I've gone 126 with muy dad in a Millenia S, we were test driving it and decided to really test it. This was at about 10pm, and we would have gone faster but a taxi looking like a cop car slowed us down...
Other high speeds:
97mph in our '92 MPV V6, with a car top carrier, 4 people, and a ton of crap. Trans started smoking and we pulled into a rest stop. We were running from this guy in a Legend(no not Zero

)and my mom was driving, dad was sleeping in the middle seat. We had it floored for about 3 miles, constent downshifting cause oil to over heat and spew out the vents, and my dad didn't wake up till the rest stop. No damage done, exept some people on the road got an oil paint job.
117mph in my brother's old '87 626, he was going down to Cape Geurardo(MO) and decided to try it, I wasn't there. Only a 93hp car too.
95 in my 323, dad was driving and had to get to a store before they closed. Cruised nicely.
146 in my dad's '86 RX-7 NA, I wasn't there. He was on his way to Chicago, and on hyway 55 there is a strait part, a 3 mile or so stetch, and there's an old silo near the road. He said he just floored it and held on for the stretch.
105 in my brother's '88 MX-6 GT, I was there, on our way to school, we were running late(7:50 when we left our house, and to go to school normally takes 15 min or so, and school starts at 8)and we got onto this main road(not even a hyway, more like a 4 lane thurofare)and we floored it to the end of the road(about a mile stretch) and then made a yellow light at about 50 mph(turning from 1 road to another, very dangerus but we made it)and got to school on time.
Several other speed, not in recent time or anything...