The longer this thread continues, the more it becomes apparent how problematic this particular game is for ALL of the wheels. It's a bit frustrating as my thumb is getting sore from holding down X, lol, but I cannot find myself to purchase any of them. Fanatec still has no permanent solution (only a minor workaround), the T300 is completely unreliable, and quite remarkably the G29 may be the best bet.
What's also remarkable is the poll above has the G29 at over 40%, which I have a hunch may be also a direct result of price points. All in all, there is no clear winner however, only the lesser of three evils. Quite a shame.
Be happy your not talking about PC gaming which gives you a LOT more (expensive) options!!! Like direct drive and close to real high end pedals etc...
I'll try to summarize the thread:
Complete package (PS4) including 3 pedalset
$ 250-$ 300 G29
$ 300-$ 400 T300GT or alcantara edition
$ 600+ CSL elite starter pack with Loadcell brake
Considering your budget was about 200-30...just get the t300gt pack if you can get a good deal in your budget. Larger rim and decent pedals and it was made for GT sport. I think most will agree here.
Best bang for your buck if your really into GT sport! If your scared of reliability buy at a store with good guarantee (2 years min.) but honestly it's a best selling wheel so don't worry about breaking down because of all the horror stories..
You can upgrade within the thrustmaster ecosystem. Rims, shifter. The only upgrade you might consider is the TGT but you can buy two and a half t300's for the same price. So wouldn't recommend it unless you got money to burn.
But if you want to spend twice that ($600+)you should enter fanatec ecosystem... the rims, handbrake, shifter, pedals are far superior to anything else for PS4! The most high end possible on PS4. But will set you back $1000+ eventually.
The CEO of fanatic already confirmed compatibility right now.. and 100% compatibity down the road!
But... if your only a
casual gamer go for G29. It's within your budget and works great! It's smaller leatherwrapped rim (28 cm)with loads of buttons and good functionality with GT with red dial, so you can alter settings on the fly.
Apart from shifter, no ecosystem... but you get reliability, compatibility and plug and playability... but only buy this if you don't want to spend more then $250 or want to upgrade later.