What's your feeling about the lack off info about GT5

  • Thread starter mc959

Poll: What's your feeling:

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Hello everybody,

Just wanted to make a poll too know how you guys are feeling,
meaning we all hope to have some info about GT5 very soon.
(thank you Amar, for bringing some sunshine in our life...:))

i'm thinking at 4 possibilities:

1.Very pissed that it takes so long, saying that if it continues like
this you even not going to buy the game if it doesn't come out before
march 2010 (which you probably gonna buy cause it's the best of the best on PS3 and probably other supports 2)(Hello PatriotZero!!, just kidding...)

2.A little bit pissed but still ok to wait like till the end of 2010
cause you have faith in PD and you know it all takes time too be as
close as perfect .

3.No problem at all if the game came out in 2011,2012,...., as long as it have everything what was supposed in the game.

4.Other, you better give some comments on this one....:sly:

Personaly i'm some days on option 1 and others on option 2

Just waiting for some help from a kindly moderator that can help with
the poll, thx in advance:tup:
Life isn't Gran Turismo games. I like to play them, but I can live without them. I waited patiently for a "Le Mans 24 Hours" sequel and it never showed up. I waited patiently for a "Enthusia Professional Racing" sequel and it never showed up.

I play what I have. Right now, I have GT5P and Ferrari Challenge on the PS3. Already promised for 2009 there are at least 3 new racing games for the PS3.

I also have GTR Evolution (PC), still have to find the time to play it properly and online.

When GT5 is released I will buy it. Until then ... I have lots of things to do/lots of games to play. I'm not bothered.

SO, I guess for me it's between 3 and 4.

EDIT: btw, I see no poll here :dopey:
1) PD has never been perfect(it took them 3 shots to get GT2 right), GT3 was watered down and GT4 had some fairly big bugs in it. I don't know how PD got the rep they have now but I have a feeling it is slowly turning into bad rep. I think the problem stems from Sony letting PD do whatever they want, which I guess is something they have to do since they really haven't had much of a franchise game until recently. I'm probobly still going to buy GT5, but I won't be lying if I tell you it might be my last.

Also I think it tells you something that the first 6 or 7 threads on this page are basically complaining about the lack of info.
mate PD don't care one little bit about the fact we would like some relevant news about GT5 - they would of provided it ages ago if they did.

PD suck big time in this department and its very dissapointing that they don't reward their loyal fans with something.
1) PD has never been perfect(it took them 3 shots to get GT2 right), GT3 was watered down and GT4 had some fairly big bugs in it. I don't know how PD got the rep they have now but I have a feeling it is slowly turning into bad rep. I think the problem stems from Sony letting PD do whatever they want, which I guess is something they have to do since they really haven't had much of a franchise game until recently. I'm probobly still going to buy GT5, but I won't be lying if I tell you it might be my last.

Also I think it tells you something that the first 6 or 7 threads on this page are basically complaining about the lack of info.

Personaly I thought that GT4 was and still is a masterpiece to the racing genre, much like Zelda Ocarina of time is to the action adventure genre.

But yea its frustrating waiting especially since ive sucked every last drop of essence out of Prologue that I will vomit if I try it again.
I am pissed that there is no INFO.. its car racing driving game simulator. So there is nothing to hide really, becasue we know how real life is.. unless PD wants to hide a secret car, go ahead fine by me.. or with secret track. But giving us some idea oh how many cars and tracks so far they develeop would be good to know.. As well how Damage, body kit system, and paint livery editors are holding up is also a must known. Waiting for game is no problem but waiting in the dark is.. Just like I mention on the other thread.
1. I already 'left the building' cause I wanted to see, is grass greener on the other side.

Well... actually it is, and GT5's really need to improve many ways from past releases, before I will change back to console again. Propably I will buy it when it comes out, cause I'm very curious to see, what the heck can take sooo many years to develope... but I have no expectations or frustration anymore. I've found inner peace from another Sim, and I'm very greatful to PD about that.
GT4 is a technical masterpiece, but the graphics have had their day, and since my 60GB
broke, backwards incompatability had really made getting the PS2 out a hasstle. Polyphony say that they're delaying GT5 because they want to concentrate on making continued updates for GT5P. Prologue is only a tiny game with a very short playing lifespan, and should only ever serve as a taster for what the full game is going to be like (although i disagree that it should have been produced at all). Polyphony have given us very little information about GT5 and have given us vague, and progressively more distant release dates, while trying to occupy us with Prologue. Having spent so many years developing the game, GT5 should be awesome, but i'm worried that Polyphony is spending too much time on the dead-end Prologue.
Life isn't Gran Turismo games. I like to play them, but I can live without them. I waited patiently for a "Le Mans 24 Hours" sequel and it never showed up. I waited patiently for a "Enthusia Professional Racing" sequel and it never showed up.

I play what I have. Right now, I have GT5P and Ferrari Challenge on the PS3. Already promised for 2009 there are at least 3 new racing games for the PS3.

I also have GTR Evolution (PC), still have to find the time to play it properly and online.

When GT5 is released I will buy it. Until then ... I have lots of things to do/lots of games to play. I'm not bothered.

SO, I guess for me it's between 3 and 4.

EDIT: btw, I see no poll here :dopey:

yeah, waiting for some help from a Moderator for the poll, sry
yeah, waiting for some help from a Moderator for the poll, sry

Have you checked your opening post, 'advanced option'... I think you can find 'create poll' option from there now, when you have first created thread.
Go to the thread tool, click on 'add a poll to this thread'. From there its a piece of cake.
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Polyphony say that they're delaying GT5 because they want to concentrate on making continued updates for GT5P. Prologue is only a tiny game with a very short playing lifespan, and should only ever serve as a taster for what the full game is going to be like (although i disagree that it should have been produced at all). Polyphony have given us very little information about GT5 and have given us vague, and progressively more distant release dates, while trying to occupy us with Prologue. Having spent so many years developing the game, GT5 should be awesome, but i'm worried that Polyphony is spending too much time on the dead-end Prologue.

I hear you on that, but the majority of work done on GT5P is work on GT5. Prologue is basically a fluid manuscript that helps shape the full game, whilst forming a part of it anyway. I find it hard to see any updates being made to GT5P that won't make it into the full game.

As much as I'm looking forward to GT5, and would like it yesterday, like many I'll be buying whenever it comes out. A picture or two would be great (remember the PD office shots a while back and the stir the on-screen models created?), but ultimatly I want to be blown away by the untold depth of the game and cool features I really didn't expect. I, for example, really want to see how amazing JGTC and SuperGT look cars in the game, but would like to see them first hand on the screen than in a picture.

Even the drama and debate created by the will they/won't they regarding damage, lambo and porsche is a little exciting...I must hate myself!
Just trying hard to be patient,if we hear something come out of E3 fine,if not,so be it.

There is however an old saying though : No news is good news , we'll see.
I have said once and I will say it again, there is no reason a member of PD can't take about an hour or 2 out of their day, each month (even better each week), and reveal a new car on the PS Blog until GT5's release. No reason what so ever. Each car does not have to be a big reveal, something like say a Subaru Legacy, Audi RS4 or a Shelby Mustang. As the game gets closer to release more important cars can be revealed like say the Ferrari Enzo or the Audi R15. This would more than satisfy the call for more info and keep everyone excited and hyped for GT5.
I think the problem stems from Sony letting PD do whatever they want.

Not how any publisher of a game works. Sony will have a deadline for development stages by PD.

I have said once and I will say it again, there is no reason a member of PD can't take about an hour or 2 out of their day,

No, doesn't work like that. Sony will be the ones in charge of release of information, I bet even KY has to veto anything he may say in an interview with Sony. I've been in several positions where I could have released information about games months (up to a year or more, in some instances) but we aren't just "allowed" to go public with information. Although theoretically we/they could, we/they'd lose our jobs, I doubt anyone here would want that for the sake of information on a computer game.
If Kaz and PD really want to show us 1 sreenshot, why would Sony interject or block this attempt?

My feeling is that there is no worthwhile news to report because they're still feverishly modelling cars to achieve a decent amout for the final game( ie:+-500)
Obviously, i hope i'm wrong.
My feeling about the lack of news is general annoyance aimed at the people who are complaining about it. Ignoring for the moment that it's only a video game, I'm failing to comprehend why it's such a big deal and why people are being so childish about it. News of the game - and the game itself - will come out. You just need to be patient instead of bitching about it all over the forums.
My feeling about the lack of news is general annoyance aimed at the people who are complaining about it. Ignoring for the moment that it's only a video game, I'm failing to comprehend why it's such a big deal and why people are being so childish about it. News of the game - and the game itself - will come out. You just need to be patient instead of bitching about it all over the forums.
We have been patient for nearly 3 years, and so far we have gotten nothing pertaining to he full game. Yes it's a video game but we are consumers, it's there job to keep us happy so they can keep theirs. Sorry but i'm not one to just take whatever they give us and say that's fine because it's not, can you just tell your boss to be patient and not get in trouble?
No, doesn't work like that. Sony will be the ones in charge of release of information, I bet even KY has to veto anything he may say in an interview with Sony.

Well obviously SCE would have to give the go ahead. So excuse me, besides SCE not want PD to say anything there is nothing preventing them.
My feeling about the lack of news is general annoyance aimed at the people who are complaining about it. Ignoring for the moment that it's only a video game, I'm failing to comprehend why it's such a big deal and why people are being so childish about it. News of the game - and the game itself - will come out. You just need to be patient instead of bitching about it all over the forums.

I agree! Why whine about not getting any information on the game? Has it gotten any information yet, no!! So it's pretty much a waste of time complaining! If it done any good complaining, you could here me all the way from Alaska!!!
Polyphony say that they're delaying GT5 because they want to concentrate on making continued updates for GT5P.
Something I'd point out here is that we're actually as in the dark on this as anything. We don't know if Polyphony is doing any further work on Prologue, and is instead spending all their time finishing GT5, or not. My personal feelings on this is that PD is going to release one more massive update to Prologue to make it a huge demo to GT5. It might not happen, it's just a hunch. I expect we'll know more on that over the next (less than) two months.

I have said once and I will say it again, there is no reason a member of PD can't take about an hour or 2 out of their day, each month (even better each week), and reveal a new car on the PS Blog until GT5's release. No reason what so ever. Each car does not have to be a big reveal, something like say a Subaru Legacy, Audi RS4 or a Shelby Mustang.
I know this probably sounds trite, but we do have 140 some odd cars and 6 tracks, which is a lot better than a simple screen grab. You have cars you can tune and change the tires on. But I know, you want something new. I have a feeling though that a pic of a new car won't make anyone happy, because it won't shed any light on how far along PD is with GT5. And that's what we all want to know. Is it close? Will it be out this year? Next?

Just a few more weeks and we should be in for Amar's feast.
I agree! Why whine about not getting any information on the game? Has it gotten any information yet, no!! So it's pretty much a waste of time complaining! If it done any good complaining, you could here me all the way from Alaska!!!

That's the problem, when a number of people start to complain it is normal for a company to respond(you know interact with your customer base). But so far PD and Sony haven't done this, which only leads to more complaining which in turn will result in people viewing PD and Sony as a company that doesn't give two wags of a dogs tail about it's base.
We have been patient for nearly 3 years, and so far we have gotten nothing pertaining to he full game. Yes it's a video game but we are consumers, it's there job to keep us happy so they can keep theirs. Sorry but i'm not one to just take whatever they give us and say that's fine because it's not, can you just tell your boss to be patient and not get in trouble?
So? It's not Polyphony's job to go around performing fan-service. It's not like they're sitting around doing nothing but laughing at us because we all want news. Did it occur to you that maybe they have a good reason for doing it? Maybe they want to give us a surprise? This thread reminds me of amar212's before it got itself locked, with people such as yourself whining like the little bitches they are simply because they haven't heard anything. Contrary to what you seem to believe, the world does not exist where everything exists to keep the consumer happy. In fact, Polyphony Digital are notorious for not releasing anything until they are happy. They don't take it for granted that you'll buy the game; the only thing they take for granted is that you want the finished product to be of the highest quality, and if they have to stay quiet on the news front in order to do that, they're more than happy to.

Let me make an example to you: James Bond films. It's only recently that you can follow every step of development through from start to finish. In the past all audiences were told was that a new film was in the works, and thirty seconds of footage might be released in advance. The same thing applies here: we're pretty damned spoilt as it is when it comes to news, but that's still not good enough for you. Maybe all Polyphony have to report is that the game is still in development. That's not to say that they haven't made any progress, but rather that they have nothing new to report. So stop being such an ungrateful little ***hat. News will come when it comes.

And just for the record, in my last job I was more than capable to telling my boss to be patient with me. But I never did tell him because he already knew that I needed to take my time sometimes.
Well obviously SCE would have to give the go ahead. So excuse me, besides SCE not want PD to say anything there is nothing preventing them.

Except legally binding contracts. Developers never mess about with Publishers, could you imagine if Sony dropped PD because they broke a contract? Imagine how much longer GT5 would take to produce with that happening!

African Kat
If Kaz and PD really want to show us 1 sreenshot, why would Sony interject or block this attempt?

Because Sony control the marketing/PR processes.
4) I think that SONY/PD should have a look at Criterion Games. They have as a "small" developer sold tons of copies of Burnout Paradise. And then similar to PD updated the game for free. And now they are selling the DLC like hotcakes. All the time communicating the messages to their fans. With Podcasts, twitter and other social medias. That is the future for gaming. You have to as a developer communicate with your fans. I fear that EA is going to learn faster and adopt a few things for NFS:Shift and just steam roll over PD unless they sober up and see that they have to be more open. Especially if the game is not done until 2010 or later. I'm really disappointed with the lack of info.
...I, for example, really want to see how amazing JGTC and SuperGT look cars in the game, but would like to see them first hand on the screen than in a picture...

I also would love to see how SuperGT cars look like in the game. And other race cars too, like DTM, etc. Mainly because of the cockpit view of race cars.

I admit that i found a little bit strange that GT5 Prologue doesnt feature race cars except the Ferrari F2007. But this was a specific situation because PD finally got Ferrrari license and put the F1 2007 champion car in the game. But thats all, mo more race cars.

I know GT5P is not the full game but if you think about it, GT4 Prologue had 14 race cars and GT Concept had 19. They were not full games either. I hope this is not a sign that GT5 wont have race cars or will have few.
I want to see this cockpits:

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Like Autoaki Ive moved on into the PC sim world and Im so happy I did. I also agree with Flash48. I just cant see the point of complaining and whining. I really dont think Its speeding up anything.
how we feel about it and what we think about it won't change things, the game will not come out any sooner so i voted other as i have no feelings towards the development of GT5, i'll just buy it when it comes out and that is the end of story, i don't get why people dramatize so much when they know it won't make a difference...