When is it ok to "de-friend"?

United States
Pensacola, FL/USA
How long do you wait to de-friend people that don't race your bobs? I keep racing theirs and don't see them racing my guys.

PS: godfathersteve and ocmike123: props to ya again--you guys are always running my bobs--level 0 or high-30s!

I still do manual and always run several of yours every time.
When you are no longer needing/wanting these people. But make sure you want to first. I de-friended a fellow Planeteer and I regretted it about 2 days later. B spec is only a small part of this game. My ex-friend runs online races and competitions. He is a real contributer and I regret it.
How long do you wait to de-friend people that don't race your bobs? I keep racing theirs and don't see them racing my guys.

PS: godfathersteve and ocmike123: props to ya again--you guys are always running my bobs--level 0 or high-30s!

I still do manual and always run several of yours every time.

I usually will move them to the "don't race" section of the widget when "that time" comes, then if I still don't see them race me in another week or two, I defriend.
SoCal_Senator did you defriend me? You never showed up on my grind list/friend list on gt5 homepage and I swear I accepted your FR on PSN. Check out ocmike123's log, I host all the time.
If they were only added for the purposes of remote racing and are clearly not active in the RR community (bear in mind some people go on holiday for 2 weeks+), send them a friendly message just asking if they are still RR'ing. The widget is very capable of automating the whole 'selecting Bob's from people that race your Bob's.'
While I'm here, at riskl of HiJacking the thread, if anyone reads this who has me added at a remote race friend and has a full friends list, feel free to remove me, because there are people that remote race far more than I do at the moment. For one, I hardly have time to spend on PS3 atm, and I can't use the widget since my PC is out of order for the next 2 weeks.
SoCal_Senator did you defriend me? You never showed up on my grind list/friend list on gt5 homepage and I swear I accepted your FR on PSN. Check out ocmike123's log, I host all the time.

I'll send a new FR. I didn't see you active for quite some time. Hoping you weren't a freeloader like so many out there! Those were the ones I made this post about initially.

I only run manual races, but pretty frequently, and run multiple drivers for the guys that race mine regularly (OCMike for sure does--he must be running remote 24/7).
How long do you wait to de-friend people that don't race your bobs? I keep racing theirs and don't see them racing my guys.

PS: godfathersteve and ocmike123: props to ya again--you guys are always running my bobs--level 0 or high-30s!

I still do manual and always run several of yours every time.

Hey SoCal Senator! You bet man...I run the widget overnight and when I'm working (which is most of the time anyway).

You gotta try the widget...it's pretty much set and forget - as long as you don't log out of the GT5 website that is.

Anyway, it's always good to help out a fellow Socal person. :)

You have to log in to the gt5 website for the widget to work? I never did....

Sorry if I wsn't too clear on that point. Once logged in to the website, I can keep the cookie alive by keeping the browser page open.

I think this is what allows me to turn off/restart the widget, if necessary, when the PSN continues to come up and go down. There's probably a lot more to it than that, but that has been working for me.

At first I added a lot of people for online racing. Then I put all 6 of my drivers online so my alt account could run them every few days or so. Come to find out that a crap load of people on my list were running my bobs like crazy. I felt terrible. I took my drivers offline, sent everyone paints ( took a few days to do that ). I never was and am not a remote racer, I just put my guys online so I could make money myself.

A few of them asked why I don't have drivers online and I told what I said above, they said screw that, just send a chip their way every now and then and it's all good. Been doing that for a few weeks now. I'll never de-friend someone for not racing my bobs because I don't remote race at all.

I will and have de-friended people for not racing online with me or for not responding to my psn messages.