What night track / car combo are you most looking forward to in GT5?

To keep this from turning into another wish list, please keep this to cars and tracks we know are confirmed for GT5

SLS AMG @ Nurburgring night

In the spirit of not turning this into another wishlist, my answer will be any of the great cars and all of the great tracks that will be in GT5 :) And I do mean it sincerely.


Around Spa.

No idea if either are confirmed but I want.
Any rally car on any ,hopefully, point to point curcuit at night!


A Lancia Delta on any track at night in any weather!!!!!

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NASCAR @ Daytona (Something about these cars at night just looks awesome)

I think some of that might be those powerful stadium lights that seem to light up everything pretty evenly.

I noticed this when I realized I like the look of NFL games played in indoor stadiums as opposed to games played in outdoor stadiums during the day (a lot of dark distracting shadows)