When do you think selling of cars will be implemented?

  • Thread starter m76
But you can't. It's stored on PD servers which is why this was interesting to me. You could create a new account but I'm quite fond of this one.
Then you can spend $2.49 on microtransactions to get back into the game. Given how hard you’d have to work to run out of both credits and cars it doesn’t seem likely to happen by mistake.

Another way they could do it is to disable the sell car function if you only have one car left in your garage.
Do you imagine a community UCD?
You could sell a car, with tunning parts, at the price you think it's fair, and other player can buy it.
This would be awesome
They’ll hardly do that. That would take away our need for micro transactions entirely. And they don’t want that happening 🙄
Black market with a imaginary coin?
And if a player put the price too high, he will not sell the car, nobody will pay more than the car in brand central
Imagine you need credits, I have plenty (because I farm all day long with a script for example). I could offer you to pay me real money with an outside way of payment, but much cheaper than MTX price, and in exchange I'll gladly buy your 10 million credits used Fiat 500 :D

For it* to work, the price must be fixed by the economy of the game, not players. (*it refers to a community UCD or something like that)
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Then you can spend $2.49 on microtransactions to get back into the game. Given how hard you’d have to work to run out of both credits and cars it doesn’t seem likely to happen by mistake.

Another way they could do it is to disable the sell car function if you only have one car left in your garage.
Yes, I'm not posing this as an issue merely as a curiosity. Or even a fun challenge.
Seeing that prize cars are 99% of our garages not allowing to sell those would be a big nothing burger in terms of fixing the game economy, and would further ruin PD's reputation. I hope they do not dare do that. Beyond that even if upgrades don't count and we are only able to sell cars at 25% of their original price, it would still be a feature worth waiting for. I'd happily sell 4 of my cars that I don't want to drive to be able to get one I actually do care for.
Don’t think you could sell prize cars in sport either. So I think it will be only cars you buy.
Seeing that prize cars are 99% of our garages not allowing to sell those would be a big nothing burger in terms of fixing the game economy, and would further ruin PD's reputation. I hope they do not dare do that. Beyond that even if upgrades don't count and we are only able to sell cars at 25% of their original price, it would still be a feature worth waiting for. I'd happily sell 4 of my cars that I don't want to drive to be able to get one I actually do care for.
If it's anything like Sport you couldn't sell prize cars (as they gave you one every day) and it was 30%-35%, somewhere in there. I wouldn't think it would take more than 15min for a decent studio to write this fix into the next patch, but this is PD...
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I guess when they figure out which direction they want to take with the game economy, be tight on handing out credits or more generous like earlier games.

Be surprised if you get more than 30% of the value of the car & wouldn't expect any parts added to factor into the value.

I think they will make it so you will be on the border of taking a big loss on selling the car or just as well keep it.
I think they will make it so you will be on the border of taking a big loss on selling the car or just as well keep it.
Indeed. I’m gonna hold off buying the game again until these changes are implemented and I see how the economy works once “fixed”.

If it’s just a case of selling cars we actually bought (and so we would never be able to make any kind of in-game money from it), I’ll give GT7 a miss once and for all. PD could fix this game in a heartbeat but the feet-dragging and lukewarm buzzword apologies and explanations are mundane.
Imagine you need credits, I have plenty (because I farm all day long with a script for example). I could offer you to pay me real money with an outside way of payment, but much cheaper than MTX price, and in exchange I'll gladly buy your 10 million credits used Fiat 500 :D

For it to work, the price must be fixed by the economy of the game, not players.
I don't think that way, you're right
As soon as I finish the game it will loose relevance.

Great now I can sell cars and buy new ones, to race in what events exactly after the endgame? The one or two weekly live service races they promise? Not worth my time to boot up the system for that.
You must not enjoy driving cars then. I can occupy myself for hours just doing solo laps at my favorite circuits....
You must not enjoy driving cars then. I can occupy myself for hours just doing solo laps at my favorite circuits....
Not everyone is keen on the sandbox possibilities of GT. No need to attack motivations of other or even prejudge of their love for cars. They would not be here discussing.
I feel like they are going to not allow you to sell gift cars and only give you back 20-40 % on cars you bought. It would be nice if the actual price of the car went up your selling price would go up especially since this is supposed to like real life.
PD has lost my trust, so I personally have very low expectations for this feature.

Many of the bad moves PD can do with this is:

-The value of the cars you sell will be 5-10% of their original price (downright pathetic, ideal would be 25% or more).
-You will not be able to sell cars that cost 1 million+ credits (this dates back to GT5 and GT6, and clearly, wasn't a good choice).
-You will not be able to sell prize/gift cars (pretty much defeats the purpose of half the use this feature would have).
-You will not be able to sell cars from the Legendary Car Dealer (for whatever f*ing reason).

I just simply do not believe it's going to be the logical/best and simplest way of just selling any of your cars in your garage for a "reasonable" amount.
I'm almost certain there's going to be a caveat for this. At least one of the options is going to be on this, otherwise they could've just implemented this from the start. Worst case scenario, all of the above, at which point you might just break your GT7 disc (if you're physical) and say a big f* to PD.

They will try to analyze how to make it so that it doesn't make the players "backlash" too much and so that they can still get some profits by, of course, pushing MTs.
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