whats the fastest you've gone.

  • Thread starter troy


Hey, whats the fastest you guys gone. On a regular highway, not like a race course/test course.

I've only gone 90..but hey i have to drive w/ my parents.
I did 205kmh (indicated) in our old 2 litre Vectra - and I can confirm the cruise control works at 180kmh.

I once had a Holden HQ ute with a 4 speed manual and the old 5.7 litre Chevy (warmed up a bit) out to 210kmh. Got there awfully quickly.
i once did 155mph on the motorway going to work at 4 in the morning, i would of gone faster but the crappy electronic restriction system on my M roadster wont let me
Originally posted by Angel O'Death
i did 140 going from NY to baltimore in a 84 nissan maxima. (inline 6)

Hehe i did the same speed in my 90 maxima but like BMW POWER said....
Originally posted by BMW POWER
i would of gone faster but the crappy electronic restriction system

Maximas are cool... I still love mine even though its 12 years old. But its still going strong and when it decides to die on me than ill get my self a 2000 model or newer. That or the new 6 cylinder Altimas. :P
Not very impressive but 110mph in a Citroen BX 16 valve with a friend driving. Fastest I've driven is 103mph in my Citroen GSA.
Fastest I've driven is approx 120km/h in a 125cc shifter kart.
And fastest I've driven in a car (my dad driving) was 245-250km/h on the way back from Paris. (with a Volvo S80 T6)
had 235 kph out of the jag it was still going was only doing just under 5000 rpm should be able to red line at 6500 so I would say it can do some where between 250 to 260... It will do 115kph in first gear and 180 kph in 2nd so at 235 its only just getting going
I've gone 126 with muy dad in a Millenia S, we were test driving it and decided to really test it. This was at about 10pm, and we would have gone faster but a taxi looking like a cop car slowed us down...

Other high speeds:
97mph in our '92 MPV V6, with a car top carrier, 4 people, and a ton of crap. Trans started smoking and we pulled into a rest stop. We were running from this guy in a Legend(no not Zero :) )and my mom was driving, dad was sleeping in the middle seat. We had it floored for about 3 miles, constent downshifting cause oil to over heat and spew out the vents, and my dad didn't wake up till the rest stop. No damage done, exept some people on the road got an oil paint job.
117mph in my brother's old '87 626, he was going down to Cape Geurardo(MO) and decided to try it, I wasn't there. Only a 93hp car too.
95 in my 323, dad was driving and had to get to a store before they closed. Cruised nicely.
146 in my dad's '86 RX-7 NA, I wasn't there. He was on his way to Chicago, and on hyway 55 there is a strait part, a 3 mile or so stetch, and there's an old silo near the road. He said he just floored it and held on for the stretch.
105 in my brother's '88 MX-6 GT, I was there, on our way to school, we were running late(7:50 when we left our house, and to go to school normally takes 15 min or so, and school starts at 8)and we got onto this main road(not even a hyway, more like a 4 lane thurofare)and we floored it to the end of the road(about a mile stretch) and then made a yellow light at about 50 mph(turning from 1 road to another, very dangerus but we made it)and got to school on time.
Several other speed, not in recent time or anything...
the fastest i've gone is about 200 mph in a ferrari!!!!

in a game...
Need for speed- highstakes.....
got you all excited didn't ya?.... sorry about dat
but my fastest was just 80 mph during my drivivg lesson! 😈
The fastest i ever gone was 200km/h with my fathers Ford focus stationwagon. That was in germany on the way home from skivacation. Couldn't go faster because we had a skibox on the roof:D
I did about 115mph in an eclipse spider with a massive turbo. The only thing that slowed us down was the fact that the top was down and I was screaming my lungs dry. Someone should really warn you before they do something like that.

Nexus Maelstrom
My personal fastest speed(me driving) was 44mph on my bike lol. I've only driven a car in a parking lot, so I only got up to 20 at the most.
I've riddin in a Ferrari 355 doing 145MPH...
Not on a highway though, at Lime Rock Raceway in CT.
Originally posted by MazKid
My personal fastest speed(me driving) was 44mph on my bike lol. I've only driven a car in a parking lot, so I only got up to 20 at the most.

That's pretty ****ing fast for a bike MazChild!
yea, it was fun, and that's on my mountain bike, my brother pasted me a little and then my dad past both of us. We were at this park, and the road get's pretty steep downward, and we just kept pedaling, and I have a speedo on my bike so I can see how fast I'm going. It's fun, but I haven't ridden at all this year, I'm getting lazy and with driving a car comeing up the bike becomes sorta obsolite...
You coulda said something like, "What's a Ferrari?"....that woulda been worse. :)
Does a motorbike count as well? I've ever done 285 Kmh on my Suzuki GSXR750W :cool: . Tuned to 150 bhp, weight reduced to 170 Kg. This was on a German Autobahn, I was heading to the Nurburgring Nordschleiffe for a couple of laps..... :D
An indicated 146mph in a Subaru Impreza Turbo, off the (150mph) clock (6800rpm in 5th) in a chipped Audi Quattro. The first was me driving, the second was my dad.
I've gone 210kmh in a Fiat 124 with my dad

One thing I might add: The engine was not an original Fiat engine. I think it was Lancia or something, and it had about 400hp. That was a totally crazy car.
A real-life hybrid!! :D
Originally posted by venzent
Does a motorbike count as well? I've ever done 285 Kmh on my Suzuki GSXR750W :cool: . Tuned to 150 bhp, weight reduced to 170 Kg. This was on a German Autobahn, I was heading to the Nurburgring Nordschleiffe for a couple of laps..... :D

mmm i love bikes. almost bought a yamaha R6, and then i saw the Agusta M4 and ducati 996...heaven. wut year is your GSX? the hp seems kinda low considering the R6 made 150bhp stock. man i love that bike :)
oh yea, suzuki makes some hot ass bikes! love those GSX's! see them allllll over the place come summer time. can't wait :cheeburga have you seen any agusta m4's out there? those bastards are hand made and i forget how many they made, but it was only a real small amount. damn i wanted one, but i wasn't about to spend $40k on a bike!! :banghead:
Originally posted by Angel O'Death

mmm i love bikes. almost bought a yamaha R6, and then i saw the Agusta M4 and ducati 996...heaven. wut year is your GSX? the hp seems kinda low considering the R6 made 150bhp stock. man i love that bike :)

It was a 1995 (crashed with it in Luxembourg, 5 days IC) :nervous:
the fastest i went was in my friends 96' accord, 178mph, not even redlining

he's got,
1996 honda accord
2 s2000 turbos
k&n cold air intake
wings west body kit
headlight strobes
undercarridge lights
neon blue interior lights
two 7 inch tv screens on the back or the seats
a dvd player
a mephis audio system two 15 inch subs
an 800 watt amp in a custom incloseur
head unit with 6 cd changer
17 inch O-Z racing rims
euro tails
headlight eyebrows
dual tone air horn
load a$$ muffler
and a NOS system soon to be installed

he's getting,
sparco racing seats
carbon fiber hood
Z3 fenders
and more