I may be new to the site but I am not new to what a
car is inside and out. The only thing I see with you all talking about me "show something off" is pure ignorance. Do you seriously believe I am going to sit here like the rest of you and agree on
every little comment you make? Do you seriously believe I do not make sense when I post something? Well if you do not think so, then it must be because you all lack English skills and the ability to read sentences correctly. Maybe what you should try is getting an education on car engineering and get a dad, mother, sister, and brother who raced cars for a living like my family have and then come back to me to downsize me... Or even better, realize that I speak the truth.
1. If you never driven a car.
2. If your thoughts of drifting is what you see in games.
3. If your thoughts of drifting is what you see when a drifting car passes next to you.
4. If you seriously think you know what drifting actually is because you "play every drifting game out there".
5. Games are games, they are not real life, what you learn in a game might not work in real life.
Well you should stop typing as of now.
It is clear that I do not think any of you have ever been in a race car, or drift car or anything. I can easily point you to real life people who do it for a living. What you all are is just a bunch of 13 below year olds that do not have the slidest idea what you are talking about. And when a person with experience on a professional level that knows what they are saying pops up... You little kids rant about like if you really knew what it was to drive a car that has over 500HP and goes from 0-100 in 4.5 seconds. I mean, you ain't cute, you ain't impressing anyone, it is easy to know if your information comes from the internet and not from experience, and it doesn't make you awesome to go with the flow of what others say just because you have to agree with them because they make it
sound as if they are right.
You know what's the difference between me and all of you?.. I talk in a professional level, not in a "gamers" level like you do. Because basically you are talking about how to drift in a game, I'm telling you how it is in real life and comparing it to a simulation game.
So give it rest.
By the way, you claiming to work on racing cars and being the person on your avatar is as credible as me looking like Hulk Hogan and being a world class ballet dancer.
Least I'm not afraid to hide my face like you do.