Hrm... I can't agree with this at all. Just notice how grumpy a few of us have become since last fall and the update to Prologue we were given. Along comes Amar with a cryptic post, and the board erupts with speculation and excitement... for a couple of weeks. And then the grouching begins all over again.

Look how cranky some of these guys are now, with E3 just seven weeks away or less.
And see, this is just a few months worth of tension. When we were given info, screenshots and videos, it was about Prologue, and for a while, it was sparse and quite sketchy, and it even gave the grouchers a little ammunition to complain about it. Just imagine if Prologue hadn't been released until last Christmas or so, how ugly it would have become. Like the amount of anger now multiplied by 100!
I also have to differ with m00ndancer. A few people might abandon ship entirely for other games, but that number is probably so small as to be insignificant. Just consider what a splash Prologue made. It was a platinum level seller just on the basis of European pre-orders, more than one million. It sold multiple millions, and is still racking up sales. Interest in Gran Turismo is probably higher than ever before, and while the games you mention are decent ones, they're destined for a much smaller market. No racing game in history has the legendary appeal that Gran Turismo does, and when it's released, the entire planet will take notice, and you can't say that about any other racer.