I know PS3 production has finished, but are developers still even making PS3 games? I can't imagine many. And the only reason I believe GT6 could potentially see a longer online life than GT5 is because of the change in game type between GT6 and GTS. I love GTS, no it's not the same old GT formula but come on, more than half of those cars were PS2 quality. The series needed this reboot and I think in the long run the series will benefit from it. It's not Gran Turismo like we know it, but it's something refreshing and new, which if you'e honest with yourselves, GT6 wasn't.
That being said, I hope GT6 stays online at least until I can buy another PS3 for cheap. My original PS3 slim bit the dust about 2 months after GT6 released so I never got to play it too much and would love a revisit. The car list alone is worth it. To experience it one last time would be nice. Hell, I still fire up my PS2 to play GT4 and GT2 every once in a while. GT5/6 never had the same appeal to me as those games, but were great in their own ways.
And in time I hope you naysayers and hold outs will give GTS an honest chance and realize it is going in the right direction. By GT6 the games were stagnant and living in the past. Here's to the future my GT brethren, come join us