What's up with the 80gb PS3 right now?

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
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United States
Midlantic Area
I tried to order a new-old-stock 60gb PS3 because I want the hardware BC feature. That ended up being a scary deal and I canceled the order after a few days.

So I started looking for the 80gb model, which a few days ago was readily available at $499 in the US.

It has suddenly vanished from everywhere. The 80gb was pulled from Sony's website last night (or even this morning) and none of the major big box websites list it as available (or list it at all). There are no news announcements I can find saying that a new model release is imminent.

That leaves me with several choices:
  • Buy a refurbished 60gb model for ~$450 now;
  • Wait an unknown amount of time and see if they release the rumoured 120gb unit with hardware compatibility; or
  • Just buy a new 40gb model now for ~$399 and keep my PS2 around (this is my least favorite option)

Anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, or new information?
With the 40Gb model you lose 20Gb of storage (rectifiable with a new 2.5" SATA drive), 2 USB ports (rectifiable with a hub), flash media readers (rectifiable with a flash media USB dongle) and PS2 compatibility (rectifiable with a PS2).

If you really, really want an all-in-one box, hold out for the 60Gb one. Otherwise I wouldn't bother.

And bear in mind that you're paying half what we do in the UK - change your $ to £ and you have the same predicament a friend of mine has...
I really would prefer an all-in-one. The hardware compatibility is really talking to me. In fact, having been nearly prepared to pay $500 for a new 80gb machine, I'm willing to go $600 for a brand new, 120gb, hardware-compatible machine...

...if such a thing is likely to exist in the next month or so.
I have to say it's nice to slot a PS2 game into the PS3 - though EU consoles had software emulation only, not the hardware emulation of the 20/60Gb NTSC models. But bear in mind that PS1 games work with all PS3s.

What does the 120Gb model offer over the 40Gb one in addition to the BC?
Supposedly it will be the first Western unit to ship with the DS3, and I assume it will have a variety of additional ports. The ports are not deal makers/breakers but the EE chipset would be a very big benefit to me since I could then move my PS2 to a different room and different TV to allow more gaming - or set up my own 2-player LAN party, if that's doable.

I'm finding March 24 as a possible date...
I tried a GT4 PS2/PS3 LAN. It works right up until you start driving :lol:

Not on the cards, I'm afraid.
Ah, well. Not that LAN use is important (or likely) anyway. Honestly, the extra HD capacity is just cake, since the HD is easily replaceable anyway.

But it there's a new build coming out in 3 weeks I really don't want to spend most of that money on a refurbished, year-plus-old machine.
From what I have gathered by looking around the PS forums, they aren't going to release a 120/160 GB model anytime soon, but in the coming months (Probably around June), they are going to release a 80GB pack with MGS4 and a DS3.

I don't particularly care about the HD size... though I would be surprised that they would actually discontinue the current 80gb version - as in, stop stocking it in stores and stop acknowledging its existence in any way - if all they were planning was to bundle it with a new game (no matter how big that game might be) when they started shipping it again.

If they are selling now as is, there is no benefit for Sony to stop selling them if the new version will be the same except for the included game. All that does is cost them sales and provides no positive for Sony. OTOH, if it is a new model with better spec, they will save themselves the inevitable angry recent-buyer issues by discontinuing the current 80 now and letting them sell out of stock.

I've heard about the MGS bundle in June, but I've also heard the machine itself will be released in late March.
I tried to order a new-old-stock 60gb PS3 because I want the hardware BC feature. *Snip*

Buy a refurbished 60gb model for ~$450 now; *Snip*

Anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, or new information?

I just finished sending my 60GB PS3 in for repairs, and under Warranty. Ironically, the repair facility as per the UPS address label is in my hometown. Anyway, my PS3 has not read PS3 games or Blu-ray discs since immediately after I installed Firmware Update 2.10 sometime back in December.

Even though I purchased the Best Buy Product Replacement Plan when I bought my PS3, I have been reluctant to exchange it because all that Best Buy has had in stock for months is the 40 GB PS3, and I did not want one of those.

About two weeks ago, I heard that our local Sam's Club store had several 60 GB PS3s in stock. I was tempted to buy another while haggling with Sony over my Warranty, but they wanted $599 + tax for this unit. Perhaps your local Sam's Club has some new 60 GB PS3s in stock, and hopefully, at a more reasonable price.

I must now wait patiently for the return of my PS3.
The Sam's here hs 3 different 40GB bundles ranging from $398 to $597. I'm glad my wife picked up the 80GB with the 5 free Blu-Ray movies package.
What Famine says is dead on. However. I own a 60GB PS3 (bought it because of the Emotion Engine), and I still own my PS2 (original big PS2 in almost collectible condition). I played a number of PS2 games on both.

My Setup:

52" Sharp Aquos 1080P HDTV
PS2 via Component Cables
PS3 via HDMI Cable

I have to admit, through an HDTV, my PS2 games actually look far better on my PS2. There are some visual problems here and there with the same games playing through the PS3. With a few games there have been color inconsistencies, and tracers from movement (especially in very dark scenes), as well as some camera shudder, and "Gasp" slower load times (only a few games). Both GT4 and Shadow of the Colossus look far better through the PS2 and it's component cables. So far, I have only tested a few games:

Shadow of the Colossus
Gran Turismo 4
MTV Music Generator 2 (I know, not much to look at as far as graphics)
Rogue Galaxy

They have all looked better through the PS2.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Is there some setting in the PS3 menu I have set wrong? I have looked through the settings, and nothing seems to really fix it. Any suggestions?

I just bought a used adult owned PS3 with a variety ofgames and goodeis for $500 after shipping. I decided on this one for the hard ware that allows it to read the PS2 games. I figured that was a better option than the software emulation of the 80 gig. I also lucked out and bought a brandnew 120 gig harddrive for $50 later that day. I just can't wait for it to come in the mail. Its funny, I recently bought a Maxdrive on ebay for my PS2 and as itturns out I don't need it anymore. I have already listed my three week old PS2 a there is really no point in hanging on to it anmd atleast right now on ebay they are selling for more than WalMart sells them for. Seeing as how I bought mine at Wally World on a discount it should cover the killer Stratocaster I just lucked intot for $150!!!

My two cents here is just go ahead and find one that an adult is selling because they work too much to play games anymore. Most of the time they are in like new condition and cheaper than the refurbed one ORwill come with lots of extragoodies for thesamemoney as the refurb if not a little more.

Man I'm loving this new Strat, its hhhoooootttttt!!!!!
@Delphic: Apparently setting the RGB range to "limited" instead of "Full" helps with some of the color issues.

Well, I've heard March 24 as a date to watch, and I also know the DS3 is being released in April. I think I'm going to wait a month and see what happens.
Well, I've heard March 24 as a date to watch, and I also know the DS3 is being released in April. I think I'm going to wait a month and see what happens.

March 24 is when everyone wants everything for the PS3 to come out, Home, new bundle, In-Game-XMB, new firmware, etc. so it's not that reliable a date, but wait and see what happens.

@Delphic: Apparently setting the RGB range to "limited" instead of "Full" helps with some of the color issues.


I'll give it a try?

Any other suggestions?

Has anyone noticed a similar problem?

March 24 is when everyone wants everything for the PS3 to come out, Home, new bundle, In-Game-XMB, new firmware, etc. so it's not that reliable a date, but wait and see what happens.


Indeed. I have seen dates all over the board. Everything, at the moment, is mere speculation.

You would think they would wait until atleast GTA:IV was on the market until for a while b4 getting rid of the 80gb. Some people will want to pick up a PS3 along with GTA and I doubt they want the 40gb model.

If Sony would release a PS3 bundle with GTA they sould move a lot of consoles ;)
I don't think they have cancelled the 80GB version, I got a flyer in the mail advertising the 80GB Motorstorm package for $499.99 at EB games (Game Stop).
It disappeared off of Sony's website the day I started this thread, and none of the big box CE stores in the US - Circuit City, BEst Buy, etc. - list it either.
I thought surely you hadn't been looking hard enough, but a quick search shows that you are correct. Only 40gb units can be found.

I wonder if they quit shipping 80gb units in order to bundle them all or if it is to draw more attention to a larger drive unit and then the 80gb will return with the MGS4 bundle.

If the 120gb unit turns out to just be a rumor would you mind waiting and then getting MGS4 in a bundle? If you don't want MGS4 you could get a bundle and I am sure we could work out some sort of deal for MGS4, especially since it will essentially be a free game.
I was at Target last night and all they had out was (2) 40Gb. There's definitely something going on with the 80's but what that something is is more of a secret than what the black cloud is on LOST.
I was at Target last night and all they had out was (2) 40Gb. There's definitely something going on with the 80's but what that something is is more of a secret than what the black cloud is on LOST.
Nothing is that big of a secret.

Duke, I see that Amazon retailers have 60gb and 80gb units for sale, but unless you want "used-like new" you are looking at $700+.

I've used Amazon retailers a few times in the past and had no problems. Oddly, if you email them with a question about the product in advance the answers are more detailed than Best Buy's online support. I once asked Best Buy if their XD memory card was an M-mode because my camera can't read them and all I got was an automated response that said they couldn't answer my question. An Amazon retailer said they had both and would ship me whichever I preferred.

That said, I have not dealt with individuals directly selling through Amazon, rather the online retailers, so you may be more cautious about who you are dealing with.
Yes, I've seen those, and I'm not willing to pay that much because I don't trust that they are actually new new. Ditto with ebay. Thanks for the tip, though.

There was a place offering 60gb models in "Factory Sealed New Units" for around $500 shipped. I jumped on ordering one, but the place ended up being a scam. I'm not out any money, but I'm not getting the PS3 I wanted, either.

If I can't find a reputable place offering guaranteed-new 60gb units for a reasonable price, I'll just buy a used one online from Gamestop (prices aren't too bad). But since the 80gb unit disappeared from existence right before my eyes - even off of Sony's site - I figured I'd wait a month and see. I'd kick myself if I paid a fortune for a used 60gb unit just to see a new, improved model come out that was not much more expensive.
I'd kick myself if I paid a fortune for a used 60gb unit just to see a new, improved model come out that was not much more expensive.
Bah! I bought mine two weeks before the first price cuts were announced.

As I have what I feel is the best overall system I have yet to regret my decision.

Plus, it was a birthday present to myself and I wasn't about to just sit around with $300 in checks for a month waiting to see what happened.
Bah! I bought mine two weeks before the first price cuts were announced.

I bought mine the day before the one with the 2 games pack (Motorstorm and Resistance) hit the stores. I was such a clown... :rolleyes:

Duke - I was going to say over here you could still find PS3's other than the 40Gb one, but I've been searching and I must say I'm in awe.
I was certain that both the 80Gb one and occasionally a 60Gb one could be found with relative ease, but they're not anywhere. Even some places that have the 60Gb listed (usually on a bundle with 2 games) state they're unavailable 'for the moment', it's puzzling.

(on the other hand, I just found out the G25 has dropped from €247 to €197, so I guess with GT5 Prologue approaching fast, the time has come :D)
Yes, I've seen those, and I'm not willing to pay that much because I don't trust that they are actually new new. Ditto with ebay. Thanks for the tip, though.

I'd say that's a good call.

If I can't find a reputable place offering guaranteed-new 60gb units for a reasonable price, I'll just buy a used one online from Gamestop (prices aren't too bad). But since the 80gb unit disappeared from existence right before my eyes - even off of Sony's site - I figured I'd wait a month and see. I'd kick myself if I paid a fortune for a used 60gb unit just to see a new, improved model come out that was not much more expensive.

Don't wait, Duke. The only feature any new model will have, that will be above and beyond the 60gb model, will be the HDD size. It will have the Emotion engine (reportedly), and all the media slots, usb ports, etc... If anything it may have another usb port or two, and/or a slightly quieter fan. However, the current PS3 isn't very loud in the first place, it already has plenty of USB ports/media slots, and it takes 5 minutes to swap the 60GB HDD out and anything up to a 320GB HDD in. The PS3 has options in the menu for backing up EVERYTHING on your 60GB HDD onto an external HDD, and another option to restore everything back onto the new HDD. I'm buying a 250GB HDD for mine. :sly:

So there really isn't much of a reason to wait. I'd say go for a refurbished 60GB model with a warranty. That way it has been tested, and will have a limited time warranty (that you will subsequently make void anyway with the removal of the stock HDD unit). It's up to you, but I say get a 60GB model before there just aren't any left.

That way it has been tested, and will have a limited time warranty (that you will subsequently make void anyway with the removal of the stock HDD unit).
As I understand it switching out HDD is an intended feature and does not void the warranty as long as you don't do anything outside the official instructions. So, that may not even be a worry.
As I understand it switching out HDD is an intended feature and does not void the warranty as long as you don't do anything outside the official instructions. So, that may not even be a worry.

Wow, I did not know that. I'm going to have to check into that. It makes sense, seeing as the options are right in the main PS menu. Hmmmm.... Good news all around.

I went into the local K-Mart yesterday while doing some birthday shopping for my wife. They are notorious for having media on shelves that aren't supposed to be, such as the Disney classics that are supposed to be back in the vault.

So anyway, while there I notice one other thing sitting on the shelf that apparently shouldn't be: 80gb PS3 Motorstorm bundle for $499.

Just a heads up that they are out there.