Forza Horizon 5 Coming to PlayStation 5 in the Spring

  • Thread starter Famine
I'm still in disbelief of this happening, either Forza title coming to PS5 just seemed...unthinkable. There has been a mental rule in my head that Playstation would be only GT and Xbox would only be Forza.

I might give it a try, I have FH5 on PC right now since I never got a Xbox Series X and I went for PS5. But I would love to finally play this on console for once.

On that note, I don't know about FH5 killing GT due to the different genres. But I can see casual players that currently play GT7 wanting to give FH5 a try. Like players that open those cruise lobbies for instance. Also, players that might be fed up with GT7's car list.
FH5 is soundgasm :D if you love car sounds, you will spend a lot of time in the tuning garage, playing with the gas pedal while trying diffrent engine parts.

Story missions and the speaking in general should be ignored, it is extreme flat. one senseless phrase follows the next:)) i often feeled ashamed by playing a game with such meaningless babbling. But, the car physics, the tuning options & the assist options let you choose between pure arcade vs semi sim that is little bit more natural in ffb,feel than gt7 :)

imagine PD would release a open world with the physics of gt7, where your car in air just stop simulating and you would never can flip over ^^
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But I do want to say that the comments about the Eventlab (around 10:35) are not completely accurate, as we have seen and there are tons of original and spectacular creations since the mode's inception, so IMO it has not been a wasted opportunity, and I expect it will be one of the centerpieces of the next FH. (A full tutorial mode would be great, I agree).
Allow me to elaborate.

It's not about the "original and spectacular creations"; that's just props on a map. When PG first announced the new FH5 EventLab, they chose to do so by highlighting the ability to change the underlying game rules - citing that the tools to do so are the same ones they use.

The demonstration of this was an EventLab at the Stadium using an Focus RS in which the driver needed to find treasure chests in order to unlock more engine torque so that the car was fast enough to make a jump to the finish line. There was also that weird "Five Faces of Forza" boss battle event in the Stadium which I'd entirely forgotten about. It all looked and sounded cool.

Then the game launched, and the game rules toolset turned out to be... more or less coding. Unless you speak programmerese, it's close to impossible to generate any kind of unique rule effects. Some people are doing very fun things with it - I specifically flag @Ergo Me Smart in the video - but without a guide on how to use these tools, what could be a brilliant, brand-new game experience that blows all other game customisation tools in all other games out of the water is just a niche thing available to a very few players.

PG itself isn't helping matters by not highlighting the events that do use custom rulesets... almost at all.

We've been getting 5-9 EventLab races on every Playlist for more than two years now, and as far as I'm aware there hasn't been a single one with custom rules - unless you include the ones that have the creator's name/YouTube channel displayed in the box in the top-left, or the very, very rare one with custom on-screen messages. Most are really just a load of props on either a standard or custom route. I think that there's a "custom rule" category in the Golden Tank awards, but flagging four a year is hardly making the most of it.

Due to the fact that capabilities of custom rulesets are mind-blowing and almost without end (or "opportunities"), but the actual use of them is miniscule because few know how to use it at all, it's the biggest waste of an opportunity in almost the entire history of games.

And that's on PG for not offering even a glimmer of a hint of how to piggin' use it.
Thinking about getting the game once it launches, I have few questions as a newbie.

Can we inspect cars inside and out before purchasing them? Either from autoshow or auctions house?

Is the auction house only way to sell or get rid of cars for money?

How many cars are roughly available in the autoshow in base game without paid car packs?

For example, I'm interested of the Cadillac CT5-V, is it available straight away from autoshow if I have enough credits, or do I need to buy a car pack with real money to get access to it?
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Can we inspect cars inside and out before purchasing them? Either from autoshow or auctions house?
So... there is a walkround, door/hood/boot/roof-open, feature, but if I recall correctly you do need to own the car to use it.
Is the auction house only way to sell or get rid of cars for money?
You can sell unwanted cars as you receive them. Other than that it's Auction House or discard them.
How many cars are roughly available in the autoshow in base game without paid car packs?
Including all the Hard-to-Find/Exclusive cars (from Playlists, which are now popping up as Horizon Backstage cars you can get for one Backstage Pass apiece) but excluding all DLC like car packs, the Car Pass, VIP, Hot Wheels/Rally Adventure exclusives etc, it's about 750.
For example, I'm interested of the Cadillac CT5-V, is it available straight away from autoshow if I have enough credits, or do I need to buy a car pack with real money to get access to it?
That was a Playlist car, meaning that you needed to complete so many points during the relevant season (week) or Series (month) - don't recall which but it doesn't matter - to get it. You won't be able to get it any more due to that, although it may at some point become a Horizon Backstage car which you can buy for one Backstage Pass. Passes are available for scoring 40pt during a season, and for 1000 Forzathon Points (which you can earn from certain Playlist activities and from Horizon Arcade) in the Forzathon Shop.
It would be great to 'continue' with your PC profile in PS5!!!!


Makes it sound like a solid "hey, you can play it 3 times, and always begin from zero"
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This does bring up an interesting question. I presume they will want all the cars to be available on PS5. That could take a while unless the showroom has more cars to buy. If not will it delay FH6 assuming there is a potential release on the horizon (so to speak).
Branching off this--I can recall exactly three Featured EventLabs in the Playlist that did make use of custom rules. One was the Imperial Circuit back in Japanese Automotive, which challenged players to beat a certain laptime in order to be named 'Dragon' IIRC, another was a point-to-point race where you needed to smash things along the route in order to improve your car's performance (whereas if you hit a pinata cactus you lost horsepower), and the other was a custom rallycross route where you actually had to reach a custom startline before you could tear through the route--probably my favorite use of custom rules, actually. Those last two were either added in Horizon World Cup or some time after it, I can't fully remember.

What I can remember for certain is that there were/are three distinct 'eras' for Featured EventLab curation in the Playlist. The first involved Hot Wheels-style stunt tracks, inspired by FH3's Hot Wheels expansion (which in hindsight was probably a teaser for FH5's Hot Wheels expansion), the second was essentially 'hey check out what's possible when you build environments in EventLab!'--I mostly remember the Cairo EventLabs and some of the city maps from that era--and the one I think we're in now, leaving aside EventLab Island, is essentially custom expansions on routes already in FH5, designed to make them longer and more aesthetically interesting.

At some point, it's as if PG realized folks weren't using EventLab for custom rules and were instead using it to build their own, admittedly sometimes spectacular tracks and routes--which is a big part of why 'EventLab 2.0' didn't even attempt to streamline that aspect of it and instead focused on making the actual act of creating custom environments to race in much easier. EventLab Island is now basically a capsule for all the fantastical creations, and all the props they added in Year Three can basically be summed up as 'tools to help you make more things on EventLab Island'. I fully expect FH6 to really double down on this like FH4 did for the Blueprint Creator, and either cut the Blueprint Creator completely or fold its functionality into 6--though in theory you could go bigger and just make an entire Horizon game centered around the potential of EventLab. It all remains to be seen.
This does bring up an interesting question. I presume they will want all the cars to be available on PS5. That could take a while unless the showroom has more cars to buy. If not will it delay FH6 assuming there is a potential release on the horizon (so to speak).
They can just release FH6 on PS5 a year after PC/Xbox, giving plenty of time for PS5 users to collect cars. No reason to delay FH6 for PS5 users.
They can just release FH6 on PS5 a year after PC/Xbox, giving plenty of time for PS5 users to collect cars. No reason to delay FH6 for PS5 users.
Perhaps they'll introduce Backstage Passes for all formats to coincide with the PS5 launch.
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Perhaps they'll introduce Backstage Passes for all formats to coincide with the PS5 launch.
I mean, isn't that the case already? Even the winners of each Playlist vote will get Backstage Passes as Series and 40 point Playlist rewards, presumably. No reason to assume that won't continue with Horizon Realms and beyond.
though in theory you could go bigger and just make an entire Horizon game centered around the potential of EventLab
This. A new FH6 EventLab Island could be populated with events (with and without custom rules) and have roads and geographical features of its own and change seasonally like Fortnite. I would prefer that to fixed expansions, which we will get anyways.
Honestly, I don't know why they sound so snarky and condescending about FH5 going to PS5. A new base of players is getting access to an excellent type of game that Sony (PD) could totally do, and do well, but will never do. Imagine the state of Driveclub/Motorstorm now if they had kept at it.
This may improve the odds of Sony making a game of this type.
I mean, isn't that the case already? Even the winners of each Playlist vote will get Backstage Passes as Series and 40 point Playlist rewards, presumably. No reason to assume that won't continue with Horizon Realms and beyond.
Not for a new game like FH6. Backstage Passes don't usually come out until end of life I thought.
So what’s the online offering on FH5? Is there something for daily racers from GT7 will find as a good alternative to GT?

Sorry if it’s mentioned somewhere I didn’t have time to read it all just the popped in my head 😁
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So what’s the online offering on FH5? Is there something for daily racers from GT7 will find as a good alternative to GT?

Sorry if it’s mentioned somewhere I didn’t have time to read it all just the popped in my head 😁
Something like the Tours is probably closest. Different one starting every couple of minutes, a lot more variety than GT. It’s more like official versions of the GT7 multiplayer lobbies.

Seems a big risk to develop a AAA game of Forza level just to sell a few copies.
Let me remind you of "Concord".
I dont particularly see a problem in trying to take on FH, as I dont know about any other racing games of the same category.
But without any slight interest in Concord I do know about Fortnite, Overwatch and whatsoever and wouldnt expect a player to change his base he has established over the last few years.
Great news & video for not thinking PD will be ........."Intimidated" & yes, that word will do nicely, then they should be at least very concerned as they have held the driving mantle for ages on the PS. & if someones brave enough to cross over platforms & challenge them, its got to be great news for us users, Let the Driving Sim` War begin ..........

Start your engines !
...not saying it's bad, in fact, this is really good, because there is possibility for platform locked games to come to other platforms, but... M$ must be desperate...
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I wonder how much it will cost as it sounds like it will effectively be an ultimate edition.
If I were a gambler, I'd bet on "current Price of GT7 minus AUD$20". That's a dynamic price; in every sale event it'll undercut GT7 just because it can. See also The Crew Motorfest's continuous undercutting of TDU: Solar Crown.
Maybe the GT7/FH5 price rivalry won't be that strong, the competition isn't as direct as the rivalry between the only two French MMO racing games.