White Smoke Gang !

Haha, If I lived in the US and wanted to Drift, I'd get a 1st Gen MX5 or an S Chassis something.. An E30 would also be cool! :P
I'm stuck with a freaking 1L Yaris XD
UK Sucks biggggg.
Haha, If I lived in the US and wanted to Drift, I'd get a 1st Gen MX5 or an S Chassis something.. An E30 would also be cool! :P
I'm stuck with a freaking 1L Yaris XD
UK Sucks biggggg.

E30's<3 everyone has a S-Chassy now. :/

1L & 5speed? How many times do you visit the Gas Station once every month? :L
E30's<3 everyone has a S-Chassy now. :/

1L & 5speed? How many times do you visit the Gas Station once every month? :L
Yes, 5 Speed of course! And not quite but yeah it's economical if you drive her right! :D Motorways I can get upto 56Mpg at 70mph biatchh :D
Can't drift it though! And I dont think 68BHP will get me much angle or speed XD
I got your message JustDrift on PSN but not sure what you're asking of us?

Shoot me a PM...
What would you plan on getting?

Anything really as long as its in good condition and it drifts. My boy is connected so I been thinking about importing a car lately.