Sage must be like, really smart.
I'm home schooled and yearly testing starts Monday and goes through Wednesday. Should be easy, though. I'm using this GED book as test preparation so I should be good to go. Did you know I only need 48% over all on this test to pass? Either WV really is dumb or out nation has degraded its standards below utter recognition. Today I was just reviewing some different types of math; tomorrow Ill do that some more. Come Monday, Ill be kickin!
Id hate to be in an honors class, too much work. Blah, school sucks as it is.
You know, my brother is a genius. I say that, because I care
And so is my other brother, supposedly, although Ive never seen his graded. Really though, my oldest brother is currently getting his masters in electronics engineering at WV University and he has the highest grades in the class. He is on the presidents list every year. When he got his 4-year at another college he was also top of the class, 4.0, presidents list student. I sure wish I was like him, some kind of smart right there. My oldest sister is also smart, although I beg to differ
.Well just say thats what the grades say
Id say home schooling, or at least in my familys case, is a great idea
Unfortunately my younger sister has a friend who has successfully failed the annual tests. You heard me right, you need 48% or more to pass, and this girl didnt pass! Shes home schooled, which puts a bad name on all home schooled students and I hate that.
Something kind of cool, though. Being home schooled makes it really easy to graduate a year early. Since I only need an extra math and something else, if I do those with the rest of my 11th grade school work and take the 12th grade test next year, Ill be able to graduate! Two of my siblings did this, and Ill be making it 3.