I saw two shows on TLC/Discovery Channel that told you to do the last two things you mentioned, but both had experts who said "don't run!", because bears then think it's a game to catch you. Running downhill makes sense, though, but it would be a last-line of defense for me after seeing the gory videos they depicted if you run.Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
If your ever being chased by a bear, make every attempt to run downhill,.. they struggle with the forward lean of their weight.
If a bear ever knocks you down,... ball up and cover the back of your neck and head with your hands. Play dead as best possible,...
Any time you come in contact with an aggressive wild animal and fear no escape,... the best thing to do is make yourself look as big as possible. Stand on your toes and hold your arms out form your body. The best deturant is showing your a bigger animal.
Originally posted by mark2080
I heard somewhere that a bear's heart only beats every minute or so.
They hibernate during the winter months and live off of the fat that they have stored up during the summer months. During hibernation, their heartbeat drops from between 40 to 70 beats per minute to only 10 to 12 beats per minute.
Originally posted by mark2080
I heard somewhere that a bear's heart only beats every minute or so.
Elephant seals prolong their dives by reducing their heart rate. A seal resting on land has a heart rate of 55-120 beats per minute, but when it dives, the heart slows to 4-15 beats per minute.
Bump! Is reviving a 11 year old thread a GTP record?
Friend of mine had turtles in his bedroom in a little aquarium, smelled like someone farted in there thoughTurtles are my favorite animals / reptiles.
YuckFriend of mine had turtles in his bedroom in a little aquarium, smelled like someone farted in there though![]()
Yup the water was pretty brownishYuckHe must not have taken very good care of them or didn't change the bedding on a regular basis. Turtles normally don't smell.
Appears I was a little smilie crazy back then.You wouldn't think it with AT just two posts above!
Bump! Is reviving a 11 year old thread a GTP record?
Elephant society
The elephant has one of the most closely knit societies of any living species. Elephant families can only be separated by death or capture. Cynthia Moss, an ethologist specialising in elephants, recalls an event involving a family of African elephants. Two members of the family were shot by poachers, who were subsequently chased off by the remaining elephants. Although one of the elephants died, the other, named Tina, remained standing, but with knees beginning to give way. Two family members, Trista and Teresia (Tina's mother), walked to both sides of Tina and leaned in to hold her up. Eventually, Tina grew so weak, she fell to the ground and died. However, Trista and Teresia did not give up but continually tried to lift her. They managed to get Tina into a sitting position, but her body was lifeless and fell to the ground again. As the other elephant family members became more intensely involved in the aid, they tried to put grass into Tina's mouth. Teresia then put her tusks beneath Tina's head and front quarters and proceeded to lift her. As she did so, her right tusk broke completely off, right up to the lip and nerve cavity. The elephants gave up trying to lift Tina but did not leave her; instead, they began to bury her in a shallow grave and throw leaves over her body. They stood over Tina for the night and then began to leave in the morning. The last to leave was Teresia.
Because elephants are so closely knit and highly matriarchal, a family can be devastated by the death of another (especially a matriarch), and some groups never recover their organization. Cynthia Moss has observed a mother, after the death of her calf, walk sluggishly at the back of a family for many days.
Edward Topsell stated in his publication The History of Four-Footed Beasts in 1658, "There is no creature among all the Beasts of the world which hath so great and ample demonstration of the power and wisdom of almighty God as the elephant.
Thought it was worth sharing so people realize animals are a lot smarter than you think in many cases![]()