Going to jump back in here with some further thoughts...
Firstly, while I probably could be called a "diehard" Linux user now, 2 or 3 years ago nothing could have been further from the truth. I was Windows all the way. I also use Windows 2000 and XP every day at work, and I tried both beta 1 & 2 and RC1 of Vista at home. In short, I've used Vista and I use Windows regularly. I can't say the same for Mac, I see it every few months and that's it apart from reading articles about it.
With that out of the way, I'd like to cover a few points. I'll probably miss something already mentioned so feel free to pull me up if I do
And it's all opinion, of course
DRM - I disagree that it will end as whatever MS decide it will be. The market will decide, IMO. If it's made so restrictive that the user can't, for instance, take a movie out of their Blu-Ray player and watch it on their PC, people will increasingly get annoyed and the format won't be accepted. BTW, those formats are just there as examples. Could be HD-DVD, could be something else entirely - the point is the market will decide.
XP vs Vista - barring any worrying security problems we don't know about, Vista is definitely better than XP. The interface is slicker (although I prefer XP's "look" to the non-Aero Vista). I'm not convinced that we won't see security issues over the next few months, but I wouldn't buy any new Windows OS until after at least the first service pack anyway. Is Vista a resource hog? Compared to XP, a little bit IMO. Compared to other OS's that I know about, needing 8Gb (from memory, correct me if I'm wrong) of HD space
just for the OS is unbelievable. I know HDs are fairly cheap these days, but still. 8
gig!?! By comparison, my Ubuntu machine with desktop effects that frankly pee on Vista from a great height, an office suite, a photo editor and various other programs installed comes in at 4.1Gb.
"It's a complete rewrite from XP" - No it's not. From everything I've read it's based on Windows Server 2003, which in turn was based on XP and 2000 Server/Advanced Server. Most of the really good stuff that was originally slated for Longhorn/Vista (WinFS springs to mind, there are others) got ditched.
Don't get me wrong - as I've already said, Vista is definitely a move forward from XP and that's a good thing. If the thread title was "Is Vista better than XP" I would agree completely. However the thread title is "When will you be getting Vista", and my answer was basically never, because I don't see myself needing it. I stand by that
Each to their own of course - but please don't cast me as some sort of blinkered zealot who can't see beyond Linux. I've tried at least some of the alternatives (sorry, i'm not about to buy a whole new computer to try OSX), and I prefer what I have.
Er, random rant over. Sorry for the long post