What's wrong with this picture? :lol

I saw this over on the forzamotorsport.net forums and found it quite amusing so I thought I'd post it over here.

Someone applied the race weight reduction to the S15 silvia and well... this happened:


Would even be more hilarious if it were intentional, and they put a milk crate in place of the seat. :lol:
:lol: Looks like you will be sitting on the floor to drive that thing. Or maybe you sit in the passenger side with a xbox controller and the wheel and pedals move by themselves.
In real life a late buddy bought an old car for the purpose of demolition derby, and it had no seats at all. You sat on a cinder block... with an open gas can next to you from which a hose fed the motor and next to the gas can was the battery that you have to reach over and spark to start the car.

Needless to say..., I declined driving it. I told him he could drive it and we'd call him "Fireball". He never got to blow himself up, however, because the thing only ran once... in reverse... to the bottom of the driveway and then never ran again.