Having finally had the chance to properly test my new setup, I am happy to report that is sounds wonderful.
For testing sound during movies, I've chosen Frozen and Lone Survivor, as I believe both offer reference quality sound in their respective genres. All movies/games were played via my PS4.
Featuring a 7.1 channel DTS HD Master track, my 3D Blu-Ray of Frozen was the first to be given a go, and it did not disappoint. The various musical numbers filled up the room while remaining crystal clear and without any form of distortion. One of my favorite scenes in the movie feature Anna confronting her sister in the ice palace, and while thye are singing, a small blizzard forms around them. The speakers worked in perfect harmony to make you feel as if you were there within the blizzard, while the singing voices of Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel remained powerful and clear.
Throughout the movie, the rear speakers are given plenty to do with both ambient sounds, as well as voices, and not once did they feel undefined or incomprehensible.
The bass delivered a loud and powerful boost to the sound, without ever overpowering the speakers. None the less, I've turned down the volume a bit after finishing Frozen, as I fear I might otherwise get in trouble with my neighbours

Next up was Lone Survivor, featuring a 5.1 DTS HD Master track. Aside from being brutally realistic in its depiction of violence (aside from the last 20 minutes where the movie went all Hollywood), The Long Survivor features what might just be the most cinematic, brutal and intense firefight in any movie yet to be released. I was genuinely surprised at how well the speakers and bass handled this kind of action. It was as if I was transformed back into the theater where I first watched the movie, with bullets whizzing past my ear, and ricocheting off rocks and trees with utmost determination. With my old HTiB setup, It was easy for the bass to overwhelm the speakers in firefights such as this. But no such problem existed with this setup. The bass was subtle when it needed to be, and powerful when the explosion of an RPG called for it.
Not once did the voices of the characters or sounds of gunfire sound distorted to me. Helicopters made an equally satisfying
whoop whoop whoop whenever present, and again, without the bass overshadowing the speakers.
For gaming, I tested the set with both Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition.
With the audio output set to PCM, MGS Ground Zeroes does a remarkable job of letting you use sound to identify the location of enemy troops. The most impressive part wasn't during gameplay though. But rather during the last cutscene, where the entire surround sound came alive to deliver an epic and satisfying conclusion to the prologue.
Playing Tomb Raider while bitstreaming DTS, the speakers and game do a wonderful job of immersing you into the jungle enviroment.
So all in all, I am beyond satisfied with my purchase. The receiver is easy to use, and the speakers deliver exceptional and accurate sound that defy what you'd expect out of something in this price range.
So to answer the title of this thread. My hometheater now consists of...
Sony KDL50W828 TV
Sony Playstation 3 and 4
Marantz 1605 receiver
Boston Acoustics Soundware XS SE 5.1