cfusionpmthey are "special" versions of four race cars: R92CP, 787B, GT-One, and i forgot the name of the last one... anyway, i just bought all 4 of them 15 minutes ago. took a little over 8 million cr to buy em. they show up for one week starting on day 694. two of them are in used car lot I (at the bottom), and the other two are in used car lot II (also at the bottom). dunno when/if they repeat, so you better save up!
rickstaraw yeah, dude you're awesome. i was expecting some moderator to yell at me and tell me to go do a search for "black LMP" prize cars instead
was it 8 million to buy all four of them? or 8 mill each? cuz i'm on day 590 something, and i only gots 2.2 mill on me. i don't want to miss any of these bad boys when day 694 rolls around
Minnesota01R6Um, yeah. You do need to search. There are atleast 3 different threads that mention them, and now this is a 4th. Perhaps you should try reading my FAQ: