
Jeez, wheelspin is horrible in GT4. Worse than ever before for me. :yuck:

I have a 513 h.p. Mustang GT. I lose so much time avoiding burnouts. :crazy: I have the assist turned off (They make it way too simple, and most people who play GT enough understand) and Medium Sports Tires (I can't afford racing ones!), but I have a fully customizable suspension and tranny, as well as a brake controller (although that won't really help).

Can anyone help me cure this, or does anyone have similar problems?

Thank you for reading
What I do is apply a little throttle through slower turns and then go WOT when I know it won't spin. This helps on most cars, and I'm using the DS2 to do this. The easy way is to turn the TCS on to like 1 or 2, this should kill the wheelspins, without hampering the acceleration, I had to do this in my Cien, as I just couldn't modulate it enough.
Reduce the stiffness of the rear spring. Get a bigger front swaybar. Buy a spoiler and set the rear downforce to max. Raise rear ride height by about 5 more than the rear. Change the weight bais to the rear.