Which games do you consider as serious racing simulators?

  • Thread starter Strittan

Which game(s) do you consider as serious racing simulators?

  • Gran Turismo 5

    Votes: 218 69.6%
  • Forza Motorsport 3

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Need for Speed Shift

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • iRacing

    Votes: 185 59.1%
  • rFactor

    Votes: 180 57.5%
  • Live for Speed

    Votes: 168 53.7%
  • GTR (and the other SimBin titles)

    Votes: 167 53.4%
  • Richard Burns Rally

    Votes: 111 35.5%
  • Nascar Racing 2003 Season

    Votes: 37 11.8%
  • Other (please state in your post)

    Votes: 21 6.7%

  • Total voters
On par with Forza?? Hah. In Dan Greenawalts dreams his games are equal to GT. But in reality, I play Rfactor and GT5P and to me Forza 3 (I have played it multiple times with the Fanatec wheel) is just childs play.

GT and the good PC sims, are for men. Forza is for boys. End of story.

GT maybe more superior to Forza, but I can't seriously put it (GT) in the same class as Iracing.

GT has always been a quasi-sim just like Forza. Maybe GT5 will be a more hardcore sim, but that remains to be seen.
It bears mentioning...

A little off point, but it makes me wonder... I often see people talk about things or make claims that show they clearly aren't paying attention to much outside the world of GT... whether it's damage in games and if it's ever happened before or what kinds are available, to rollover, how it will be handled and the resulting effects on your race... often the exact things talked about are new only to the GT series and issues sited and thought of are usually already existing and dealt with in other franchises... it seems that a lot of people here talk about stuff and make claims as to superiority or inferiority of products without actually have experienced them...

And as for the poll, I consider the TOCA sim racing game because it does do a good job of simulating facets of racing often missed out on... the group breaks into packs reaslistically, the AI does a decent job of holding lines while giving where it should and generally not being a blind jackass and the damage and physics are more than passable. In fact I would say it really is simulating the racing part while many of the other games on the list simulate the driving part (although it's driving fast with other people, racing is more than driving fast with other people).

he just pbacked me up :sly:
GT maybe more superior to Forza, but I can't seriously put it (GT) in the same class as Iracing.

GT has always been a quasi-sim just like Forza. Maybe GT5 will be a more hardcore sim, but that remains to be seen.

Iracing is great and all (never played it, dont feel like spending that much money), but for what it is, I like GT better. Sure Iracing might be more "serious". But if I want to pay to race, I will take my RX7 to pacific raceways. If i want to play a sim that accurately
simulates driving, and so much more than that, I will play GT.

Your right that Iracing is in a class of it's own because of it's online structure, and proffesional attatude.

But as far as everything els, I believe Gran Turismo is in a class of it's own.
A little off point, but it makes me wonder... I often see people talk about things or make claims that show they clearly aren't paying attention to much outside the world of GT... whether it's damage in games and if it's ever happened before or what kinds are available, to rollover, how it will be handled and the resulting effects on your race... often the exact things talked about are new only to the GT series and issues sited and thought of are usually already existing and dealt with in other franchises... it seems that a lot of people here talk about stuff and make claims as to superiority or inferiority of products without actually have experienced them...

Iracing is great and all (never played it, dont feel like spending that much money), but for what it is, I like GT better.

So basically you just compared something to something you have never experienced, weighed in on the values of both and drew a conclusion after only every playing one of them?

HI everyone, i`m new at GT Planet but i`ve been reading the forums daily.
How can you say GT5 is a serious racing simulator? Playing without TCS,ABS,SC.... may be a "semi-simulator". Many people who have playeD GT Academy says its difficult to drive, what do you want? another NFS?
The biggest issue with GT5P is the online races. They are crap...

I fear the online mode is not on top of PD's priority list and I have a feeling it will be little to not improved at all in GT5. :nervous:
I consider RACE PRO as a serious racing simulator

I voted "other" as I specifically wanted to highlight RACE PRO as a fantastic simulation of wheel to wheel racing, the online multiplayer races are epic, in over 15 years of playing racing games, never have I been so immersed in the race like in RACE PRO.

In my opinion RACE PRO is too good to just come under "GTR (and the other SimBin titles) ". Much more realistic racing than Forza 3.

No doubt RFactor and iRacing are also good but I only have a laptop so cannot confirm.
HI everyone, i`m new at GT Planet but i`ve been reading the forums daily.
How can you say GT5 is a serious racing simulator? Playing without TCS,ABS,SC.... may be a "semi-simulator". Many people who have playeD GT Academy says its difficult to drive, what do you want? another NFS?
That's , I believe, because people here want it to be a sim, but GT never was one and will never be one ( I hope ). That of course only happens, because it says " The Real Driving Simulator" on the box, which is just a weird Japanese joke which people just, unfortunately, don't get IMO :rolleyes:

The biggest issue with GT5P is the online races. They are crap...

I fear the online mode is not on top of PD's priority list and I have a feeling it will be little to not improved at all in GT5. :nervous:

The biggest issue is two completely different driving physics in one game. I don't like at all where this is heading ( elitism, punting, rubberband effect... etc.)
That's , I believe, because people here want it to be a sim, but GT never was one and will never be one ( I hope ). That of course only happens, because it says " The Real Driving Simulator" on the box, which is just a weird Japanese joke which people just, unfortunately, don't get IMO :rolleyes:
Ok, which games do you rank as simulators then? You don't know what you're talking about, seriously.

The biggest issue is two completely different driving physics in one game. I don't like at all where this is heading ( elitism, punting, rubberband effect... etc.)
You mean standard and professional physics? How on earth are they an issue? Different difficulty degrees exists in most serious racing sims as far as I know.

On the punting and rubberband effect. Punting can be solved with the now confirmed private rooms, and the rubberband effect has been gone for a long time from the expert events in GT5P.
GT5 is not a racing sim, it's a driving sim.
Just because it says so in the slogan?

Why can't it be both anyway? NASCAR, WRC and Super GT licenses are more than enough to make a game with accurate physics worthy of being called a racing sim IMO. And considering it features detailed car settings, tuing options and online racing makes it even more so.

Now this is a driving simulator...

Just because it says so in the slogan?

Why can't it be both anyway? NASCAR, WRC and Super GT licenses are more than enough to make a game with accurate physics worthy of being called a racing sim IMO. And considering it features detailed car settings, tuing options and online racing makes it even more so.

Now this is a driving simulator...


Why would you drive that when you could drive THIS:

BTW if you really stop to consider what seperates racing from driving fast with other people, it's quite arguable that up until this point GT has not really been a racing simulator. There are just so many facets of racing that it does not simulate...
I refuse to vote in this poll, for I have only played GT5p/TT, Forza 3 and Shift.

So, I do not possess the appropriate criteria to cast a vote. I would love to try iRacing, though. If only I were born rich instead of good looking... :sly:
Ok, which games do you rank as simulators then? You don't know what you're talking about, seriously.

You mean standard and professional physics? How on earth are they an issue? Different difficulty degrees exists in most serious racing sims as far as I know.

On the punting and rubberband effect. Punting can be solved with the now confirmed private rooms, and the rubberband effect has been gone for a long time from the expert events in GT5P.

I have played GTR 1&2 and I think those are serious simulators. They're just boring to me, that's why I think GT shouldn't be anything like a "serious" sim.
For ten years I was laughing at the " real driving simulator " slogan and then I come here to see people actually took that serious and made some kind of religion out of it :eek: ...for me, GT always was far better in many aspects and simply can't compare to games like GTR.
As for 2 driving physics, it's just putting casuals ( like me ) off, opposite of what might be intended.
So, let me get this correct, if you arrange a RACE with some friends in GT5, you are not racing them, you are driving with them, as fast as you can, in order to finish the race first. Well if that isn't racing I have no idea what is.

Seriously, for those of you who say GT5 will be not be a racing game, take a long close look at yourself in the mirror and ask...how is it possible I could ask such a stupid question.

On the whole iRacing argument I'm a member, although my subscription has lapsed this month because of GT Academy :D and I don't think iRacing is all that great. I will certainly prefer to race online with GT5 rather than iRacing. I can have all of the fun of close racing without having to pay through my backside! It's a no-brainer really!

I do enjoy the SimBin games too, but as far as sound and graphics are concerned they are just dated. You may as well go back to outrun on the first page! (and I even prefer the feel of the cars in the new demo to the Simbin series).

But please, don't say that GT5 will not be a racing Sim. It's just dumb. full stop.

GT5 is not a racing sim, it's a driving sim.
As for 2 driving physics, it's just putting casuals ( like me ) off, opposite of what might be intended.
I still don't get ya. Are you really saying the physics in the TT demo is not accurate at all? Hell, I thought even GT4 was accurate to a certain degree, when playing with the Driving Force Pro. Yes I had droven in real life back then, so I had something to go on for sure.

GT5P and GT5 TT Demo are simulators, whether you like it or not. However, I agree that they're far from as serious as the PC sims.

I hate the fact you make me sound like a fanboy, because I'm not. I'd much rather play iRacing right now than waiting for GT5, but I don't have the cash, nor the computer performance, and nor do I have a steering wheel... yet.
GT5P and GT5 TT Demo are simulators, whether you like it or not. However, I agree that they're far from as serious as the PC sims.

I agree that.

This poll i so fanboy biased, c'mon, i love GT series i really love it, but, its far from rFactor, GTR and RBR, sims i voted.
The ex.? GT dont have weather, time cycle, skidmarks, reverse lights, flip the car, damage, and its first!!!

P.S. I dont have the oportunity to try iRacing.
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I still don't get ya. Are you really saying the physics in the TT demo is not accurate at all? Hell, I thought even GT4 was accurate to a certain degree, when playing with the Driving Force Pro. Yes I had droven in real life back then, so I had something to go on for sure.

GT5P and GT5 TT Demo are simulators, whether you like it or not. However, I agree that they're far from as serious as the PC sims.

I hate the fact you make me sound like a fanboy, because I'm not. I'd much rather play iRacing right now than waiting for GT5

Sorry I didn't want to make you sound like a fanboy and I actually agree with most what you say. :)
I like the TT Demo physics a lot, to me it feels like GT (again). I just don't get why there has to be 2 physics... have you played standart physics? Then what does it simulate? ;)
IMO difficulty should be set by tires (like in GT3/4) and not some strange 'noob' physics which doesn't teach you anything about 'driving'.
Sorry I didn't want to make you sound like a fanboy and I actually agree with most what you say. :)
I like the TT Demo physics a lot, to me it feels like GT (again). I just don't get why there has to be 2 physics... have you played standart physics? Then what does it simulate? ;)
Yes, I tried the standard physics in the beginning, then I stepped up to professional.

IMO difficulty should be set by tires (like in GT3/4) and not some strange 'noob' physics which doesn't teach you anything about 'driving'.
You're still confusing me as hell. Is GT5 Prologue not a simulator only because it has two difficulty levels? Is that what you're saying?

They are there for the sake of choice god damn it! If you're a newbie, use the standard physics. If you're good (or want to learn better), use the professional physics. What's the problem!?
GT5 will be a serious racing simulator, if the people is serious on the track. I dont wanna play with kids that play wrecking or going in wrong way and all that.
I just wanna play with serious racers, no TCS, no ABS, no SC.......and run about 20-30 laps with wear factor and fuel.
On GT5, i will not play 3 or 5 laps races. It`s a joke (just an opinion)
So, let me get this correct, if you arrange a RACE with some friends in GT5, you are not racing them, you are driving with them, as fast as you can, in order to finish the race first. Well if that isn't racing I have no idea what is.

It's not simulating racing. And by racing I mean the kind of racing that is being portrayed.

If you aren't simulating at least the most grossly influential parts of an event (such as damage, wear and tear, things that dramatically effect performance like weather conditions) and the rules of racing (flags, racing lines, wheel up rules, contact rules etc) you aren't racing that kind of race anymore. You are just lining up cars to run fast together.

A bunch of stock cars going around Daytona is not a stock car race unless a decent amount of what makes stock car racing stock car racing is brought in.
Yes, I tried the standard physics in the beginning, then I stepped up to professional.
See, I still use them, because the races are more intense and have more than 2 or 3 people participating regularly. And I can tell you what you learn there is useless for the 'pro' races. Also they are super unrealistic.

You're still confusing me as hell. Is GT5 Prologue not a simulator only because it has two difficulty levels? Is that what you're saying?
No, again I'm just saying 2 physics are nonsense...

They are there for the sake of choice god damn it! If you're a newbie, use the standard physics. If you're good (or want to learn better), use the professional physics. What's the problem!?
I'm sorry for mixing up two things, one thing is I don't consider GT as a racing simulator, because there's too many stuff missing that happens to be in a real race and second is I pretty much hate both physics in GT5:P basically, because one is way too easy and the other is way too hard; that's the problem right there.
I don't expect you or anyone to agree, but surely it's not too hard to understand?

PS: As I said before and also in the TT demo thread, the TT physics are much better IMO. So GT5 is another story and I just hope they don't change it yet again. :dunce:
Yes, I tried the standard physics in the beginning, then I stepped up to professional.
See, I still use them, because the races are more intense and have more than 2 or 3 people participating regularly. And I can tell you what you learn there is useless for the 'pro' races. Also they are super unrealistic.

You're still confusing me as hell. Is GT5 Prologue not a simulator only because it has two difficulty levels? Is that what you're saying?
No, again I'm just saying 2 physics are nonsense...

They are there for the sake of choice god damn it! If you're a newbie, use the standard physics. If you're good (or want to learn better), use the professional physics. What's the problem!?
I'm sorry for mixing up two things, one thing is I don't consider GT as a racing simulator, because there's too many stuff missing that happens to be in a real race and second is I pretty much hate both physics in GT5:P basically, because one is way too easy and the other is way too hard; that's the problem right there.QUOTE]
I don't expect you or anyone to agree, but surely it's not too hard to understand?

PS: As I said before and also in the TT demo thread, the TT physics are much better IMO. So GT5 is another story and I just hope they don't change it yet again. :dunce:
Ok, two physics are nonsense, although I see them more as difficulty levels, nevermind.

What I still don't get however, is the point you're trying to make about why GT is not a simulator. Which things are you saying are missing from real life races?
I have played GTR 1&2 and I think those are serious simulators. They're just boring to me, that's why I think GT shouldn't be anything like a "serious" sim.
For ten years I was laughing at the " real driving simulator " slogan and then I come here to see people actually took that serious and made some kind of religion out of it :eek: ...for me, GT always was far better in many aspects and simply can't compare to games like GTR.
As for 2 driving physics, it's just putting casuals ( like me ) off, opposite of what might be intended.

You find GTR games boring?!?

Ok here's something fun for you to try, grab GTR Evolution and try to get a Koenigsegg round Monza without losing control down the straights and wrecking your ****. Ten times scarier than any survival horror game and a million times more fun :sly:

I really think the perfect game would be GTR2/Evo's driving model/physics etc with Gran Turismo's graphics and content. Would pretty much be hands-down the best in the genre if something like that existed.
So, let me get this correct, if you arrange a RACE with some friends in GT5, you are not racing them, you are driving with them, as fast as you can, in order to finish the race first. Well if that isn't racing I have no idea what is.

Seriously, for those of you who say GT5 will be not be a racing game, take a long close look at yourself in the mirror and ask...how is it possible I could ask such a stupid question.
But please, don't say that GT5 will not be a racing Sim. It's just dumb. full stop.

👍 to me driving is going somewhere in an orderly manner with no competitive spirit.....racing is me against the clock, or against an oponent, to see who can get to the finish first (us:sly:ually me ). You wanna race?????:crazy:
Note that Gran Turismo 5 is the only game in the list that not released yet (no, is not a biased poll)