- 22
If you want to do REALLY long wheelies, just take a Sanchez to the airport area with the three runways. Because you can do wheelies really slow with the Sanchez and turn it pretty easily, you can just go round and round and round and round and round and round the area for as long as you want. Until you get bored or your thumb starts to numb.
My best so far is 666 seconds and just under 10,000m.
And on that note I want to ask, my version of Vice City gives all wheelie/stunt/stoppie etc. distances in metres. Does the American version give them in feet?
My best so far is 666 seconds and just under 10,000m.
And on that note I want to ask, my version of Vice City gives all wheelie/stunt/stoppie etc. distances in metres. Does the American version give them in feet?