whats the fastest you've gone.

  • Thread starter troy
tell him he should get the beast if he really likes bass. theres nothing that compares to it :D (the beast = DD)

as for you venzent...:splat:embarrassed:UCH!! did the bike survive? LOL! i know how expensive repairs on a bike can be. i've seen many nice bikes, basically brand new sell for maaaaaad cheap. why? cause they crashed and broke the plastics (body), and yet everything else was still mint. such expensive crap, i'd just make a nice cardboard cutout and tape that **** on :lol:
Originally posted by Angel O'Death
tell him he should get the beast if he really likes bass. theres nothing that compares to it :D (the beast = DD)

as for you venzent...:splat:embarrassed:UCH!! did the bike survive? LOL! i know how expensive repairs on a bike can be. i've seen many nice bikes, basically brand new sell for maaaaaad cheap. why? cause they crashed and broke the plastics (body), and yet everything else was still mint. such expensive crap, i'd just make a nice cardboard cutout and tape that **** on :lol:

Well, the bike survived it, but as you sayd, all plastic was broken, I traded it for a Suzuki TL1000s (twin engine). Very nice bike also. Sold that one, because I became a father (damn women :P ).....Waiting a couple of years and them I'm gonna buy a Buell Lightning
i rode in my uncle's Porsche 911 Turbo (1986) at roughly 280-290kph when i was a kid... it was hair-raising!!!
i did 160mph on my zx6r ninja on an "A" road coming back from ashford....**** vehicles appear fast at that speed.... :eek:
waiting for delivery of my gsxr600, lets see what she can do....... 😈
The fastest speed I've ever made was 135 mph in a '92 Acura Integra B17 GS-R on I-15 northbound from L.A. to Victorville challenging a SVT Lightning, I defeated the pickup when I slowed down and saw a copcar ahead of me. They had fun, I had fun everybodys happy.😈

My other Feats:
'98 Mitsubishi Montero Sport - 98 mph :nervous:
'92 Nissan Sentra EX Saloon [Philippines] - 183 kph :burnout:
'97 Mazda 323 Familia (Protege)[Philippines] - 202 kph :cheers:
'98 M-B MB100 (Ssang Yong Istana)[Philippines] - 125 kph :grumpy:
Originally posted by MazKid
My personal fastest speed(me driving) was 44mph on my bike lol. I've only driven a car in a parking lot, so I only got up to 20 at the most.
did you have one of those speedometers on your bike??

on my friends bike we went 52 mph down a hill

when we stopped on the bottom the rims were so damn hot...

my friend was the pegs...

that speed is really scary on a bike...
Yea I got a speedo. I wish it linked to the back tire, I could see how fast I could pedal and stuff.
Originally posted by DessViperV-10

did you have one of those speedometers on your bike??

on my friends bike we went 52 mph down a hill

when we stopped on the bottom the rims were so damn hot...

my friend was the pegs...

that speed is really scary on a bike...
man back in the day when i use to ride my bike i hit about 55mph going down this one hill. :eek: its crazy speeds when your on a thin 12 pound bike. I remember picking a smashed bug off my glasses when i stopped. :lol:
psonefreak-you got an MPV? V6 I'm guessing for that speed...4wd or regular? We have a '92 MPV V6...nice ride and full throttle sounds racey lol.
Cool! Ours is Silve/Navy Blue 2 tone. about 90,000miles, exelent shape. Our second MPV(first was a '88, didn't make it through a really bad wreck. Front frame was bent agains the wheel(right side), but from the start of the front door back it was mint, just too much damage in the front). I like it alot. Has taken 2 trips to FLA, 1 to Ohio, and many other little trips. Cruise is great, but you can't accelerat above 90 with the cruise, you have to go faster(as fast as you want) and then set it.

Your MPV is tan..(hard to tell from the pic). I'd get a tan gill, it would look a lot better. Just go to a local junk yard and look for one. Costomize it lol!
Originally posted by Nexus Maelstrom
I did about 115mph in an eclipse spider with a massive turbo. The only thing that slowed us down was the fact that the top was down and I was screaming my lungs dry. Someone should really warn you before they do something like that.

Nexus Maelstrom

I'm not certain about this, but I think we were moving a bit faster than 115mph. He got it into fifth, and that should require about 130, maybe faster. (: We got from the Exit 130 on-ramp to the Exit 129 off-ramp in about ... 30 seconds. That includes acceleration and deceleration ... and those two exits are just over a mile appart.

ps1-I'm only 15 here, but I do fix stuff on our cars. Little stuff like tightening the antenna, or changing the wheel caps. Just simple stuff. If you ever want to do something, just ask your parents and say what you want to do and how it will help the looks/peformance, if you pay for it they won't have a problem. Grill should only cost about $5 if that much.
And that 626 is a DX? My grandma has a '95 LX, it's nice. Got it from the local Mazda rep my dad is freinds with. He also had a 323 GTX(the older model). Really cool.
Alright. I doubt my parents will let me but I'll try. I'd like to put duel exaust with strait pipes on it and new hub caps. I could do it too if I had the money. Anything else you can think of?
It's got hubs? then is it 4 0r 5 lug? Find a set of wheels, from the junk yard. MPV wheels or 626 wheels, or go all out and find a set of RX-7 wheels.
Yea check the #of lugs. Most Mazda rims have the same lug pattern, so their simi interchangable. It's probably 5 lug, so you can get 626, 929, Millenia, MX-6, Tribute(good luck finding)or new MPV(good luck finding)or Protege 5(good luck finding, although one of my brother's freinds found a brand new set on Ebay, he has it on his MX-6 GT, looks cool). 3rd gen RX-7 wheels are too deep to fit I think, maybe the 2nd gen would fit. Hope that helps.
I think I've set a new top speed for me driving....

Yesterday my dad set me loose in the 323 to drive around the parking lot where he works while he was doing something inside. I did about 20 hot laps around the place, floored it acouple of times got up to about 45(this is in a parking lot with new cars)and had to hit the brakes hard to avoid a dumpster. Almost lost controll when I hit this steep little hill and the car jumped(not off the ground), then I found that I could go over it better to have more fun. Gave 2 people a scare, one was on my speed section(a lane of new cars, probably about 1/12 of a mile) He was in a new Legacy Wagon and I was going to do a fast run, but I pulled over to the side and let him past. The other one was at one of the entraces to the parking lot, he pulled in as I was going up the hill, then I pulled next to my dad's stall(garages where he works) and let them pass. It was fun, like a big go cart ride. :)