What's your feeling about the lack off info about GT5

  • Thread starter mc959

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Gran Turismo is a great franchise, no doubt...but I gotta be honest...since I played Forza 2, Gran Turismo kinda passed into second plan. I´m more ansious right now about the release of Forza 3 (and I bet it will come before GT5). I know most of you guys will disagree with me, but we all have our opinions and thoughts.
At least, GT5P could have Photomode, this way I would still play the game. Lets wait for 2010 then (fingers crossed).
Yeah with a proper photomode i would play Prologue way more often. :lol:
But instead of huge infos or something i would also be pleased if they would release some of the cars theyve already shown for Prologue (especially the Xanavi Nismo Z).

But i started to think a bit about the lack of news, maybe its even for the better.
Imagine they show some really great cars on awesome tracks and then you realize that you still have to wait 6 month+ to finally play it.
So? It's not Polyphony's job to go around performing fan-service. It's not like they're sitting around doing nothing but laughing at us because we all want news. Did it occur to you that maybe they have a good reason for doing it? Maybe they want to give us a surprise? This thread reminds me of amar212's before it got itself locked, with people such as yourself whining like the little bitches they are simply because they haven't heard anything. Contrary to what you seem to believe, the world does not exist where everything exists to keep the consumer happy. In fact, Polyphony Digital are notorious for not releasing anything until they are happy. They don't take it for granted that you'll buy the game; the only thing they take for granted is that you want the finished product to be of the highest quality, and if they have to stay quiet on the news front in order to do that, they're more than happy to.

Let me make an example to you: James Bond films. It's only recently that you can follow every step of development through from start to finish. In the past all audiences were told was that a new film was in the works, and thirty seconds of footage might be released in advance. The same thing applies here: we're pretty damned spoilt as it is when it comes to news, but that's still not good enough for you. Maybe all Polyphony have to report is that the game is still in development. That's not to say that they haven't made any progress, but rather that they have nothing new to report. So stop being such an ungrateful little ***hat. News will come when it comes.

And just for the record, in my last job I was more than capable to telling my boss to be patient with me. But I never did tell him because he already knew that I needed to take my time sometimes.

So why are we here, to praise GT and only praise GT, I don't think so. As for the Bond movies, do you know why they started tracking development, it's because this is a new generation of people. Internet is everywhere and the studios try to make the movie as interactive as possible. That's why the movies are still succesful, they adapt to their ever changing base. I think it would help satisfy people if they said "right now we are 70% done" or however far along they are. Also since when is it not a companies job to keep the customer happy? there is a simple thing for this.
Unhappy Customers>Less Business>Company goes Bye-Bye
So why are we here, to praise GT and only praise GT, I don't think so.
No, we're here to discuss it. But when you start whinging like a child who can't have sweets before supper, it kills the fun for everyone.

As for the Bond movies, do you know why they started tracking development, it's because this is a new generation of people. Internet is everywhere and the studios try to make the movie as interactive as possible. That's why the movies are still succesful, they adapt to their ever changing base.
Nope, that's not it at all. The reason why you can fllow the development of films is because they're so public and the media reports on it. Espeically for big names like Bond. But they can't really follow the development of game because they're not on full view to the world, even the big names like Gran Turismo.

I think it would help satisfy people if they said "right now we are 70% done" or however far along they are. Also since when is it not a companies job to keep the customer happy? there is a simple thing for this.
That wouldn't work because Gran Turismo has a history of delayed released. Polyphony Digital won't release the game until they're happy with it, which can means months of delays. If they come out and say "we're seventy per cent done", that's immediately going to be proven wrong when they delay the release.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve here. If you're bitching about the lack of enws, who exactly is your audeince? If it's Sony and Polyphony Digital, you're in the wrong place entirely. They don't come here. We have reason to suspect they do once the game has been released to get a little feedback, but they don't visit the forums during the development cycle because they have better things to do ... like, for instance, developing the game. And if we - the forum population - are your audience, what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to incite a mob to storm Sony and Polyphony's headquarters and demand a release of news? If you are, you're more likely to incite a mob against yourself. Either way, you're not going to get any news.

If you truly believe a business exists to satisfy its customers, it's clear you have no iea how the world works. I'm going to guess you're about fifteen or sixteen; if you'd been out in the real world, you'd know that a business's first priority is to satisfy itself. Because if it can't do that, it can never satisfy its customers. Take it from me: I've owned my own business before. Satisfying customers was good, but satisfying ourselves was better because if we did, we'd go under.

Unhappy Customers>Less Business>Company goes Bye-Bye
I agree with your logic completely. Or I would if the only people who bought Gran Turismo games were the people on the forums. We might be the biggest fan community on the internet, but that doesn't mean we're the only ones who buy games. There are millions of fans out there who will buy and play the game. None of them see fit to incessantly whinge and whine about it. In fact, you're pretty much the only one who's doing it. So how about you just take ten minutes and go outside and ride a bike or something? News about GT5 is not the most important thing in the world; if it is, it must be a pretty sad and lonely existence that you call life. It can wait, because there are far more important things out there. I'm willing to bet that the people out there who aren't screaming blue murder over the lack of news the way you are also hapen to be the people who have more important things going on than a video game.
I wont be pissed off if the game doesn't release until next year, but I hope GT5 releases sooner than everyone expects.
Im looking forward to the release too but Im patient as all should be.
If your that impatient about it why not put your energy into something else like building a racecar, go for a mountain bike ride, surfing, a second job, improve your education, get laid! Whatever it takes but no need to loose your patience as it will come in good time.
Untill its release, I meet up with friends once a week and race GT4 over a few beers along with all I have sugested in the last paragragh . It would be great if they did release Grand Valley east in the interim, thats my only request..
Until then be patient
Let them do their job even if the game only comes out in 2011,2012,... - In my humble opinion people who say this are either:

A: In prison with a release date after this time.
B: Far too laid back.
C: Work for PD
D: Stupid?
E: Do not yet own a PS3

The general feeling now in the posts towards the tops of these forums is of dissapointment towards PD and the lack of information and its a tragedy that PD choose to ignore the feeling of its most hardcore client base.

A truly sad situation.

Happy Easter everybody anyway.
Let them do their job even if the game only comes out in 2011,2012,... - In my humble opinion people who say this are either:

A: In prison with a release date after this time.
B: Far too laid back.
C: Work for PD
D: Stupid?
E: Do not yet own a PS3

The general feeling now in the posts towards the tops of these forums is of dissapointment towards PD and the lack of information and its a tragedy that PD choose to ignore the feeling of its most hardcore client base.

A truly sad situation.

Happy Easter everybody anyway.

Or answer

F: Have other things they could be doing in the coming year, and aren't desperately insatiable about having the game right here right now even if its not finished.

You probably missed the most popular option ;)

I bet that wasn't an accident.
Or answer

F: Have other things they could be doing in the coming year, and aren't desperately insatiable about having the game right here right now even if its not finished.

You probably missed the most popular option ;)

I bet that wasn't an accident.

I want the game to be ready when it's finished too Stevisiov and obviosly have to wait for this to happen, however its the lack of info from PD about progress and what we are actually waiting for which is the biggest bugbear.

I think if PD just released one screenshot of something interesting it would certainly feed our desire for information and it would spark alot of great discussion in this community of passionate people.

If they just released one screenshot or video with weather/damage/new cars - (delete as appropriate) along with an "Arriving in stores by 20XX" I think it would silence all us whiners (I am a whiner too, I don't wish to be but we have good cause) and thats all what we need.

i'm a :dunce: writing this as I know nothing will change but hey we can live in hope.

Anyway why do they have to release any good news at E3 - how many of us will be there? Why they can't release info via their webpage sooner?
I want the game to be ready when it's finished too Stevisiov and obviosly have to wait for this to happen, however its the lack of info from PD about progress and what we are actually waiting for which is the biggest bugbear.

I think if PD just released one screenshot of something interesting it would certainly feed our desire for information and it would spark alot of great discussion in this community of passionate people.

If they just released one screenshot or video with weather/damage/new cars - (delete as appropriate) along with an "Arriving in stores by 20XX" I think it would silence all us whiners (I am a whiner too, I don't wish to be but we have good cause) and thats all what we need.

i'm a :dunce: writing this as I know nothing will change but hey we can live in hope.

Anyway why do they have to release any good news at E3 - how many of us will be there? Why they can't release info via their webpage sooner?

I can understand this, the lack of info is what gets most peoples backs up. PD obviously made the decision a while ago to keep everything under wraps. It makes sense that they wanted to keep everything a big surprise, everything is fresh and exciting around the time of release.

For me I would rather be kept in the dark until I know GT5 is going to be coming soon (or it will drive me mad), thanks to Amar we know at least some big info is coming soon. If we don't hear something at E3 then it will be disappointing, but I can get over it. If we don't get anything at E3, then the most likely source of info will come from the tokyo game show but I am hoping it doesn't come to that.

If you are desperate for info, then the worst thing you could do is hang around here, as it will no doubt drive you mad. :crazy:

I suspect complaining here isn't going to get PD to release any info, they probably have a contract with sony to keep things quite. So even if they are reading this thread, unfortunately its not going to get us anywhere. The best thing you can do is put it to the back of your mind now, wait for E3, and see what turns up.
I can wait until 2010 because i no they are going to do a very good job with game. But 2010 is the dead line for me if it does not come out for the new year around about march all april will get piss of because it is not fair for the GranTurismo fan to wait that long.
I think if PD just released one screenshot of something interesting it would certainly feed our desire for information and it would spark alot of great discussion in this community of passionate people.
I think you answered your own question in the following paragraph. Yes, a screenshot would spark a lot of discussion, but it wouldn't take long to turn ugly. Why just one screenshot, or a handful? Why not hundreds? Why not a video? Or if there was a video, why not more? Why not some showing damage or weather, bodykits and a livery editor? What about new stuff and secrets?? If it's coming so soon, JUST TELL US EVERYTHING!!1

We know how it would go. ;) As I said before, you have something infinitely better than a screengrab or video with Prologue. You have 6 tracks you can tour and look at up close. You have over 100 cars (Edit: woops... is it 70?) you can drive, tinker wiith, view them from any angle, and even race online! The fact that people aren't satisfied with Prologue is proof that we won't be satisfied with anything less than the whole deal. Some of us, anyhow. ;)

For me I would rather be kept in the dark until I know GT5 is going to be coming soon (or it will drive me mad), thanks to Amar we know at least some big info is coming soon. If we don't hear something at E3 then it will be disappointing, but I can get over it. If we don't get anything at E3, then the most likely source of info will come from the tokyo game show but I am hoping it doesn't come to that.
I think you answered your own question in the following paragraph. Yes, a screenshot would spark a lot of discussion, but it wouldn't take long to turn ugly. Why just one screenshot, or a handful? Why not hundreds? Why not a video? Or if there was a video, why not more? Why not some showing damage or weather, bodykits and a livery editor? What about new stuff and secrets?? If it's coming so soon, JUST TELL US EVERYTHING!!1

We know how it would go. ;) As I said before, you have something infinitely better than a screengrab or video with Prologue. You have 6 tracks you can tour and look at up close. You have over 100 cars (Edit: woops... is it 70?) you can drive, tinker wiith, view them from any angle, and even race online! The fact that people aren't satisfied with Prologue is proof that we won't be satisfied with anything less than the whole deal. Some of us, anyhow. ;)

Good post TD.👍 Prologue is a massive PR/marketing tool. That's the customers tool for gauging what GT5 will be like.
Rant mode on:

The thing is, and I speak from experience, is that if enough people feel that the game won't cut it, it stands a risk of being canceled. Don't underestimate the power of social media these days. Even the president if America know it. If you tell us the hardcore people what to expect and feed us some info then we will tell everyone around how great it's going to be and the people around us tell their friends.... and so on.

But if we as a group do the opposite then Sony/PD faces real economical problems.
If enough people don't think it's going to be bad or not great then it wont help if the game IS great whenever it is released. This is my fear. People are changing the way they communicating and now you have to communicate many to many. Not one to many or not at all. I don't agree with Sureboss about the PR value of prologue, there are new games coming out soon that appeal to the masses that could take the crown. (NFS Shift and Forza 3 for example).

That's why I feel that SONY/PD have to learn the way of the new age and the new consumers that do things a bit different.

Rant mode off.

Just my opinion.
The PR value of Prologue isn't an opinion, it's a fact, that's what PD do, they did it with GT4. That is your bundle of information for GT5. It won't get cancelled either and NFS Shift is a million miles away from competing with GT5.
In my opinion, Prologue was released to soon. Its been out more then a year now, so the wow factor is about wore out. Now people have got bored with it, leading to complaints about lack of info. If they would of waited till now to release Prologue, everybody would be happy.
You are right but, the complaints would be behind us now and Prologue would be keeping the hords happy. But I get what your saying, and Prologue has made PD alot of money.
In my opinion, Prologue was released to soon.
Hrm... I can't agree with this at all. Just notice how grumpy a few of us have become since last fall and the update to Prologue we were given. Along comes Amar with a cryptic post, and the board erupts with speculation and excitement... for a couple of weeks. And then the grouching begins all over again. ;) Look how cranky some of these guys are now, with E3 just seven weeks away or less.

And see, this is just a few months worth of tension. When we were given info, screenshots and videos, it was about Prologue, and for a while, it was sparse and quite sketchy, and it even gave the grouchers a little ammunition to complain about it. Just imagine if Prologue hadn't been released until last Christmas or so, how ugly it would have become. Like the amount of anger now multiplied by 100!

I also have to differ with m00ndancer. A few people might abandon ship entirely for other games, but that number is probably so small as to be insignificant. Just consider what a splash Prologue made. It was a platinum level seller just on the basis of European pre-orders, more than one million. It sold multiple millions, and is still racking up sales. Interest in Gran Turismo is probably higher than ever before, and while the games you mention are decent ones, they're destined for a much smaller market. No racing game in history has the legendary appeal that Gran Turismo does, and when it's released, the entire planet will take notice, and you can't say that about any other racer.
I's not that easy. If GT5 would be a launch title for the Playstation 4 in let's say late 2010 or 2011, I think I could wait that long, since that would mean absolutely perfect graphics, sound and tons of content - a polished game, that is not rushed.
Since that isn't likely to be the case, a 2009 release would of course be great. Then again I'd prefer a late 2010 release if 2009 would mean : no damage, no weather, lack of content, lifeless tracks ( animated objects like, clouds, trees, people walking around next to the track etc ).

As other people said - luckily there are other racing games out there to kill the time until GT5... owning a Xbox 360 really helps tbh.
Hrm... I can't agree with this at all. Just notice how grumpy a few of us have become since last fall and the update to Prologue we were given. Along comes Amar with a cryptic post, and the board erupts with speculation and excitement... for a couple of weeks. And then the grouching begins all over again. ;) Look how cranky some of these guys are now, with E3 just seven weeks away or less.

And see, this is just a few months worth of tension. When we were given info, screenshots and videos, it was about Prologue, and for a while, it was sparse and quite sketchy, and it even gave the grouchers a little ammunition to complain about it. Just imagine if Prologue hadn't been released until last Christmas or so, how ugly it would have become. Like the amount of anger now multiplied by 100!

I also have to differ with m00ndancer. A few people might abandon ship entirely for other games, but that number is probably so small as to be insignificant. Just consider what a splash Prologue made. It was a platinum level seller just on the basis of European pre-orders, more than one million. It sold multiple millions, and is still racking up sales. Interest in Gran Turismo is probably higher than ever before, and while the games you mention are decent ones, they're destined for a much smaller market. No racing game in history has the legendary appeal that Gran Turismo does, and when it's released, the entire planet will take notice, and you can't say that about any other racer.

Ok, but if pictures (I know you were talking about Prologue but I don't think GT5 proper will look any different) don't calm the masses, and a miny game (Prologue) don't calm the masses, what would? The sad truth is, until GT5 proper gets here, people will complain.
Ok, but if pictures (I know you were talking about Prologue but I don't think GT5 proper will look any different) don't calm the masses, and a miny game (Prologue) don't calm the masses, what would? The sad truth is, until GT5 proper gets here, people will complain.

You answered your own question ;)

nothing but the release will appease anyone for more than about a week. Better being kept in the dark until release, it will make everything more exciting that way. I understand why this strategy annoys people, honestly though I think it will pay off in the long run.