You need an Owl ear and that is what we all can have!!!!
How? Like I said you can tone down the car sound and make nature sound loud!
Try driving slowly next time and you will hear them!!
You have already gone for hard core and most settings can be change at your own desire. So why not have sound of nature in the background!
And you can tune it so you can hear it when you drive.

Its not hard to do.
It a must in the game cause everything has become realistic!
And with sound that means you can see animals and birds!

Native wildlife that exist near those tracks.
Not everyone will like to speed all the time. They might just want to replay, sit back and just hear the sound of nature or spot that animal that pass you by because you were too fast speeding on the high way!
Perhaps a rabbit hoping on the road! And you need to be careful! That offer challenge dont you say?????
You got rain now just add animals to the mix.