What makes you cry?

  • Thread starter Sage
Okay, I have to admit that I was crying like a baby while watching Children of Earth… there were a lot of silly parts to that miniseries (as there always is for Torchwood), but man some of those emotions just slammed into me like a train.

Ditto. Particularly in the final episode/part.
I suppose its the sad endings that make me cry. I watched Gran Torino having no idea what it's about, the ending was sad even though it made sense to me why Walt did what he did.
Vanilla Sky
As they rise in the elevator at the end and Sigur Ros begins to play, then he sees Sofia on the roof for one last time, I always get a lump in my throat.

You helped me finally find out what that piece was.
(the song as they are going up though, is 'Doot-Doot' by Freur.) Anyway thanks again. Very very evocative track.
(Sigur Ros / Nothing Song)
No film has yet made me cry, my friends have tried the saddest they can find and nothing. I jsut don't find myself getting emotionally attatched to any part of the film.

Titanic is the closest I've gotten, even then it was a mild sadness. Not even close to tears. The Notebook is another noteworthy contender.
No film has yet made me cry, my friends have tried the saddest they can find and nothing. I jsut don't find myself getting emotionally attatched to any part of the film.

Titanic is the closest I've gotten, even then it was a mild sadness. Not even close to tears. The Notebook is another noteworthy contender.

Could that possibly mean you've got no heart :crazy:?
It would answer a lot of questions...

But I'm afraid I do have a heart, it just happens to be made of stone.
You helped me finally find out what that piece was.
(the song as they are going up though, is 'Doot-Doot' by Freur.) Anyway thanks again. Very very evocative track.
(Sigur Ros / Nothing Song)

Yeah, the start of Doot Doot followed up by Sigur Ros is a killer combo. They work so well together. Did you know that the version of Njósnavélin they used in the film was recorded live? Apparently the band had never recorded a studio version so the live one was the only one they could use.
I also love 'Elevator Beat' by Nancy Wilson that plays throughout the film and is itself a very emotional piece of music;

If you have the DVD, turn the subtitles on and it will tell you the name of every single piece of music that comes in. 👍 Sigur Ros are featured quite a bit throughout the film.
No film has yet made me cry, my friends have tried the saddest they can find and nothing. I jsut don't find myself getting emotionally attatched to any part of the film.

Titanic is the closest I've gotten, even then it was a mild sadness. Not even close to tears. The Notebook is another noteworthy contender.

Same for me but I find watching World War one footage pretty emotional, to me it's the lowest humanity ever went and I hope it never happens again.

I never actually cried in a film, although, any part of a film where there are people crying, seems to start to get me on tears.
Normally on those scenes, I tend look away into something or fake to be boring just to not end up crying.
Normally on those scenes, I tend look away into something or fake to be boring just to not end up crying.

Why? Women love it. :lol:

On a similar topic, a female friend of mine at uni was watching Trainspotting with me and when it came to the dead baby scene (where they find him in the cot) she just burst into tears and was in uncontrollable hysterics. I've never seen anything like it, she ended up grabbing onto me and not letting go for a few minutes. For some reason, that upset me somewhat!

Just rewatched Crash and had to post this;


Call me lame because its a video game but the ending of MGS 3 got me to shed a tear. You kinda have to play the hole series or at least MGS 3 in order to know what the hell is going on or get into it but in my opinion it was one of the best video game endings of all time.

Normally on those scenes, I tend look away into something or fake to be boring just to not end up crying.
Cheater ;)

I cry when I go to the cinema and watch a film that is totally tripe and then remember I paind to watch it.

On a serious note I have got misty eyed watching certain films, I'm not emotional but if I get into the film I can feel for the characters and be genuinely happy or sad for them.
Don't ask me why, but the ending to Marley and Me got me into tears. He was saying his good bye to his dog and all I could think about was my two dogs and all the times I've disciplined them for just being puppies and the next thing I know I was tearing up. I ended up yelling "just die already you stupid dog!" and leaving the room laughing at my own lameness. :lol:
Don't ask me why, but the ending to Marley and Me got me into tears. He was saying his good bye to his dog and all I could think about was my two dogs and all the times I've disciplined them for just being puppies and the next thing I know I was tearing up. I ended up yelling "just die already you stupid dog!" and leaving the room laughing at my own lameness. :lol:

I've never seen Marley & Me, but this seems accurate, from what I've heard about it.
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I've never seen Marley & Me, but this seems accurate, from what I've about it.

:lol: That was hilarious, and spot on to the experience of the movie. If you have ever come close to liking any sort of pet in your entire life, this movie isn't for you as even the goldfish you named "rhino" when you were 5 years old that you thought learned to swim upside down before your mother flushed him down the toilet will swarm your head with memories and have you in tears.
I cried when E.T. left his new found friends and went home. (Ok, I was 6 years old at that time ;) )
Then I cried again when watching Schindler's List.

Other than that I think most "emotional" movies just smash those emotions with a hammer in your face, brain and heart that it actually annoys me and doesn't make me cry or connect in any way.
What really get's me crying are documentaries about real tragic fates. I once saw a documentary of a hospice for children, it was almost unbearable
I have never cried during a film. Ever.

Oh wait, thats a lie, I was nearly crying with laughter watching "Bruno" and another film called "Love Guru"!!!
Band of Brothers nearly got me going at some stages. The whole thing in blueray quality just adds to it...
I have never cried during a film. Ever.

Oh wait, thats a lie, I was nearly crying with laughter watching "Bruno" and another film called "Love Guru"!!!

I cried at how bad that movie was, aside from JT's parts strangley enough. Mike Meyers is losing his touch IMO, even Shrek 3 wasn't as good as the first two.
I once cried in the cinema while watching the lion king. When his father dies. It was long time ago ...
The movie that made the biggest impression on me by a big leap was Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies). Don't let the fact that this is an animation movie deceive you. This thing is hardcore bitterness. I was depressed for at least 2 days.
None of the films in here affected me, except Click, and maybe Life is Beautiful. Super Mario, sure, but that wasn't due to the film. More like "OMG, you idiot for renting this! :(".

Last movie I saw, "Trade" about human trafficking. I nearly cried. One of the saddest moment you see in a film.

There are bunch of films that has made me cry a bit, but I can't remember any of them....... OK, I just glanced at some of my DVDs, and Moulin Rouge most definitely made me cry.
The end of Terminator 2 when the Terminator tells John and Sarah that he "can not self terminate" and he hands Sarah the control box and he swings off the platform on the metal hook and they lower him into the molten metal and he gives the thumbs up right before he goes under. :(

Gets me every time.

Super Mario, sure, but that wasn't due to the film. More like "OMG, you idiot for renting this! :(".

Somehow this thread came to mind.

LOTR pushed me to the edge.

In addition to the end where Sam is talking about his life that never was while sitting atop a rock waiting for death, I also get emotional during Boromir's final speech.

Only one movie has ever brought me to tears, Green Mile. The end where John is on the electric chair and he is singing that song while crying. Makes me sad just thinking about it.

Also, when I beat Pokemon Blue for the first time, I cried happy tears. My team of Pokemon came a long way!

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