who are the real terrorists?

  • Thread starter B Campbell
Originally posted by Flip
And I'll go one more on this Stealth Viper.
The real terrorists are people who probably never lifted a hand to fight for their country, the real terrorists are the people who want to let the Sept. 11 go and blame it on America and the civilized world. They are the same ones
that are responsible for the murderers running the streets and our nation going soft on capital crime. Now we got kids killing people and can't do a damn thing about it.
Who the hell can't tell the difference between a terrorist act and normality?
Get a ****ing brain you bunch of pyscho misfits and grow up before you put your opinions in public because you're a real insult to intelligence,
or better still, go fight for Al-Queda.
I'm glad there's somebody in this world to stand up to these stupid ****s and put them in their place, which is a goddamn hole in the ground.

You're operating from several erroneous assumptions here.

1. People who don't fully support George W's stance are supporting the terrorists. GW himself seems to believe this one.

2. America's behaviour in the past had nothing to do with the attack on 9/11.

3. Nothing can be done about crime in the streets.

4. The US has never performed or supported acts of terrorism.

5. Calling someone you don't agree with a psycho misfit is a rational form of discourse.


Sure, everyone's sick of the maniacal right-wingers who think the best thing to do is bomb everyone. However, I am getting sick of these people who bash and critisize the US constantly...partially because it seems to be "fashionable". The "cool" thing to do these days is be a rebel..."I'll show HIM a thing of to about being PRESIDENT!" :rolleyes:...I guarantee none of us could do as good a job as George W Bush is right now. You can critisize and analyze his policy, but I think most of you are ignorant to the EXTREME stress of being the most powerful man in the world.

No matter what the US was doing right now, some people would be critical. That's fine. My problem lies with those who critisize no matter what just for the sake of critisizing and trying to be "different". Particularly when they don't admit it.

And can I explain to someone that PATRIOTISM and goddamn NATIONALISM are to COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS!? :mad: Now its unfashionable to raise the flag!!!

:mad: :shakehead:

I await an angry tirade from a "rebel" who "really knows what's going on" and says "why can't we just let them attack us, its cool".

People who use drugs. It's grown in those countries, so its their main source of money. So drug addicts, you think those ghetto kids are making all the money, they're really not.
George Bush is a farkn terrorist. He needs to get down off his high horse and realise that being the president of america doesnt give him the right to stick his nose in where it doesnt belong. The september 11 attack was a result of americans sticking their noses in where they didnt belong. Call me what you want but thats my opinion.
I wish I was better at more accurately portraying my thoughts. I'm definitely not as articulate as I would like to be, however, I do have a few thoughts I would like to share about this issue.

The United States is an overwhelming military force in todays world. There is no more threat of mutually assured destruction. There are no more "godless commie bastards". The Russians can't even pay their own heating bills. And don't say "worry about the Chinese". We just renewed Most Favored Trading status with China. We are there to make money and damn their abuse of anyone peasent who doesn't make quota on crops. Don't let me get started Tibet. Geez, Sorry for getting sidetracked.

Anways, America is this overwhelming military force. With something that large, there are always going to be people in charge who want to use it. That's part of the reason for Afghanstan right now.(as well as a big empty chunk of New York skyline.) We have people who spend the majority of their military careers not learning how to enforce a peace, but to destroy an enemy. The special forces guys were promising people blankets and plenty of food, but all those people are still living off of grass soup and measly rations dropped from C-130's. We're not going to make friends that way, and making friends is what we need.

IMO, winning at all costs should not be an option. That only causes more problems than it solves. As I can't make a coherent argument at the moment, I'll stop.

~Nexus Maelstrom

P.S. The real terrorists live among us. We call them lawyers and politicians.
I have to say that this talk of the Bush administration conducting oil negotiations with the Taliban prior to the Sept. 11 attacks, and in the weeks leading up to the US attacks on Afghanistan in early October is of great concern, especially given the number of former oil company executives on Bush's staff.
Originally posted by Flip
Everyones a Terrorist,
In their own Waaaaaay.
(like a starry summer night,
or a snow covered winters daaaaay)
maybe not perfect, but they're defintally not terroroists
Originally posted by Dudebusta
i still erection bush is gonna get his just deserts and i hope its soon before more innocents die.

WTF are you talking about? Did you get your anal-yzer mixed up with your porn site? "I STILL ERECTION BUSH"!!! ELECTION???

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