What's the best car for Like the Wind?

  • Thread starter RIPCDE
By far not the best car, but I used a Mine's Lancer Evolution VI '00 for Route X. I used NOS and I had to keep on blocking the Veyron and FXX. Won by 1/10 of a second.

BTW The best car is the Esprit Sport 350. Easily demolishes the competition.
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I used a ZZII and it was a little hard but doable.

Best/Cheapest way to beat this whole series in my opinion is the ZZII. The car only costs 60,000cr for a car that can be upgraded to have around 960HP, easily 284Mph on SSRX, and can more than keep up with LM cars on the track. Use mid range turbo for circuits, and the high range for SSRX.
I used the Ford Focus 15th Anniversary tuned to max. Slipstream one of the fast cars in the race (Veyron, FXX etc.) and overtake using NOS just as you enter the final straight. Reaching 425km/h in this car is a hell of a ride!
Don't forget a fully tuned C7 Corvette (stock 7speed transmission) will destroy Like The Wind route X. It also has a higher top speed without nitrous, mine does 292ish(no NAWZz). The Vette cost 51,000 credits and it's very cheap to rebuild which is a big advantage.
How can I catch the first place car on SS7 it seems impossible I tried R18 TDI 15th at max turbo and tuned transmission and can't catch to the group of the 3 last cars did PD make a mistake?
I personally used the Bugatti Veyron on Route X and SS7, both of which were extremely easy with the right tuning. I was even able to take a tuned up Aventador at about 626PP to get the David and Goliath trophy on Route X.
I used my Bentley Speed 8. Probably not the fastest or the best car, but it was more than enough to get the job done for me.
I finally passed SS7 with final 4.500 on R18 TDI 15th the distance of the cars makes no since not even Nascar races are distance this bad :mad:
Nuked all of them first time. Using the Chapparal 2J. It's even more of an overpowered beast in this one than last time. It's a big investment for 4.6 million. But not only is it fast enough to win any of the 600 and 650pp events. It is old enough for the Classic car events. So you really do get your investment back. Stick a fat Turbo on it if you like, and it's close to 1000 bhp. I just stuck the trans to about 270 top speed and coasted home by at least 20 seconds a race.
If you use the C7 (I used AE C7), full power upgrade and set trans to 298 (highest), you will absolutely destroy the competition even WITHOUT NITROUS on Route X. Have not purchased nitrous and do not intend to.
I use a Lamborghini Reventon. Max out the tuning and crank the Transmission to 480km/h but the same results we also found using the Aventador and the Gallardo and no car could overtake them the moment they hit 400km/h!

Out of some sheer luck and tactical use of drafting I even managed two wins with my R35 GT-R Touring Car!


I used the top end Alfa. Hits well over 300 without NOS or drafting. Had it going 342 drafting with NOS. It's not cheap though.
I just used a beefed GTR Black. I already had the car anyway, as well as a few upgrades. I just whacked more upgrades on it and it was pretty good to go. SS races were a laugh, but the Indy (I think it was?) race I had to do a few times. I kept making the mistake of overtaking the leader before the end of the race, at which point he'd just fly straight past me across the line. So I whacked nitro on it, 50%, waited behind him with a sizeable portion of nitro left over for the final dash. But the SS stages were a piece of cake. Forget slipstreaming, I kept my distance from those AI nutters and just flew past with what I then realised was a relatively ridiculous straight line speed.

I did try SSX with something else, some Citroen prize car or something, but the thing was wildly unstable at high speed and I couldn't be bothered trying to do anything about it. The GTR on the other hand was a piece of cake to drive.
i think indy is better for grinding... more turns but it is much shorter overall...
I'll take your word for it on Indy being shorter, but when I did it I found SSX to basically be a guaranteed win. In the same car on Indy I'd only catch the leader on the last lap and then have to be a bit shifty to try make sure I was the one to cross the line first. If I wanted to grind, I'd just go to SSX and hold the throttle. Occasionally turn the wheel slightly, and then back to just straight line. Incredibly boring, but pretty much only your own stupidity can stop you from winning. And even then, I got bored and decided to try figure out which button I'd assigned to the horn. I found the e-brake instead. Still won the race easily. :lol:

Mind you, I suppose with a more appropriate car Indy might be easier, but if I've already got a car that can utterly dominate SSX, it makes more sense to me for grinding to just go with that rather than spending a whole bunch of money to grind on Indy instead.

That said... it's boring, so I'm not gonna be doing any of it. :lol:
I used a Veyron at first, seemed to top out at 282 or so, then went to a Supra RZ fully modified and could get up to 284.
I used a stock R18 TDI Anniversary car. It's not the fastest of the competition but with drafting and clean laps it easily wins.
Pagani Huyara fully tuned with a stretched trans will do 298+with no a draft and 320+ with n2o. Drafting speeds are a pain because it's so fast without it, you fly past either way. Just raise the rear end and drop the front of you're experiencing difficulty cornering.

For those of you hitting the rev limiter in your final gear, but the fully customizeable trans and adjust the top speed slider to its max for a quick fix. If you still manage to top out in some way, reduce your final gear slider by .700 and I can almost promise you won't top out any car no matter the build.

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I won it in the ZZII, not much effort bar that bloody C60 took a few attempts for that first race the other two it breezed
I used the 2J with a full engine tuning. hits 280 no problem, and gets there pretty fast. I edit the power limiter and use this car for everything. My baby is a demon.

Mother of god, I has bought that one last night and test it in "like the wind" ahhh it's unnstopable...
The easiest win on all of " Like The Wind" races is with the RedBull junior.

It only puts RedBull juniors against you. You can lengthen the gears to about 210 mph and it's an easy win.

Not fun but if you just want a win it's a free one except RH tyres.
I used Nissan GTR and won pretty easily. But yesterday i tried Merc-Benz fully tuned and it was absolute beast. I maxed the gears and then hit 503 km/h on downhill with NOS. It did something like 480km/h on straight w/o nos or lipstreaming. Easy win.
E:And i meant Vision Gt model
If you want to grind for credits, Indy race is the best bet, and less boring than the others. Using the Toyota Minolta, I've run it in 3:21.455 which is much faster than I can finish the other two races. Payoff is nearly 140K credits if you have the 200% sign in bonus.

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