What time is it?

United States
Eugene, OR USA
I don't think anyone thought of this one, but looking on Gamespot just now, this caught my eye:

Here's the thing though, if there is a time deal in this, will it run off system time, or, if they do implement day/night cycles, would it be game time? Just something to think about, or maybe it also leads to day/night cycles? Who knows, but just thought I would share with you guys this screen shot.
That dash looks so real. I'm drooling over it.

But that would be cool if it ran off system time. Its always the little things that make games better.
very nice graphics there, that must be a nissan 370z!

I hope that all the guages like the temperature and the petrol gauge will be working when the game is release..
Probably system time..but there has been no mention of day/night cycles so if its midnight system time it will still be daylight on the race (on most tracks,some tracks may be permanent night..like the SS ones)

Get over it,day/night cycles will not be included!!
probably system time..but there has been no mention of day/night cycles so if its midnight system time it will still be daylight on the race (on most tracks,some tracks may be permanent night..like the ss ones)

get over it,day/night cycles will not be included!!

Probably system time..but there has been no mention of day/night cycles so if its midnight system time it will still be daylight on the race (on most tracks,some tracks may be permanent night..like the SS ones)

Get over it,day/night cycles will not be included!!
Um, yes it has been mentioned. Not confirmed, but mentioned.

And you dont know it wont be included, we want it, so no, we wont get over it.
Probably system time..but there has been no mention of day/night cycles so if its midnight system time it will still be daylight on the race (on most tracks,some tracks may be permanent night..like the SS ones)

Get over it,day/night cycles will not be included!!

It was mentioned in the interview by JVN here http://www.jvn.com/jeux/articles/interview-gran-turismo-5-r-eacute-v-eacute-lations-exclusives.html but no confirmation yet. It's taken from this thread: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=120748

If the name of Benoit Treluyer do you say may be nothing, this is alençon original figure star in Japan, where he was notably champion GT 500 with the Nismo team. For JVN.com, he agreed to accompany us in the premises of Polyphony Digital to ask some questions to the immense Kazunori Yamauchi.
An encounter between two lovers racing to the sidelines of the interview, we will also yielded a few revelations about GT5. It has learned that the game has a good day / night cycle and it will last, can run in the rain. Similarly, management of the tires would wear to the program. Degradation which varies depending on the quality of pilotage and the rise in temperature gums. This will make it possible to optimize its sets of tires and driving studying graphic races, explained in detail in the video. Finally, if the F1 does not appear in the program of GT5, it is assumed that other cars would enter, starting with the famous Polyphony 001, 002, etc..
The interiors did always stun me, for their "first shot" at it its NOICE, they really give the feeling of different textures, now if they could just HI-RES those gloves, they look out of place!

Lots of cars in GT5P have a fixed time on their digi-clock, the audi R8 for one, it even has weather for a german city and a radio station dialed in, i don't know how much it signifies having time or weather.
Regardless whether or not day/night cycles are included, if that time indication changes while driving, than that is very important feature. Assuming that the time does change during the race, than there are a few possibilities:

1. The time is only in-game and fictional. Like in GT4 where the dates change, but have nothing to do with the actual date/time.

2. The time is taken from your PS3 and merely displayed as such. This would give some weird consequences in non-online modes, when you decide to pause for a while. The time indicator would have to change accordingly (jump) when you resume the game.

3. The time is taken (in real-time) from the location where the race takes place and (again) it makes only sense while being on-line (so no pause option). Besides, the fictional courses don't have a location on Earth, unless PD have changed that.

4. For online games it would be actual time from the location where the event is taken place, with an arbritary time for the fictional courses.

Anyway, if the time indicator changes while racing, than it is safe to say that day/night cycling is included in the game. And when that time is taken from the actual track location, than it is also quite possible that the weather conditions are a reflection from that location at that time.
It could just be showcasing the total time spent on that track.

Either way, I remember seeing that picture before, but I just overlooked it because it screams 'pre-rendered'
It could just be showcasing the total time spent on that track.

Either way, I remember seeing that picture before, but I just overlooked it because it screams 'pre-rendered'

I don't think that's pre-rendered, hopefully that's all in game! :)

I think it's the system time, maybe it's a hint towards day/night cycles
Day/night cycles only really matter on endurance races...

Most races will probably have a set start time, so you know if you are racing during the day or night.

At least thats what i'm expecting PD to implement.
The pic seems to be accurately portraying the interior. Just as the C6 Vette has a HUD of the speed, the Nissan has the time right in your face.
It means nothing , in gt5p we had the time on some dashboards too, the R8 got even the temperature....
This brings me to another question, are the mileage gauges gonna show the actual mileage you've driven on that car?

This I would say yes to. Though the odometer wasn't the best on GT4 it was there. With the visual upgrades to the cockpit view I could only imagine the odometer to look way better this time around in GT5.
This brings me to another question, are the mileage gauges gonna show the actual mileage you've driven on that car?

This I would say yes to. Though the odometer wasn't the best on GT4 it was there. With the visual upgrades to the cockpit view I could only imagine the odometer to look way better this time around in GT5.

This is one feature I hope returns. I liked keeping track of how many miles you have raced in that car. Especially doing Enduros and watching the ODO keep going up. I really do hope it returns.
Hammer time???

Ha ha. That made me chuckle.

Anyway back to topic, I had never even though about this. I don't know if I would like that. I play most on my PS3 at night so I would forever be doing night races.

I would appreciate having night racing from time to time but the Le Mans race in Grid put me off forever it was so hard!

I suppose they would be relative to the part of the world or " locations " your racing in. 10pm here could be daylight somewhere else.

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