What's with these "MO4" billboards on the 'Ring?

  • Thread starter Mr. Boy
Mr. Boy
These billboards are all over the place on the Nurburgring.

What does it mean?

I think that the entire logo somehow was cut off. You can tell it is just the last bit of the GT4 logo.
Yeah, they're just "Gran Turismo 4" without the "Gran Turis" missing. They're on the back of signs too, not on the front. So I have no idea why they have that on there, I'm guessing they just used it for the texture of the back rather than making a blank texture or something? No idea why, but there's no apparent purpose for them.
Probably, I have no idea why they're there or where they came from. Maybe it was just a subtle way to get the GT logo or name into the Nurburgring?
Probably, I have no idea why they're there or where they came from. Maybe it was just a subtle way to get the GT logo or name into the Nurburgring?
Hmm interesting. Might be it. Strange they didn't put the whole thing in instead then? :crazy:
Maybe that would've been too obvious? Ruined the mystique or something? I don't know, I'm betting on laziness/reuse of textures *shrug*
Either that, or they had a mixup in their textures.

That's sort of what I was thinking. They probably added the wrong texture (a rectagular "Gran Turismo 4" logo) in place of a square one.
Slightly offtopic, but on the topic of sneaking GT into the track. Has anyone found any references to GT on the track? I've heard of inside jokes among the developers and stuff in the graffiti, but are there any more direct, overt references to GT that anybody's found? I haven't seen any myself.
There are GT4 billboards on the Nurburgring? I don't remember seeing any, although I could just be very unobservant.

And Mo 4 sounds good :D
I'm bumping this thread because I found it interesting, and also I was searching for any reason why the graffiti at the Ring is all over the road?

1. Some of the graffiti is obviously advertizements. I've seen Opel, Benz, and others advertized in these virtual chalk drawings.

2. I'm also guessing that perhaps the owners of the 'Ring might not have wanted a bunch of billboards all over the place (like in other GT tracks) when the track is put into videogames, so this was PD's subtle way of introducing ads in a creative, more inconspicuous way.

3. I've never seen any pics online of real-life graffiti and/or ads on the Nurburgring road, but I'm not an expert on the 'Ring's rules, nor have I done an all-out search for Ring/graffiti pics. But wouldn't these drawings lead to small (but potentially dangerous) anomolies on the road's surface that could screw up a car's traction with the high G-forces necessary in some of those corners?

Anyone else wanna shed some light?
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The 'Ring has plenty of graffiti IRL actually. I'm not sure why. But its permanent to the track. They did repave the road a while ago according some random post I read on here when I first started posting here. So it might not be there anymore.
The 'Ring has plenty of graffiti IRL actually. I'm not sure why. But its permanent to the track. They did repave the road a while ago according some random post I read on here when I first started posting here. So it might not be there anymore.

Interesting. Wonder if that graffiti was chalk or paint...or some other medium. :confused: Guess I may have to google this extensively after all. :indiff:

Where is Scaff? I bet he would know.
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I remember reading somewhere that at least some of the graffiti was names of people who had died, placed in the corner where they died at. May not be true, though.
Thats true.

But the majority is just members of the public, you can pay like £5 and write anything you want on the road. Really cool. Someday i'll go there and write "BRAKE!" in massive red letters, halfway through a looooong straight ;)
most of the graffiti is tributes, either to people or vehicles lost at that point. The odd part is that many seem to be on perfectly innocent-looking straights...

the 'Ring is a public racecourse of sorts, so unlike pretty much any other track in the world, you can turn up in a vehicle - any vehicle - and pay per lap to drive/ride round at whatever speed you like. So, you could turn up to do your fastest lap, but find you had to negotiate your way round amongst cars and bikes of all speeds, and it's not unusual to find busloads of tourists chugging round there either. However, I'm guessing the chalk and paint is applied at night, when the track is closed. I mean, how much do you want to take your life in your hands? By crouching in the middle of an open racetrack, painting an Audi logo? I love my Audis, but not that much :dunce:
He aten't dead yet...


Taken from the VEXD does the Nurgburgring thread.
I remember this thread. trife86's answer was the best. :lol:

Anyway, as for graffiti on the 'Ring, I had always heard that they simply let people go out with chalk and write whatever they want, either at a designated time on a race weekend or perhaps on one of the many other days when the track is closed for various activities (including running and bicycling).

I'd also hazard a guess that there's a lot more silly messages than tributes to racers lost in the Green Hell.
Ben Lovejoy has an awesome Ring site, if you haven't already checked it out Parnelli.

www.norburgring.org IIRC.

He wrote his own little patch of graffiti on the road. It is, of course, mainly in paint. Alot of chalk would make the road surface too slippery, and pose a hazard. Plus, it'd rub off quickly. paint doesn't change the grip as much, as is more permanent. Chalk is used, but it's gone within a few days, if not sooner.

Most of the track IS indeed covered in graffiti. That i recall, it's opened on certain days for people to write what they want during the year. Nights, as mentioned, are also sometimes used to write what you want.