What video game is Stan playing in this episode of South Park?

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I don't know what episode this was but I think it was when Towelie gave them the Gamesphere. I have not seen that episode in 5 years, so please help. Anyways, it looks like he is driving a red Mazda MX-5 look alike around Vice City, but it seems to be animated. But if you look on the top, there is a time limit, score header, and speedometer, something that GTA: Vice City does not have. I later was wondering a Need For Speed game. What game does it look like Stan is playing?

Anyways, here is the pic.
Seeing as the whole episode uses video games for the boys to play out the stereotype of the rock band lifestyle, it's just a visual Matt & Trey put together to represent Stan "driving to clear his head" and then putting the car into reverse to "return to Kyle". Similar to Heroin Hero & Rehab Hero to represent the boys playing out that part of the lifestyle. In short, no game in particular.
Seeing as the whole episode uses video games for the boys to play out the stereotype of the rock band lifestyle, it's just a visual Matt & Trey put together to represent Stan "driving to clear his head" and then putting the car into reverse to "return to Kyle". Similar to Heroin Hero & Rehab Hero to represent the boys playing out that part of the lifestyle. In short, no game in particular.
I was questioning what game they were parodying.
You have your answer in the last sentence. It's just something they created, likely using cues from GTA & whatever else. The game in the show is called Cross Country Cruiser.
Or Cruisin' USA....

I think this has been answered.

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