What's with these "MO4" billboards on the 'Ring?

  • Thread starter Mr. Boy
I assumed it was something started by younger enthusiasts. Just more permanent than showing up to the racetrack with a bedsheet decorated in marker. It looks like it got a little out of hand in areas. It definitely adds to the character. I'll have to stop and read some next time. (in the game of course) I think all I remember for sure is the big VW logo.
Ben Lovejoy has an awesome Ring site, if you haven't already checked it out Parnelli.

www.norburgring.org IIRC.

He wrote his own little patch of graffiti on the road. It is, of course, mainly in paint. Alot of chalk would make the road surface too slippery, and pose a hazard. Plus, it'd rub off quickly. paint doesn't change the grip as much, as is more permanent. Chalk is used, but it's gone within a few days, if not sooner.

Most of the track IS indeed covered in graffiti. That i recall, it's opened on certain days for people to write what they want during the year. Nights, as mentioned, are also sometimes used to write what you want.
Are you sure it's called "norburgring.org? I just tried it and it's a dead link.

EDIT: it's www.nurburgring.org
I want to ride a mountain bike around the 'Ring, it sounds like fun, And I'm sure I could do it in under 4 hours. Probably way less. Driving a car around the 'Ring sounds like even more fun though haha.
Parnelli: stupid typos...dammit...

Don't worry about it. I typed in "norburgring" but nothing happened. Then I tried "nurburgring" and found it. Man, there's a lot to look at in that site.
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