What makes you cry?

  • Thread starter Sage


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I was a bit bored today and decided to re-watch Apollo 13, and I kept crying during it (seriously, is there anything more beautiful than engineers pulling together to save heroes in a washing machine?). Although surprisingly, it was nothing compared to how much I cried during—this is so embarrassing—the season 2 finale of Doctor Who. I cry during everything though… I think I even cried during Wall·E.

So what gets you going?
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"That'll do pig; that'll do." *sniff*

I kind-of get emotional watching hunting shows. Especially when somebody finally bags that ultimate trophy. But, I admit I get more envious than emotional.
Due to the too-close-to-home factor, I have issues watching children with illnesses suffering and/or in the hospital. Sure, I'd feel bad regardless, but when you actually put yourself, and your child, there, cue the waterworks.
It had never happened before, but when I watched The Natural this past semester at a film club meeting, I found myself crying on several different occasions. I hadn't seen the full movie for probably three or four years, and since then my baseball career had ended somewhat prematurely due to medical issues. I suppose it wasn't the movie that made me cry, but just how it caused me to reflect on my own circumstances. I still believe that if I had been healthy rather than not, and if I'd had one particular chance that I just missed out on due to the failures of my team, I might still be playing, in college.
I'm known as the guy who cries during most things, so I certainly have a running tally of things that will do it. I definately welled up during WALL*E in the theater, and I openly admit to the problems that I have watching the last few scenes of LOTR: Return of the King. The movie that had me crying, nay, sobbing was Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. There are just too many emotions that come at you all at once in that, to the point where you're absolutely overwhelmed at the end.

Need some catharsis? Watch that movie.
I was a bit bored today and decided to re-watch Apollo 13, and I kept crying during it (seriously, is there anything more beautiful than engineers pulling together to save heroes in a washing machine?).

I get emotional during the end of Apollo 13. I don't think I've ever actually cried during it, but it's a great movie moment. Really hits you. I don't blame you for that one.

I cry during everything though… I think I even cried during Wall·E.

Yea somehow that one didn't get me. As above i definitely had an emotional response to Wall-E. But not particularly close to waterworks.

Brian's Song got me going. LOTR pushed me to the edge. I cried for like 15 minutes after Finding Neverland for some inexplicable reason. I didn't particularly like the movie, but it hit me in an unusual way.

I can get pretty emotional in response to music too - but usually not enough to cry. Stress has gotten me there once too.
Last movie that really made me cry was Marley & Me. I've always been an animal person so when the end of the movie came I was all choked up. :indiff:
Awakenings. A 1990 film with Robin Williams and Robert Deniro that deals with the cure of comatose patients that end up becoming comatose again puts me in tears no matter what.

This scene gets me everytime.
I come close in "Click" when he's an old man dying out on the street in the rain.

I would post the scene from Why We Fight... but, I'd figure it's something you need to watch as a whole for yourself.
I come close in "Click" when he's an old man dying out on the street in the rain.

I cried in that scene.

The movie I cried the most in was "Marley and Me". My whole family was crying big time. It was the funniest and saddest thing i've ever seen. But we were all so upset because the movie was about almost an identical story to what we went through. A labrador that mucked up a lot, and then eventually got to old and died. We all grew up with it in almost the same way as they did in the movie which I think is the reason we all cried so much in the movie.

But yeah, I cry in lots of movies anyway. "Marley and Me" was probably just the worst.

I would post the scene from Why We Fight... but, I'd figure it's something you need to watch as a whole for yourself.

Why We Fight gets me in tears too, truly beautiful and heart rendering piece of television. Whole series was genius.
Awakenings. A 1990 film with Robin Williams and Robert Deniro that deals with the cure of comatose patients that end up becoming comatose again puts me in tears no matter what.

This scene gets me everytime.

Me Too!
I come close in "Click" when he's an old man dying out on the street in the rain.

This film shocked me, I was expecting a light hearted comedy but I always well up during that scene. It's always when he hands over the napkin. :(
I've got seen Wall E all the way through yet so I'm looking forward to it, but the others that have made me either cry or get a lump in my throat are;

LOTR : Return of the King
Just the last 30 minutes or so in general get me.

The Green Mile
Quite a common one this, for obvious reasons. Probably the only film I can't stop crying at, the others I can hold it back but not this!

Vanilla Sky
As they rise in the elevator at the end and Sigur Ros begins to play, then he sees Sofia on the roof for one last time, I always get a lump in my throat.

The 'cloak' scene. A stroke of genius in every way, the combination of brilliant acting and the music really hits me.
Last movie that really made me cry was Marley & Me. I've always been an animal person so when the end of the movie came I was all choked up. :indiff:
That one also got me. Animal movies get me big time especially if they have kids crying at the same time.

The worst I have cried during a movie was Eight Below. That movie gets me every time. Those poor dogs were out there forever in the freezing cold trying to survive and the part in the end when he comes back to get them just tears me apart every time.
The other one was Old Yeller.
Oh yeah and dont forget Where The Red Fern Grows.
"That'll do pig; that'll do." *sniff*

Yes! I watched the original Babe probably 3 dozen times with my kids, and I cried at the end every damn time. Let us never speak of the horrid sequel, however.
The amines Clannad and Clannad: After Story. Very touching and emotional. On the movie side, Lion King when the father dies and the ending. --- Randy
Vanilla Sky
As they rise in the elevator at the end and Sigur Ros begins to play, then he sees Sofia on the roof for one last time, I always get a lump in my throat.

Sigur Rós is so beautiful.. their music alone is enough to make a grown man cry.
The only movie (well, movies) that has ever actually brought me to tears was Band of Brothers, and I was holding back as hard as I could. Pretty much any movie that has to do with WWII almost brings me to tears.
Okay, I have to admit that I was crying like a baby while watching Children of Earth… there were a lot of silly parts to that miniseries (as there always is for Torchwood), but man some of those emotions just slammed into me like a train.
As already mentioned in this thread, Schindlers List and Band of Brothers always get the water works going. I also watched Seven Pounds with Will Smith and that also get me going.
How on Earth could I forget Big Fish?!

The first time I watched it it upset me a little but it was a brilliant film. The 2nd time through I cried my eyes out, it's easily the most I've ever cried at a film and it continues to really upset me to this day.

The bits that get me are when Edward comes back from war while his wife thinks he has died, and then the ending scenes where he is in the hospital and his son is telling him the story of how he dies. It's that bond being broken between father and son that sets me off instantly.
For me the last part of Patch Adams is really emotional, Eight Below, as a Dog Person it gets me everytime, and Marley and me turns me into a snot bubble mess.
The Shawshank Redemption, notably the scene where Brooks hangs himself in the half-way house. Gets me every single time.