lap attack gold seems to be more difficult than initially thought! I thought "a simple track, should be easy.." NO they want you to drive all the way up the embankment on the hardest turns to get that gold time... I'm on a controller and trying to do it without any aids, just ABS. What a hard time.
I'm on a wheel and did that one the day before yesterday and it was not as easy as one would think.
Drift - just can't do these. The drift at Daytona Road Course my best score is 6500. Just can't find that extra 1k
You can cheat on this one by just turning round after it starts and drifting all the way up to the start markers with points counting.

The Tskuba one seems more about sliding and angle for points that what I would call drifting.
Just beat the Fuji pass mission for the second time. This time I did it in 1:14.278. I feel like the Lexus is more erratic this time around than last time I beat it. Last time I took him on the inside but this time I had to go on the outside. Ended up passing the NSX on the tight left hander at the start of the uphill section. Passed the Porsche on the brakes in to the last turn and finally I drafted the Aston Martin and passed him at the finish line.

Still 1.2 seconds slower than when I last won it, so I think some things changed, but they were probably very minor.
You can cheat on this one by just turning round after it starts and drifting all the way up to the start markers with points counting.

The Tskuba one seems more about sliding and angle for points that what I would call drifting.
Oh ok… I’ll check that out thanks.
Yeah that Tsukuba one I just can’t the rather to flick the car
I have not been able to cheat any of the drift missions. I just ran the Viper at Daytona and the BRZ at Tsukuba. I tried all the things people say and I can never get the game to give me any points in areas where I have already received points. And I mean anywhere on the track; not in sections that have already been closed, not in turns that aren’t specified as areas to get points, etc. I mean I got points at the start of a section, stopped, turned around, drove back to the start of the section to do it again and no points would be counted until after I crossed the area where I have previously received points in this section. Even if I had a nice drift going, no points would be counted until I got to a part on the track that my car had not previously touched.

That said, I still golded these missions and all the other ones for the first 6 sets of missions. I only have the Human Comedy to repeat.
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I have not been able to cheat any of the drift missions. I just ran the Viper at Daytona and the BRZ at Tsukuba. I tried all the things people say and I can never get the game to give me any points in areas where I have already received points. And I mean anywhere on the track; not in sections that have already been closed, not in turns that aren’t specified as areas to get points, etc. I mean I got points at the start of a section, stopped, turned around, drove back to the start of the section to do it again and no points would be counted until after I crossed the area where I have previously received points in this section. Even if I had a nice drift going, no points would be counted until I got to a part on the track that my car had not previously touched.

That said, I still golded these missions and all the other ones for the first 6 sets of missions. I only have the Human Comedy to repeat.
I just had a new year miracle, I went back to the Viper mission and finally got a super score of 8057!
I can't pass any of the drift missions... I just can't wrap my head around it.
That's common. I had trouble with them, too. I'm not sure what you're playing with, but I've heard they're easier with the controller.

Maybe watching some YouTube examples of what to do will help?
That's common. I had trouble with them, too. I'm not sure what you're playing with, but I've heard they're easier with the controller.

Maybe watching some YouTube examples of what to do will help?
Yeah, I read the same and found your suggestion of the controller being easier to be true. I've fumbled my way into a silver result in most of those competitions but gold is impossible for me lol. I just can't get it to "click" for me, where I can latch onto the idea of it and repeat it.

I'll try again one day lol.
For the drift missions on controller (even as a wheel user I use the controller for them) try changing the controller sensitivity setting to 1 or 10 depending on how you are controlling the opposite lock.

Also another tip is that you score points by sliding and not we think drifting is so it's ok to flick the car in and stay off the power for a bit.
I golded all the licenses, but some of them were really hard for me e.g.Master S5 or Master S7 or especially the regular S10 at Spa, which took mee dozens of tries and a lot of patience.

But I didn't manage to gold all the missions up to now. The last two drift missions are still missing.
I think, I will give them up, because I am just too poor in controlled drifting.
For me personally, perhaps it's not worth to spend the time I would have to.

There's really no trick to the drift missions. Just grinding it out try, after try, after try. You pick up little things that work for the first drift zone, then you need to work on getting the transition to the next zone to work, then you need to work on how to do the second zone. When it all comes together you can get gold and move on.

I will say, the game rewards speed more so than drift angle. So on the Viper and BRZ missions you can pretty much race through the first zone like you aren't even trying to drift and still get a lot of points for that area. The problem is that you are now carrying way too much speed for the second zone. So you got to figure out how to balance that out.
There's really no trick to the drift missions. Just grinding it out try, after try, after try. You pick up little things that work for the first drift zone, then you need to work on getting the transition to the next zone to work, then you need to work on how to do the second zone. When it all comes together you can get gold and move on.

I will say, the game rewards speed more so than drift angle. So on the Viper and BRZ missions you can pretty much race through the first zone like you aren't even trying to drift and still get a lot of points for that area. The problem is that you are now carrying way too much speed for the second zone. So you got to figure out how to balance that out.
Thank you for your hints.
There's really no trick to the drift missions. Just grinding it out try, after try, after try. You pick up little things that work for the first drift zone, then you need to work on getting the transition to the next zone to work, then you need to work on how to do the second zone. When it all comes together you can get gold and move on.

I will say, the game rewards speed more so than drift angle. So on the Viper and BRZ missions you can pretty much race through the first zone like you aren't even trying to drift and still get a lot of points for that area. The problem is that you are now carrying way too much speed for the second zone. So you got to figure out how to balance that out.
Gold ???

I am happy when I get somewhere close to bronze in the drift missons...(did the first two, but I am not even getting close to bronze on the third one...)
Well I had a new year miracle and scored big on the Viper mission, 8057. I have the video if anyone wants to see it at a later point. I am having a lot of trouble on License Master A4. I cannot get a time under 28 seconds no matter how much I put an effort in. I do not like the urban areas because the road is so narrow you can easily hit the wall when going at a fast speed.
For the drift missions on controller (even as a wheel user I use the controller for them) try changing the controller sensitivity setting to 1 or 10 depending on how you are controlling the opposite lock.

Also another tip is that you score points by sliding and not we think drifting is so it's ok to flick the car in and stay off the power for a bit.
Your post was lingering in my head when I got home from work. I set that sensitivity to 10 and achieved gold on every drift mission... :lol: Thanks for the encouragement.
My shame challenges are:

- the drift missions. The gr4 viper (silver) and the subaru at tsukuba (bronze) somehow I managed to gold the previous 2.

- Grand Valley CE lap attack. It feels doable, just dropped for now after spending a good hour there.

- Fisherman Ranch CE lap attack. I hate dirt tracks.

- final super license (Porsche 917k at Spa) the same as Grand Valley. Doable, just don't feel like speding lots of time there now.

I had a difficult time with Autopolis CE lap attack, High Speed Ring wasn't that hard but I got off guarded for I thought it should be simple and essy.Sardegna Wind Mills were a pain in the neck too to get gold.

The Pass mission at Fuji with the gr2 cars I spent a good time there too. The Tokyo CEs were also kind of hard because the nature of urban tracks. I had to switch from hood cam to chase cam so I could see how close I was to the walls. Then it was a matter of getting used to this view.

Those were the one I felt it was hard (for me at least).
Only done up to A license since that is all that is NEEDED.
Unlike other GT Titles were licenses upto IA were needed.

I did use the Lake Maggiore glitch where the car gets reset at the top pit to complete it.
That is not a 3 pepper AI race, other 3 Pepper races are not that hard.
BOP is not "Balanced" as you see that some cars just gain insane amounts of time.
Like that AMG
The Neo-Classical Competition Menu Book, all of the races, I bought so many expensive cars for this, but with none of them I succeeded getting gold..
Whew, just beat the Spa license in the old Porsche in my 2nd account. Ran a 2:23. I hated this challenge in my first account but that was done pre v1.31 before the physics change. Now this car has incredible braking performance. I ran 2 seconds faster this time than I did originally (I believe gold was a 2:26 back then). It is still super unstable in the fast left handers on the back straight, so just keep it in 3rd and let off the gas a bit, but other than that, this challenge was NOTHING like it was pre v1.31.

Still struggling with the Laguna 1 lap challenge in the F1 car, but I’ll eventually get it. I just despise this track in fast cars. The damn sausages are like magnets to my car.

Edit: Okay, Nevermind, I golded Laguna in a few tries. I must be feeling it this morning. Just driving faster than I normally do.

All gold through all the normal licenses. Need to tackle the Master licenses now.

Edit 2: Something I recommend to anyone who is struggling with golding the Super Licenses is to start with the least stable/slipperiest cars first. So in the case of the Normal License tests, I recommend running them in this order:
S-5, S-6, S-2, S-8, S-1, S-4, S-3, S-9, S-7 and finally S-10. If S-10 wasn’t locked until you passed the others, I would put that one right after S-6.

The reason I say to do it in this order is so you get a natural progression of a more grippy car every time. The whole jumping around from one car that has massive grip, like the Gr.2 Nissan or the F1 car, to something like the Shelby 350 at Trial Mountain requires a total recalibration of your senses and reflexes. It makes for a very frustrating experience and you will waste more time recalibrating yourself than actually making headway on the tests.
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Whew, just beat the Spa license in the old Porsche in my 2nd account. Ran a 2:23. I hated this challenge in my first account but that was done pre v1.31 before the physics change. Now this car has incredible braking performance. I ran 2 seconds faster this time than I did originally (I believe gold was a 2:26 back then). It is still super unstable in the fast left handers on the back straight, so just keep it in 3rd and let off the gas a bit, but other than that, this challenge was NOTHING like it was pre v1.31.

Still struggling with the Laguna 1 lap challenge in the F1 car, but I’ll eventually get it. I just despise this track in fast cars. The damn sausages are like magnets to my car.

Edit: Okay, Nevermind, I golded Laguna in a few tries. I must be feeling it this morning. Just driving faster than I normally do.

All gold through all the normal licenses. Need to tackle the Master licenses now.

Edit 2: Something I recommend to anyone who is struggling with golding the Super Licenses is to start with the least stable/slipperiest cars first. So in the case of the Normal License tests, I recommend running them in this order:
S-5, S-6, S-2, S-8, S-1, S-4, S-3, S-9, S-7 and finally S-10. If S-10 wasn’t locked until you passed the others, I would put that one right after S-6.

The reason I say to do it in this order is so you get a natural progression of a more grippy car every time. The whole jumping around from one car that has massive grip, like the Gr.2 Nissan or the F1 car, to something like the Shelby 350 at Trial Mountain requires a total recalibration of your senses and reflexes. It makes for a very frustrating experience and you will waste more time recalibrating yourself than actually making headway on the tests.

I might give another go at S10 again. I got silver about a year ago. Thanks for the heads up.
Whew, just beat the Spa license in the old Porsche in my 2nd account. Ran a 2:23. I hated this challenge in my first account but that was done pre v1.31 before the physics change. Now this car has incredible braking performance. I ran 2 seconds faster this time than I did originally (I believe gold was a 2:26 back then). It is still super unstable in the fast left handers on the back straight, so just keep it in 3rd and let off the gas a bit, but other than that, this challenge was NOTHING like it was pre v1.31.

Still struggling with the Laguna 1 lap challenge in the F1 car, but I’ll eventually get it. I just despise this track in fast cars. The damn sausages are like magnets to my car.

Edit: Okay, Nevermind, I golded Laguna in a few tries. I must be feeling it this morning. Just driving faster than I normally do.

All gold through all the normal licenses. Need to tackle the Master licenses now.

Edit 2: Something I recommend to anyone who is struggling with golding the Super Licenses is to start with the least stable/slipperiest cars first. So in the case of the Normal License tests, I recommend running them in this order:
S-5, S-6, S-2, S-8, S-1, S-4, S-3, S-9, S-7 and finally S-10. If S-10 wasn’t locked until you passed the others, I would put that one right after S-6.

The reason I say to do it in this order is so you get a natural progression of a more grippy car every time. The whole jumping around from one car that has massive grip, like the Gr.2 Nissan or the F1 car, to something like the Shelby 350 at Trial Mountain requires a total recalibration of your senses and reflexes. It makes for a very frustrating experience and you will waste more time recalibrating yourself than actually making headway on the tests.
Just did S10 again on my second account and I loved it. Such a powerful car, such slippery conditions.
I have to confess: I certainly couldn't do it without ASM.

Anyone capable of doing S10 without ASM: huge kudos :bowdown:
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Just did S10 again on my second account and I loved it. Such a powerful car, such slippery conditions.
I have to confess: I certainly couldn't do it without ASM.

Anyone capable of doing S10 without ASM: huge kudos :bowdown:
I didnt use ASM but I did have traction control set to 2.
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I didnt use ASM but I did have traction control set to 2.
I believe that's active stability management. Does anyone have a good replay for S-10 using the AT, MT would be hard to do on wet surfaces.
Just did S10 again on my second account and I loved it. Such a powerful car, such slippery conditions.
I have to confess: I certainly couldn't do it without ASM.

Anyone capable of doing S10 without ASM: huge kudos :bowdown:
It's a challenge, DEFINITELY. That's the aspect I love about it. I've always been kind of afraid of it though ... 🤷‍♂️
I don't remember my time but I've done it without any aids except ABS standard on MT ( as always ).