What's up with the 80gb PS3 right now?

  • Thread starter Duke
Thanks! I think I'll hold out for an 80+ gb machine with hardware BC, though. If they don't announce that in the next month or so, I'll pick up a used 60gb machine.
So, I'm dredging my own thread here, but I've been very very busy and haven't had time to do any research.

Is there any news on the upcoming higher-model PS3 release?
So, I'm dredging my own thread here, but I've been very very busy and haven't had time to do any research.

Is there any news on the upcoming higher-model PS3 release?
No, but as for a lack of 80GB models Sony said, "Our bad."

From yesterday:

Sony America VP of marketing, Scott Steinberg, admits in an extensive interview with GameDaily that the company underestimated the demand for the 80GB PS3. He says the $100 extra for the 80GB model at $499 didn't seem "that big of a deal" to certain consumers. Beyond the price and obvious drive space difference, the 80GB enjoys backwards compatibility with many PS2 games, which the 40GB does not.

Steinberg states Sony is replenishing the marketplace with the 80GB model and expects to see "mass market appeal" from the upcoming $500 Metal Gear Solid bundle. At a minimum, expect one significant change in future PS3 models with the Sixaxis being tossed out and the DualShock 3 becoming the new hotness.

So, it wasn't that they pulled them, they just didn't think we cared about BC enough to pay $100 for it.

So, that answers your OP question.
I have been pleasantly surprised with my 80GB and the BC. My 9 year old has plenty of PS2 games that he still plays and without the need for an extra piece of equipment in the room is all the better. TT and GT4 look much better then I was expecting. I heard fears from some that they looked quite terrible on the PS3 but I can't say that I agree. I'd recommend picking up the first one that you can find.
There was a place offering 60gb models in "Factory Sealed New Units" for around $500 shipped. I jumped on ordering one, but the place ended up being a scam. I'm not out any money, but I'm not getting the PS3 I wanted, either.

If I can't find a reputable place offering guaranteed-new 60gb units for a reasonable price, I'll just buy a used one online from Gamestop (prices aren't too bad). But since the 80gb unit disappeared from existence right before my eyes - even off of Sony's site - I figured I'd wait a month and see. I'd kick myself if I paid a fortune for a used 60gb unit just to see a new, improved model come out that was not much more expensive.

When i bought my 40gb model early last month, i had originally aimed to get hold of a now discontinued 60gb version, but could find none that were genuinely 'new' or from reliable sources. To be honest i've not found the lack of backwards compatibility an issue nor the lack of extra USB or card-reader ports.

I will say however, to definitely shop with a well known supplier. I bought mine from a small company, but one that uses Google Checkout. As it's turned out it's been one hell of a mistake. Their offer of a PS3, F1:CE, Drakes Fortune, CoD4 and free next day delivery for £350 was the best all around offer i could find.

I'm so used to the likes of Play.com and Amazon giving you good service i felt sure the smaller operations would try to go the extra mile to compete. How wrong i was. The console took 2 weeks to arrive - yes it was delivered the next day, but this was after taking 13 days between processing the order and taking my money and dispatching it. When it did eventually arrive it was missing the CoD4 game. It took a further 2 weeks for me to get an answer from them to why they hadn't sent me CoD4, their reply being that they can't get hold of it at the minute but will post it when they can. That didn't wash with me, it's not as if there is a world shortage of CoD4 PS3 disks, every high street store has shelves full of them. So i leaned heavily on Google Checkout to kick the companies backside over it. However, this morning i got a reply stating that since the CoD4 game was advertised as 'free' they are not at liberty to supply it, but if i send them the whole package back they'll refund me my money. The ****tards.

I'll now have to save all my game data onto a USB dongle, wipe all my digi cam photos off the hard drive, repackage the whole lot up and post it back to them - out of my own money - and wait for them to refund me (god knows how long that will take). This will leave me well out of pocket, certainly more than it would cost me to just go out and buy CoD4, but it's the principle of the matter and the fact that they'll now have a secondhand PS3 on their hands. I'll be making sure it appears second hand too.

There might also be an issue that since i've 'opened' (removed the packaging) the two other games, they won't accept them to be refunded. If anyone, especially in the UK, is about to buy a PS3 game or Blu-ray film in the near future, i'd appreciate it if they'd carefully remove the cellophane wrapper by unfolding the overlaps at the top and post them to me (i'll pay the postage obviously) so i can attempt to reseal the 'used' games giving the company as few excuses as possible to not give me a full refund.

Moral of the story - buy from someone trusted, even if they are not the cheapest.
Wow TheCracker!

That's a pretty rubbish tale from The Shire there! :P hehe, *sorry, just couldn't resist.

I was VERY lucky in February then!
On a visit home to Bristol from university (120miles away in Loughborough), I decided that i'd get my PS3 and have it all up and running well before GT5P arrived in March. I'd given up hope on getting a new 60Gb model and started calling around various shops and sites getting information on 40Gb bundles etc.

I called Virgin (now known as Zavvi) and got told a 40Gb PS3, COD4, Casino Royale Blu Ray and an extra Official SIXAXIS could be mine for £335. Fine i thought, that's about as good as i thought i could get. But they were out of stock.... 🤬 was my reply to the guy down the phone. Asking when they'd be getting some more in i was stunned by his response!

"We'll be getting some in in a day or two. But they'll be the old 60Gb model and will cost £50 more."

I asked him to repeat the sentence and then asked how they still had them. It turns out that many retailers still have occassional pieces of stock sat in their warehouses that eventually get drip fed through the system to stores. Needless to say i reserved one imeadiately without any problems at all!

24hours later i had a call telling me that my boxfresh new 60Gb console had arrived. as if this wasn't good enough, the guy then put his manager on the phone who sounded very apologetic.

"I'm really sorry that we weren't able to supply you with your first choice of model. To say sorry for this, we'd like to give you a some software as a gesture of goodwill".

I nearly died. I jumped in the car, got to Zavvi and picked up my brand new, sealed 60Gb console, all the stuff i mentioned as part of the bundle and then:

Virtua Fighter 5
Sega Rally

Another £130 odd quids worth of games for free!

The moral of the story is, keep trying. Keep searching away and you might just get lucky! I know that i certainly did!:):):)
I emailed the company today to tell them i'll be returning the console and as if by magic they emailed me back within half an hour to say that they could now get hold of the game and will be posting it to me tomorrow. :rolleyes:

It's amazing how the thought of having a used PS3 on their hands suddenly motivates them into finding me a copy of CoD4.
Great work Cracker!

A little polite pressure goes a long way sometimes! I hope that you didn't make your PS3 look "very used" like you said you were going to afterall!

You're in for a treat though with COD 4 though! Fantastic game!

Cheers. Thankfully my PS3 still looks pretty new but i won't be jumping up and down until i actually receive the game. Can't wait to play CoD4.
So, does anybody have any updated news on the PS3 that is going to ship with MSG4 this month? I've been looking around, and haven't found much.

Sony's website seems to indicate it's going to be the same old same old 80gb, software-emulating machine that got discontinued in January. But, frankly, since they admitted in March that discontinuing it was a mistake, I would think that it would have been easy to put back into production already. But they didn't...

...which leads me to suspect that the new machine shipping soon will be different. This could be wishful thinking on my part, of course.

Thoughts or rumours?
Sony's website seems to indicate it's going to be the same old same old 80gb, software-emulating machine that got discontinued in January. But, frankly, since they admitted in March that discontinuing it was a mistake, I would think that it would have been easy to put back into production already. But they didn't...

Probably is just the 80GB machine, and they were just waiting until MGS4 came out to re-introduce it, or it MIGHT be a 120GB machine, but if it does have backwards compatability im 99% sure it will be emulation and not hardware, because its cheaper for them to do emulation, and doing hardware backwards compatability will just jack up the price....something that they REALLY want to avoid if they want to overtake the 360 this year.
Probably is just the 80GB machine, and they were just waiting until MGS4 came out to re-introduce it, or it MIGHT be a 120GB machine, but if it does have backwards compatability im 99% sure it will be emulation and not hardware, because its cheaper for them to do emulation, and doing hardware backwards compatability will just jack up the price....something that they REALLY want to avoid if they want to overtake the 360 this year.

Yeah wait for the MGS4 deal it replaces the sixaxis with Dualshock 3 controller(still has the sixaxis part in it).
So, does anybody have any updated news on the PS3 that is going to ship with MSG4 this month? I've been looking around, and haven't found much.

Sony's website seems to indicate it's going to be the same old same old 80gb, software-emulating machine that got discontinued in January. But, frankly, since they admitted in March that discontinuing it was a mistake, I would think that it would have been easy to put back into production already. But they didn't...

...which leads me to suspect that the new machine shipping soon will be different. This could be wishful thinking on my part, of course.

Thoughts or rumours?

The new machine is likely not different. If anything, it'll feature the 65nm Cell, nothing else different.

Also, the model wasn't discontinued entirely.

Sony simply discontinued the bundle that came with MotorStorm and a sixaxis. This is a pre-emptive move by Sony to get rid of all stock of that model with the Sixaxis. You can expect similar shortages of 40GB models sometime later this year, as Sony prepares to bundle those with DS3's as well.

Post MGS4 Bundle, you'll probably see an 80GB stand alone that includes a DS3 for the same price.
80gb machines were effectively unbuyable in the States since about March till the present.

I'll likely just get a used 60gb machine from Gamestop, then, and buy a couple DS3s to go with it. Thanks for teh info, guys.
80gb machines were effectively unbuyable in the States since about March till the present.

I'll likely just get a used 60gb machine from Gamestop, then, and buy a couple DS3s to go with it. Thanks for teh info, guys.

They were unavailable, yes, but their were still plenty of models that rolled off the production floor. They discontinued the 80GB SKU that was packaged with Motorstorm, but the 80GB model itself was never discontinued.

The reason they were hard to find was because Sony was eliminating all remaining stock in retail channels so they could ship out the MGS4 bundle.

I can't imagine anyone buying an 80GB Motorstorm bundle with a Sixaxis controller, when they could get an MGS4 bundle with a DS3 for the same price. Hence, the reason they stopped rolling out that SKU to clear them from retail.