White Privilege

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Actually I did leave out the wording "black" concerning a non white run or population dominated country.
I forgot that here with those involved, although the conversation has been almost exclusively about white privilege and racism by whites against the black race that if you do not spell it out exactly someone will try to twist it around!

And your little pie chart represents what? That whites a much larger percentage of the population are a larger percentage of the drug users, and that most laws in this country target those that Distribute drugs instead of the users and your chart again only proves that blacks even though a much smaller percentage of only 13% the population in this country are apparently the majority being arrested and convicted for illegal drug distribution in this country.

Again that just points out and verifies that by the numbers that a higher percentage of the black population sell more drugs and gets busted for it.
Nothing to lay blame or charge racism in that.

I know in my area every time that a major undercover drug sting is pulled off in neighboring cities and counties that roughly 80% of those arrested when they show the pictures on the evening local news are of blacks that have been arrested in the drug sting. This is not a one off, one time or one locality deal but repeated across the board and year after year. That is a result of choice in activity of those arrested and race has nothing to do with it. I do not think they give white people an undocumented pharmacist license either.

The excuses are getting old, own the behavior and the consequences that comes with the decision to follow the path you choose. That is the same regardless of what color you are!
The chart shows users, not distributors.

"own the behaviour and the consequences", what are the consequences of illiteracy ?
However, if you factor in hundreds of years of exploitation and abrupt removal of colonial power, it's easy to see why Africa has such a hard time of it now.
I just can't figure out why though. They had years to learn European tech and ruling ways. Why couldn't they figure out what to do to help themselves after they pulled out?
What was stopping them from learning about weaponry before us? They were around longer.
I just can't figure out why though. They had years to learn European tech and ruling ways. Why couldn't they figure out what to do to help themselves after they pulled out?
What was stopping them from learning about weaponry before us? They were around longer.
You can apply your question to only European nations and you still wouldn't be able to figure it out. What's stopping Poland from having as high standard of living as Finland?
I just can't figure out why though. They had years to learn European tech and ruling ways. Why couldn't they figure out what to do to help themselves after they pulled out?
What was stopping them from learning about weaponry before us? They were around longer.

It's not like Europeans moved all their tech to Africa when they colonized it. They essentially just set up an area to extract natural resources, which is something modern African nations do pretty well. It's not like they educated the population or really did anything to improve their quality of life.

As for the weaponry. Resources are the main reason. Europeans had contact with the Far East, which gave them access to gunpowder. Africa, by comparison, did not, or at least they did not have major contact with the Far East since it's not on the Silk Road and the Mongolians didn't come riding in.
I just can't figure out why though. They had years to learn European tech and ruling ways. Why couldn't they figure out what to do to help themselves after they pulled out?
What was stopping them from learning about weaponry before us? They were around longer.

In the case of Iraq, the answer is religion.
The chart shows users, not distributors.

"own the behaviour and the consequences", what are the consequences of illiteracy ?
Yes, the first chart shows users and in this country with the white race being the highest percentage of the population it is likely that the white race will have the highest drug user rate. Nothing unusual in that at all really.

Your second pie chart shows people by race incarcerated for drug offenses. In this country drug distribution or possession of over personal use amounts is the drug crimes that are mostly prosecuted and that is not by race but by offense. So since your chart shows such a higher rate of 60% of prisoners convicted of drug crimes are of the black race even though they are only 13% of the population being incarcerated for drug crimes then it just stands to back up that more people of that race are involved in the illegal drug trade. And that does match with the information that is generally out concerning those that are picked up in a drug bust.
You cannot try to twist the facts and pretend that the people incarcerated in prison is just users. Any one that follows anything as far as the arrest and incarcerations concerning drugs are geared towards getting the traffickers and dealers of the illegal product off the streets.
But yet again you try to make it sound like it is a racist thing with the amount of blacks incarcerated for drugs, no it is just plain fact that there are more blacks illegally dealing drugs on the street corners and getting busted and going to prison for their crimes.
Maybe YOU should learn to read the chart you put up.
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Yes, the first chart shows users and in this country with the white race being the highest percentage of the population it is likely that the white race will have the highest drug user rate. Nothing unusual in that at all really.

Your second pie chart shows people by race incarcerated for drug offenses. In this country drug distribution or possession of over personal use amounts is the drug crimes that are mostly prosecuted and that is not by race but by offense. So since your chart shows such a higher rate of 60% of prisoners convicted of drug crimes are of the black race even though they are only 13% of the population being incarcerated for drug crimes then it just stands to back up that more people of that race are involved in the illegal drug trade. And that does match with the information that is generally out concerning those that are picked up in a drug bust.
You cannot try to twist the facts and pretend that the people incarcerated in prison is just users. Any one that follows anything as far as the arrest and incarcerations concerning drugs are geared towards getting the traffickers and dealers of the illegal product off the streets.
But yet again you try to make it sound like it is a racist thing with the amount of blacks incarcerated for drugs, no it is just plain fact that there are more blacks illegally dealing drugs on the street corners and getting busted and going to prison for their crimes.
Maybe YOU should learn to read the chart you put up.
Okay pie charts aren’t your thing.

How about stick figurines?

Okay pie charts aren’t your thing.

How about stick figurines?
That chart has nothing to do with the subject at hand, if it is proven they are innocent then there will not be a conviction. There are quite a few of the "Idindunuffins" convicted in a court of law for the crime they were charged with.
No matter what the subject or the topic there will always be a an "EXPERT" that will spin the facts and subject to make it agree with your viewpoint.

You are just one of those that pushes that it is "ALL THE WHITE MAN HOLDIN THE BRUTHA DOWN" end of story regardless of the facts!
No such thing as unicorns or fairy dust either but you can believe whatever you like.
That isn't how rates work.
when 60% of the total drug users are white out of 100% of the total using drugs then that is saying 60 out of 100 drug users are white with the other 40 drug users being a different race out of the 100 drug users that make up the total.

Now if we have 60 are black and 40 are other races are in prison for drug crimes out of a total amount of 100 convicted of drug crimes for the entire 100% of the convicts in prison then 60% are black convicted for drug related offenses.

If you use the same math for the countries population breakdown then out of every 100 people 60 will be white, 13 will be black and 27 will be other races, that makes up the population as a whole by race.

Basically the higher numerically a percentage of the population a subject is the more likely that subject will have higher participation rates (number wise partaking, not percentage of race wise.) of any activity as compared to a subject that does not have as many chances at the prize.

Both drug users and drug prison populations have a set number that dictates what would be 100% as far as participants. If you have 60 black prisoners convicted of drug offenses out of a total of 100 prisoners in all of the prisons for drugs but only 13 subjects per 100 members of the total population that could be convicted of the crime how would you do the math and figure the rate?

If you cannot figure how those rates work as simple as they are shown here I do not know what to tell you. Both issues in question have a definitive number to be able to calculate exact numbers, both the total set amount of drug users and the total set amount of convicts convicted of drug offenses.
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Try this one instead: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-ta...etween-number-of-blacks-and-whites-in-prison/

According to Pew Research, 475,900 inmates in the US are black and the US Census says there are 34,144,000 non-Hispanic blacks in the US. That's 1.39% of the population. By contrast, there are 436,500 white inmates with a total US population of 197,285,000. That's .22% of the population.

Even with the number of non-Hispanic whites and blacks incarcerated are getting closer, still, a disproportionate number of blacks are in prison compared to whites. So what does this mean? That blacks are incarcerated at a higher percentage than whites for their given population.

If I had to put money on it, I'm guessing that if you were to have a 21-year-old black male and a 21-year-old white male arrested and tried for the same crime, the black male would be more likely to end up in jail whereas the white male would get probation. The statistics seem to support this too since the white population outnumbers the black population 5 to 1. With that large of a sample size, it stands to reason that not all 197 million whites are law-abiding citizens.
If I had to put money on it, I'm guessing that if you were to have a 21-year-old black male and a 21-year-old white male arrested and tried for the same crime, the black male would be more likely to end up in jail whereas the white male would get probation. The statistics seem to support this too since the white population outnumbers the black population 5 to 1. With that large of a sample size, it stands to reason that not all 197 million whites are law-abiding citizens.
Guessing as to the reason you can come to any deduction you choose!

But guessing does not separate or make it a fact of whether the matter is that actually it could just as well be a higher percentage of the black population is committing the crimes.

Numbers you are showing in your post aligns with the well published facts that 13% of the population is committing over 50% of the crimes. But I guess the white man made them do that as well!
when 60% of the total drug users are white out of 100% of the total using drugs then that is saying 60 out of 100 drug users are white with the other 40 drug users being a different race out of the 100 drug users that make up the total.

Now if we have 60 are black and 40 are other races are in prison for drug crimes out of a total amount of 100 convicted of drug crimes for the entire 100% of the convicts in prison then 60% are black convicted for drug related offenses.

If you use the same math for the countries population breakdown then out of every 100 people 60 will be white, 13 will be black and 27 will be other races, that makes up the population as a whole by race.

Basically the higher numerically a percentage of the population a subject is the more likely that subject will have higher participation rates of any activity as compared to a subject that does not have as many chances at the prize.

Both drug users and drug prison populations have a set number that dictates what would be 100% as far as participants. If you have 60 black prisoners convicted of drug offenses out of a total of 100 prisoners in all of the prisons for drugs but only 13 subjects per 100 members of the total population that could be convicted of the crime how would you do the math and figure the rate?

If you cannot figure how those rates work as simple as they are shown here I do not know what to tell you. Both issues in question have a definitive number to be able to calculate exact numbers, both the total set amount of drug users and the total set amount of convicts convicted of drug offenses.

You are totally wrong about the implications & effects of Federal drug policy. Here are a few facts you might want to consider:

Congress’s passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 created a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for possession of five grams (or just a few rocks) of crack cocaine. (21 U.S.C. § 841 (2006).) “Mandatory minimum” means just what it says: A person convicted of a first offense of possessing five grams of crack had to be sentenced to five years in federal prison. By contrast, under the 1986 Act a coke-snorting user had to be caught with 100 times that amount of powder cocaine (500 grams, or over a pound) in order to face a similar five-year mandatory minimum sentence. This 100-to-one ratio was not the product of reasoned analysis of the relative dangers of the two forms of the same drug; rather, Congress batted around various arbitrary ratios (including 20-to-one) and settled on the 100-to-one ratio during floor debate on the Act. As Representative Dan Lungren (who helped draft the Act) said, “We didn’t really have an evidentiary basis for it.” (156 Cong.Rec. H6202 (July 28, 1986).

Under the 1986 Act, a person caught holding a few small bags of crack rocks, even if for her own use, faced the same penalty as a major powder cocaine carrier.

People of color experience discrimination at every stage of the judicial system and are more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, convicted, harshly sentenced and saddled with a lifelong criminal record. This is particularly the case for drug law violations. Black people comprise 13 percent of the U.S. population and are consistently documented by the U.S. government to use drugs at similar rates to people of other races. But Black people comprise 29 percent of those arrested for drug law violations, and nearly 40 percent of those incarcerated in state or federal prison for drug law violations.

There were more than 1.5 million drug arrests in the U.S. in 2016. The vast majority – more than 80 percent– were for possession only. At year-end 2015, 15 percent of all people in state prison were incarcerated for a drug law violation – of whom 44,700 were incarcerated for possession alone.

There is now apparently "an epidemic" of opioid abuse. I wonder why are we not seeing hundreds of thousands of white opioid addicts incarcerated?
My 2 cents on the original post.

White Privilege exists in white countries, and that isn't always a bad thing. Any nation with a majority racial population that controls all facets of that country WILL have all the power, WILL have more privileges and benefits than others, and WILL react negatively to losing such a way of life. Its not some evil scheme to intentionally bring down certain racial demographics, its just the way of the world. Doesn't matter if you're talking about England, South Africa, India, Japan, or Chile. Its not something that can be challenged, for it will never cease to exist. Even if everyone in the world became one race, you'd still get this result, only with a difference in territory or views. Tribalism is as natural to humanity as breathing.

Regardless, I'm not going to make a case for the USA, Australia, or even my country of Canada. Its too grey of a subject to whether or not they "belong" to white people, given the history of their founding, and the significant minority contributions that helped shape them to what they are now. But for the home countries of European people, their white privilege is something that should not be vilified. If they desire to have their native peoples held at priority over others, nobody has the right to demonize them for that. To slander and degrade them for doing what is only right by them. Just as it is in the whole of the Arabic, African, Latin American, and Asian parts of the world. If they can get their cake and eat it, so should we.

Its a native peoples' choice of whether to go against traditionalism and become a multiracial nation of equality. But if they refuse, desiring to stay honourable to their lineage, I'll gladly back them on that so long as they don't commit atrocities as a result.

imagine this scenario: You are taken to a city in the middle of Africa and told to live there for 10 years. You are the only white person in the entire city. Do you honestly, sincerely believe you will be treated as an equal to the other black people there? That the majority black community will treat you completely fairly and equal while never favoring their own over you? When looking for a job, and its between you and 9 other black people, can you say with 100% certainty the black supervisor is going to see you as an equal and the color of your skin will not affect his decision? How will you feel when you go to the store to get a book for your child and they are all filled with images of black children? Maybe you are single. At work you see a nice looking black woman, you seem to mesh well, but she seems hesitant to be seen around you in front of her black family and friends. This is the land of black privilege, and you do not have it. Sucks doesnt it? To not really know just how much your being screwed over just because of the color of your skin.

If I become a citizen of Kenya, am given less job opportunities for my race, mostly see Kenyan faces in magazines, and have more trouble finding a girl than Kenyan men, I'd be alright with that. Its their world, not mine. I have no right to request nor demand them to change their ways, to think differently just to occupy me in part of the picture. A person who is not of their own, and is owed nothing from them. Like all others, my kind isn't universally accepted in all four corners of the earth, and I'm absolutely fine with that.
Obviously, I'd prefer otherwise, but that's nothing more than a utopian pipe dream. And being a former disciple of communism in my teenage years, I know all too well about those. Instead of looking at the world as it should be, look at it as it is, and make the most of it. As long as I still have a place to call home amongst people who, for the most part, look, speak, act, and think similar to myself, I'm content with my life.

That's my only statement on the matter. Agree, disagree, but don't bother replying. Considering the :censored:show that this forum is, I'm muting it right after posting.
You are totally wrong about the implications & effects of Federal drug policy. Here are a few facts you might want to consider:

Congress’s passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 created a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for possession of five grams (or just a few rocks) of crack cocaine. (21 U.S.C. § 841 (2006).) “Mandatory minimum” means just what it says: A person convicted of a first offense of possessing five grams of crack had to be sentenced to five years in federal prison. By contrast, under the 1986 Act a coke-snorting user had to be caught with 100 times that amount of powder cocaine (500 grams, or over a pound) in order to face a similar five-year mandatory minimum sentence. This 100-to-one ratio was not the product of reasoned analysis of the relative dangers of the two forms of the same drug; rather, Congress batted around various arbitrary ratios (including 20-to-one) and settled on the 100-to-one ratio during floor debate on the Act. As Representative Dan Lungren (who helped draft the Act) said, “We didn’t really have an evidentiary basis for it.” (156 Cong.Rec. H6202 (July 28, 1986).

Under the 1986 Act, a person caught holding a few small bags of crack rocks, even if for her own use, faced the same penalty as a major powder cocaine carrier.

People of color experience discrimination at every stage of the judicial system and are more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, convicted, harshly sentenced and saddled with a lifelong criminal record. This is particularly the case for drug law violations. Black people comprise 13 percent of the U.S. population and are consistently documented by the U.S. government to use drugs at similar rates to people of other races. But Black people comprise 29 percent of those arrested for drug law violations, and nearly 40 percent of those incarcerated in state or federal prison for drug law violations.

There were more than 1.5 million drug arrests in the U.S. in 2016. The vast majority – more than 80 percent– were for possession only. At year-end 2015, 15 percent of all people in state prison were incarcerated for a drug law violation – of whom 44,700 were incarcerated for possession alone.

There is now apparently "an epidemic" of opioid abuse. I wonder why are we not seeing hundreds of thousands of white opioid addicts incarcerated?
You are quoting Federal laws which the majority of drug offenders are convicted under state laws which vary widely from state to state.

Generally before the Feds get involved you are looking at a major overall operation moving a lot of weight to get the feds to move on it.

As far as your 29% are black of those arrested for drug law violations, well again that pretty well fits into that it is pretty common knowledge the black guys are in many cases your main street dealers.

As far as why they are busted more maybe a good percentage is living in the hood in section 8 housing, not having a job and sporting around in 500 dollar sneakers, 2000 dollar diamond earring, another couple of grand in gold chains around their neck and a few more grand in gold teeth while not legally earning a cent. That is just stupidity if they think the vice cops do not know the routine so maybe just being dumb lands a lot of them in the slammer.

Also I have a friend of mine her much younger brother who is white and around 32 years old got busted in a meth ring sting a few months back. She told me last week that the lawyer said he was going to get at least 30 years active prison sentence so the white people go to prison as well when they break the drug laws.
I say good riddance to all of them regardless of race or age!
I wonder why are we not seeing hundreds of thousands of white opioid addicts incarcerated?

A majority of opioid use is in rural areas, which also happen to have limited police resources (which is also why people in rural areas like to have guns).
You are totally wrong about the implications & effects of Federal drug policy. Here are a few facts you might want to consider:

Congress’s passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 created a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for possession of five grams (or just a few rocks) of crack cocaine. (21 U.S.C. § 841 (2006).) “Mandatory minimum” means just what it says: A person convicted of a first offense of possessing five grams of crack had to be sentenced to five years in federal prison. By contrast, under the 1986 Act a coke-snorting user had to be caught with 100 times that amount of powder cocaine (500 grams, or over a pound) in order to face a similar five-year mandatory minimum sentence. This 100-to-one ratio was not the product of reasoned analysis of the relative dangers of the two forms of the same drug; rather, Congress batted around various arbitrary ratios (including 20-to-one) and settled on the 100-to-one ratio during floor debate on the Act. As Representative Dan Lungren (who helped draft the Act) said, “We didn’t really have an evidentiary basis for it.” (156 Cong.Rec. H6202 (July 28, 1986).

Under the 1986 Act, a person caught holding a few small bags of crack rocks, even if for her own use, faced the same penalty as a major powder cocaine carrier.

People of color experience discrimination at every stage of the judicial system and are more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, convicted, harshly sentenced and saddled with a lifelong criminal record. This is particularly the case for drug law violations. Black people comprise 13 percent of the U.S. population and are consistently documented by the U.S. government to use drugs at similar rates to people of other races. But Black people comprise 29 percent of those arrested for drug law violations, and nearly 40 percent of those incarcerated in state or federal prison for drug law violations.

There were more than 1.5 million drug arrests in the U.S. in 2016. The vast majority – more than 80 percent– were for possession only. At year-end 2015, 15 percent of all people in state prison were incarcerated for a drug law violation – of whom 44,700 were incarcerated for possession alone.

There is now apparently "an epidemic" of opioid abuse. I wonder why are we not seeing hundreds of thousands of white opioid addicts incarcerated?
Back when drug addictions ravaged black communities, it was all “Just say NO! It’s that simple and easy!”

But now it’s “these are very sick people who need our love, understanding and support”
Yes, because white people have totally never been the victim of scientific ignorance.

Just because something seems like it might be racist, doesn't mean it is. If you actually want things to change for the better, drop the "us vs. them" attitude, it does far more harm than good.
This reminds of Church sermons where they try to pound it in you that god is testing you so cherish the poverty. Everything will be great some day!

Meanwhile they drive a Mercedes to their mansions.
This reminds of Church sermons where they try to pound it in you that god is testing you so cherish the poverty. Everything will be great some day!

Meanwhile they drive a Mercedes to their mansions.

So are you actually going to debate me or am I just wasting my time responding to you?
As far as why they are busted more maybe a good percentage is living in the hood in section 8 housing, not having a job and sporting around in 500 dollar sneakers, 2000 dollar diamond earring, another couple of grand in gold chains around their neck and a few more grand in gold teeth while not legally earning a cent. That is just stupidity if they think the vice cops do not know the routine so maybe just being dumb lands a lot of them in the slammer.

Also I have a friend of mine her much younger brother who is white and around 32 years old got busted in a meth ring sting a few months back. She told me last week that the lawyer said he was going to get at least 30 years active prison sentence so the white people go to prison as well when they break the drug laws.
I say good riddance to all of them regardless of race or age!

Yeah most blacks in the ghetto wear 500 dollar sneakers, diiamond earrings and gold chains. You, dear sir, are the reason why stereotypes like these exist.

That is anecdotal. Many others in this thread have pointed how incarceration expose a clear racist system. Do you really think a rich white male convicted of rape receives the same conviction as a poor black male?
Yeah most blacks in the ghetto wear 500 dollar sneakers, diiamond earrings and gold chains. You, dear sir, are the reason why stereotypes like these exist.

That is anecdotal. Many others in this thread have pointed how incarceration expose a clear racist system. Do you really think a rich white male convicted of rape receives the same conviction as a poor black male?

I'll never understand racial stereotyping. Like I get stereotypes exist for a reason, but at the same time, I can't wrap my head around the fact that so many people believe them to be true 100% across the board.

And what's even more amusing about his post is that if you look at the data, whites are more likely than blacks to be on government assistance. Factor in things like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and split gets even bigger with whites greatly outnumbering blacks.
And what's even more amusing about his post is that if you look at the data, whites are more likely than blacks to be on government assistance. Factor in things like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and split gets even bigger with whites greatly outnumbering blacks.
Your response shows how little you consider the facts before you post!
Of course when the white population is 63% of a total of 300 million people and the black population is only 13% of that same 300 million total then it stands to reason that more whites as a total overall number will receive various benefits.

But that does not mean by a long shot that a higher percentage within that white racial percentage receive welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps or medicaid benefits which those programs are for low income over the total percentage numbers within a different racial population.

I will say that ANYONE and this has no racial lines or boundaries that has worked their entire life and paid into and qualified to receive benefits from the Social Security/ Medicare retirement/medical insurance system has pre paid for decades to receive those benefits and is not being given anything. The recipients also continue to pay an additional monthly premium for the Medicare coverage and that coverage does not include prescription drugs at all!

So again when you have a population of 300+ million and out of every 100 of those people in this country if 63 of them are white, 13 are black the sheer difference numbers between the races it will not be unusual to have more of the higher count whites receiving benefits.

But I will go even one step further, with the much higher number of population there are also many more white tax payers than black tax payers footing the bill.
Want to try now to figure out which race that the actual higher percentage of the race out of their total population numbers in this country will be receiving government welfare benefits of some type? I doubt you want to go there, probably will not fit your agenda very well.
I will say that ANYONE that has worked their entire life and paid into and qualified to receive benefits from the Social Security/ Medicare retirement/medical insurance system has pre paid for decades to receive those benefits and is not being given anything.

That's also called socialism.
That's also called socialism.
I prepaid over the years for my burial plot, grave opening and burial vault back in the 1980's with 1980's value money not having a clue what prices will be required or have to be applied when I die. But I know whether it is 1000 dollars or 10,000 dollars I will receive that burial.
Is that socialism as well since I paid in advance not knowing the amount of benefits I may receive years down the road?

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