What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap

La Grande Illusion (a.k.a. Grand Illusion) (Jean Renoir, 1937) -- An awesome movie about prisoners of war during WWI, which requires a bit of studying or some knowledge about the times before the war. Most movies we're used to nowadays deal with wars in which one side completely despises the other, but the singular thing about WWI is that working class people from France, Germany, England and all other countries had more in common with each other than with their own countrymen, so it wasn't unheard of that they stood together, aside from teh respect officers had for each other, since in most cases they'd gone to the same schools in their youth.

The movie follows two French soldiers from different backgrounds in the POW camp, their escape and eventual freedom. A very good movie abut the value of friendship and lives in a seemingly harmless war. None of the trench warfare terror is spoken of here, in fact little war scenes are seen. Still, a respectable movie which should be seen with the Jean Renoir introduction. 7.5/10
Three Extremes II
Event Horizon
Terminator 3
10 Items or Less
Lolita (1997)
Terminator Salvation
He Was A Quiet Man
28 Weeks Later
Irina Palm
The China Syndrome
Wristcutters: A Love Story
The Year My Parents Went on Vacation
28 Days Later
Lost Highway
The Aviator
El Orfanato
Lolita (1962)
The Naked City
Boy A
Dark City
Stranger Than Fiction
3:10 to Yuma
Turtles Can Fly
Days of Heaven
Deliver us from Evil (2006)
Man on Wire
Shutter Island
Solaris (1972)
Ying Xiong
Infernal Affairs
Let The Right One In
Letters from Iwo Jima
Star Trek
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
District 9
Hotel Rwanda
Slumdog Millionaire
The Grapes of Wrath
Inglorious Basterds
The Prestige
Terminator 2
The Pianist
The Dark Knight

Some of them I've seen before, but want to see again because they're good and/or its been a while since I last saw 'em.

There are only like.... 2 uplifting movies on that list.

(and definitely skip event horizon)

Mysterious Skin (Gregg Araki, 2004) -- A very different and strange story that saying 'is not for everyone' might be an understatement. It follows the path of two boys and their growth into their teenage years. One is a hustler, the other is obsessed with alien abductions. They eventually cross paths and together discover a horrible, liberating truth about their past.

The movie seems so much more like an adult movie than an indie mainstream flick, but it's mostly because the blatant homosexuality in the film is very open. The story is brilliantly told, without diluting anything. The acting is superb and that's what makes this movie good, even if the scenes and the plot and the theme are definitely not something anyone might enjoy or even watch willingly. In the 'wrong eyes', this film glorifies pedophilia, but I disagree. I think it shows the effects a pedophilic relationship may have on different people and how they react to it. It's a very dark 'slice of life' movie that does indeed occur too often. Approach with caution and an open mind. 8.5/10
Control - 7/10, 8 if you like sad movies

It's a movie based on a true story centered on Ian Curtis, the singer of Joy Division. IMO, it has a pretty accurate depiction of depression and other problems the singer went through. The whole movie feels very real.
Watched two movies this weekend.

The Expendables.

If you like action, an incoherent plot, action, more action stars than you can shake a stick at, and action, then the Expendables is the movie for you! I did enjoy, but I am a guy, so go figure. The plot wasn't very noticable, but that's not why you would see this movie. You see this movie for the constant blaring in your face action. I did notice that alot of the action stars that recieved prominant billing didn't really have big roles. Some just had glorified walk on roles. And as much as I like a good action movie, I do like a plot to go with it.

The Other Guys

This movie I enjoyed very much. Will Ferrell was hilarious as always. But Mark Wahlberg was just as funny, which is a change from his usually serious side that he portrays in his movies. The film was a bit hard to follow at times, but it had me in stitches the whole way through.
Watched all 3 Austin Powers films last night at a buddy's house. I rate them 9/10 (Int. Man of Mystery), 9/10 (The Spy who Shagged Me), and 7/10 for Goldmember.

I just love the movies, Austin, Fat Bastard, and Dr. Evil are just great characters. Sure, it's lame humour, but I just love it. It's tough to find a more groovy or shagadellic movie than these 3. The first two are an absolute riot, the third takes a step back, but is ultimately still funny.
Recently watched Tron. Great special effects but the movie drops right off after the 1/4 mark and never picks up again. I posted more in the Tron thread.

Yes I know very strange title but the movie really is excellent. She works for the CIA and is framed for being a Russian spy. If you have not watched this yet its a must. I liked it so much in the theater that Heather bought it for me on blu ray for christmas. :)

Titanic II

If you're looking for a serious movie, then read no further. However if you like movies that are funny because they are crappy this is the movie for you. I would recommend watching this with someone who also likes these types of movies. Grab a beer or three and don't even twitch a brain cell.

Rating - 8.5/10 based on pure entertainment value

Synecdoche, New York, (2008) with Philip Seymor Hoffman and Catherine Keener.

I dont know quite how to describe this movie, other than its from Charlie Kaufmann, which should tell you that its story is anything but straight-forward, and quite a 'mind-cuss'! The long and the short of it is that its about a theatre director who wins the MacArthur Prize and uses it to create a play based on his life. From there on, it gets highly symbolic and motif driven as the play creates a play of itself, and the blur between art immitating life or life immitating art becomes an even larger part of the story. It's a very heavy story, and I came away feeling gloomy. I do recommend it however, if you are after something thought-provoking - 8.5/10


Shooter - rather silly movie with Forrest Whittaker and Mark Wahlburg about an assassination plot involving the US president, with an ex Army scout being framed after being 'used by the govt'. The movie is one of those which tries to weaver multiple events occuring simultaneously into one coherent story. 👍 for creativity, but 👎 for the ridiculous story - 5/10


Fantastic Mr. Fox - 2009 - A stop-motion film based on the story by Roald Dahl, with the voices of George Clooney, Michael Gambon, Meryl Streep and some of the cast of the Darjeerling Limited (it turns out). I have great appreciation of stop-motion and this was no exception. The voice casting was spot on, and really brought the characters to life. The story was typically Dahl - very fanciful but entertaining nevertheless - 7/10
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Watched Star Wars episodes III, IV, V, VI over the past several days.

Watched Book of Eli and give it a 4/10.

Today, I watched War Games II: Some Stupid Scenario and give a 1/10. Making Joshua tell a joke was just an abomination.

Right now, I was watching Waterboy but it was so horrid I checked to see what else was on. I came across Jeff Beck: A Tribute to Les Paul or something like it, I decided to stop watching WB and now I'm watching Jeff.

Restrepo - This is the documentary that accompanies the book by Sebastian Junger called 'War', about his time attached to a Marine platoon based in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan in 2007/2008. This is an absolute must see, whatever your political leanings re the war in Afghanistan. It's politically agnostic but brings you into the world those Marines lived and shows you just how it destroys the soldiers, if not physically, then mentally. 10/10


Green Zone - I had high hopes for this, but seriously, what is it supposed to be? Political thriller? Army action flick? I thought it got the worse of both worlds and was lacking dynamism. Not Matt Damon's best. 4/10

TRON: Legacy (Joseph Kosinski, 2010) -- I have really done my best to stay away from trailers and reviews regarding this movie. Today I am glad I did so. Within the first 30 minutes I was practically wiping the drool off my mouth and my ears... this movie is such a feast to both! Not since Blade Runner have I heard a musical score tie in so well with a movie, and by which I really wish Daft Punk will tackle more projects such as this one. The story itself may not be as epic as the music or the effects (and the deaged Jeff Bridges is an awesome touch), but it's entertaining enough to keep you interested while being fun and engaging. The 3D really adds to it and I'd have to say it's the best 3D flick I've ever seen and among the best movies of the last 10 years. Equally amazing is how Jeff Bridges managed to pull off his usual "groovy, man" antics in the movie and get in touch with his older character as well as making me think often of The Dude. 10/10
Right now, I was watching Waterboy but it was so horrid I checked to see what else was on. I came across Jeff Beck: A Tribute to Les Paul or something like it, I decided to stop watching WB and now I'm watching Jeff.
Jeff Beck is the devil!

Equally amazing is how Jeff Bridges managed to pull off his usual "groovy, man" antics in the movie and get in touch with his older character as well as making me think often of The Dude. 10/10
Honestly, he had that personality in the first one. He called everyone "man" and had that whole image of giving all his work away for the good of humanity. Even then the character seemed like a hippie gone techie. I think it just stands out more after he played The Dude.

TRON: Legacy (Joseph Kosinski, 2010) -- I have really done my best to stay away from trailers and reviews regarding this movie. Today I am glad I did so. Within the first 30 minutes I was practically wiping the drool off my mouth and my ears... this movie is such a feast to both! Not since Blade Runner have I heard a musical score tie in so well with a movie, and by which I really wish Daft Punk will tackle more projects such as this one. The story itself may not be as epic as the music or the effects (and the deaged Jeff Bridges is an awesome touch), but it's entertaining enough to keep you interested while being fun and engaging. The 3D really adds to it and I'd have to say it's the best 3D flick I've ever seen and among the best movies of the last 10 years. Equally amazing is how Jeff Bridges managed to pull off his usual "groovy, man" antics in the movie and get in touch with his older character as well as making me think often of The Dude. 10/10

loved the film, best part was this

Honestly, he had that personality in the first one. He called everyone "man" and had that whole image of giving all his work away for the good of humanity. Even then the character seemed like a hippie gone techie. I think it just stands out more after he played The Dude.

True, he's always been one of my favorite actors. His role in this one just proved he's still going strong.

loved the film, best part was this


And of that one, the best shot is definitely this one


Supersized for maximum enjoyability
^ Roll on Tron 2 :drool:

I've recently been having a Dreamworksfest after my son sat transfixed through all of Madagascar on Christmas day laughing his ass off for most of it. I'd conservatively estimate I'd watched it 10 times so far! Also watched Madagascar 2 which wasn't quite as well received but he sat motionless through all of Monsters vs Aliens today so I'm sure that'll be be in double figures before long! I've previously dismissed Dreamworks over Pixar and although my son loves Pixar stuff seeing him laugh so much at these films have changed my opinion of them.

Also got round to watching the Inception Blu-ray recently and while it wasn't quite as good as the IMAX my 5.1 system had a good go at rattling the windows. I enjoyed watching it again without having to get my head round it and feel it still stands up as very fine film. I'll definitely watch it again but hope they don't make a sequel.


Shooter - rather silly movie with Samuel L. Jackson and Mark Wahlburg about an assassination plot involving the US president, with an ex Army scout being framed after being 'used by the govt'. The movie is one of those which tries to weaver multiple events occuring simultaneously into one coherent story. 👍 for creativity, but 👎 for the ridiculous story - 5/10

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Clash of the Titans
Prince of Persia
The Expendables
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Salt Watched it in the theater and then Heather bought it for me on on Blu Ray. Wathced it again. Such a great movie!

House Also finished watching every single episode and season of House.