who do you think has the best race car?

  • Thread starter OoNismoO
you know how the rules try to even all the cars out, but some cars seem to be faster lap after lap, so who do you think has the quickest car right now? how about the best engine?
A bit of a no brainer that one ATM, although BAR and Renault seem to have the next best, indeed BAR (Sato) should have won at Indianapolis
Saying anyone 'should' have won is only ever going to be stupid. Senna 'should' have won more championships. Perhaps Barrichello 'should' have won in 2002, he finished second, so if we just eliminate Michael, he'd have won right?

The person who deserved to win is the one who won because they're the one that actually won, they crossed the line first having obeyed all the rules. That's who 'should' win.

The F2004 is the class of the field, and has proven to be so in practically any conditions you can conceive.
Saying anyone 'should' have won is only ever going to be stupid. Senna 'should' have won more championships. Perhaps Barrichello 'should' have won in 2002, he finished second, so if we just eliminate Michael, he'd have won right?

The person who deserved to win is the one who won because they're the one that actually won, they crossed the line first having obeyed all the rules. That's who 'should' win.

The F2004 is the class of the field, and has proven to be so in practically any conditions you can conceive.

I know that, no need to be that sarcastic about it

If BAR had not have messed up after Ralf's shunt then it would have been a different ballgame
i think its always interesting to know what exactly happened in the race. like how close the race really was, or small mistakes that costed a first place finish.
There are so many moments that make or break races and even championships, and that's the real beauty of racing.

Sorry for the excessive sarcasm, 'if' is a word I sometimes wish didn't exist.
You mean what would I do in the circumstance the word 'if' didn't exist? Flame less ;)

I prefer to wonder what teams would do in the circumstance they weren't governed by such stringent regulations. Just how fast could these cars go with unrestricted engines, tyres, aerodynamics, weight limits? It's staggering to think.
Those cars without any regulation would become like the new F-22. I Would take the human body to the limit and even across his limit. THat's my thought. They would need G suit so they dont black out or *red* out during a high speed corner.
Best combination: Ferrari (by a country mile)
Best engine: Honda (BAR)
Best optimisation: Renault (they're coping very well on not much grunt)
what about other teams, like bmw and toyota, how are they doing? do you think some of their cars are capable of winning the championship, but because of the driver its not doing as well? cause farrari for most part, always had one of the best drivers. plus all the teams try to keep their specs a secret, or the information people get isnt all that accurate, so sometimes its hard to know whats really going on with those cars.
I would say Renault has the best car. the only reason Ferarri is faster is because of their extremely gifted drivers. the Renault's actually handle better than the Ferarri chassis, just the drivers are better. say the Renault gets a boost in power for next year, the same or a little more than Ferarri, and Alonso and Trulli get better, Ferarri won't be winning as much. if Schumi went to Renault he would stomp all over the Ferarri's most likely if he also got the engineers got them to shorten the wheelbase a bit. but yea, if the current Renault pushed their car a bit more, they wouldn't have a problem with Ferarri.

rock. :cool:
I think Renault is doing an excellent job. It's easy to say if they had a faster engine they'd be competing with Ferrari far more easily, but I don't believe it's the case - I think the F2004 simply is superior, you can see that from the adaptability we've seen it display. 2 stops at the most abrasive track of the season for Rubens, 4 for Michael yesterday, it can handle it all. What's making a huge difference is Bridgestone, their tyres really are a match for any conditions at all these days. Patrick Head himself said the F2003-GA was the best car of 2003, the F2004 builds on that in every area.

I don't think Honda have the best engine. Apart from the obvious repeated failures, it's not the fastest in a straight line, that honour remains that of Williams and Ferrari most of the time. Sato was quickest in qualifying at France though.
i think this should be "Who do you think has the second best race car" It's clear that Ferrari has the best car and best driver hence their dominance.

As for second best... early on BAR looked dangerous... but i have to say i'm impressed with the strides Renault has made. If they can get some more juice out of their powerplant they might be able to press Ferrari that much harder.

It will also be interesting to see how much more improvement McLaren gets from their new car... even though they thought they'd have been better in France, i'd say they already have shown drastic improvement over the first part of the season, they actually both finished the race for starters ;) Give em 2-3 more races to get used to the car and make all the tweaks and then we'll see what they're made of.
Best? Ofcourse it's Ferrari :rolleyes:
Second best is Renault. I've read that Reanult have better
accelartion but Ferrari have better top speed (Is that true?).
F1 is getting bored beacuse of M. Schumaher 👎
He's first 9/10 races :grumpy:
Come on Reanult! 👍
I don't know if Renault actually have better acceleration in truth, they just have a magical start system. Their aerodynamics have been quite good for a season or two now, they'd be close to class of the field in my opinion, if not the best.

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