Who has the best Avatar?

  • Thread starter Tom M
Originally posted by SmokeAlot
Some cool stuff man.. can I borrow your pc someday? You can have mine :D

:lol: Actually, my system consists of:

PIII 600
384mb Ram
1-12gb 7200 EDI HD
2-18gb 10,000 Ultra SCSI HD (for audio apps)
16mb VCard (I fried my Voodoo 5500 32mb card overclocking it:()

But yeah, come on over and use it any time.
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
Pako, I love the new Avatar. Between you and smokealot, the bar certainly has been raised around here.

Hey thanks man. I needed a brake from those enduro races last night, so it gave me a chance to dabble a little in the pixels. :D

Dude, hook me up with one of them SCSI hdd's you have :D

Gotta steal my bro's PS2 today so I can attempt some of the stuff you're doing.. looking real good man.. :)
Originally posted by SmokeAlot
Dude, hook me up with one of them SCSI hdd's you have :D

Gotta steal my bro's PS2 today so I can attempt some of the stuff you're doing.. looking real good man.. :)

:lol: Sorry man, I need all the SCSI HD space I can get. Actually, I'm looking into a couple more that are 36 gb 10,000 rpm. The 15,000 rpm drives are just toooo expensive. :D

Thanks again, glad you like em.

I'm going to be working on some avatars from the beginning intro movie. There's some killer shots that would be great to use.
Originally posted by Pako

:lol: Sorry man, I need all the SCSI HD space I can get. Actually, I'm looking into a couple more that are 36 gb 10,000 rpm. The 15,000 rpm drives are just toooo expensive. :D

Thanks again, glad you like em.

I'm going to be working on some avatars from the beginning intro movie. There's some killer shots that would be great to use.

36gb 10k rpm scsi's? I hate you :P

True about the opening vid though.. wonder how bit that whole thing would be as an animated gif ;)

BTW, how big are the GIF's once converted from video? (Not resized or anything)
3.62 mg for the whole movie in an animated 64x48 gif.

2653 frames for 221 seconds for playback at 12fps.

I'm working on chopping it up right now.

The video files I'm working with are 360x240 and almost 40mb before I convert them to an animated gif. I convert into the gif at the 64x48 image size so it doesn't take as much resources to work with the individual frames.

There, I've spilled my gutts. Hope I didn't get any on anyone. :lol:
Originally posted by Pako
3.62 mg for the whole movie in an animated 64x48 gif.

2653 frames for 221 seconds for playback at 12fps.

I'm working on chopping it up right now.

The video files I'm working with are 360x240 and almost 40mb before I convert them to an animated gif. I convert into the gif at the 64x48 image size so it doesn't take as much resources to work with the individual frames.

There, I've spilled my gutts. Hope I didn't get any on anyone. :lol:

1 What software are you using to turn them into Gifs? I've been using Corel 10 which is a great suite, but it has it's moments.
2 What are you using for the Video capture?
3 You should check out the Japanese intro, it's actually better visually, (I, unlike most others, didn't like the music) - it has the diablo too. Can't remember where to find it though... *cough* ign.com *cough*

That is all for my information mooching today.
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

1 What software are you using to turn them into Gifs? I've been using Corel 10 which is a great suite, but it has it's moments.
2 What are you using for the Video capture?
3 You should check out the Japanese intro, it's actually better visually, (I, unlike most others, didn't like the music) - it has the diablo too. Can't remember where to find it though... *cough* ign.com *cough*

That is all for my information mooching today.

I use Flash 4 for the gif conversion and frame chopping, and Fireworks 2 for the optimization.

Video capture? Well that's kind of a lenthy process that my fingers won't allow me to type. Umm... the shot answer would be my 16mb Video card to my 18gb 10,000 RPM SCSI HD. :D

Cool, so I can find it at *cough* ign.com *cough*? I'll have to look into it. I'm just about done chopping up the US intro into avatar bites. When I get done with that I'll look in the Japanese into.
Video capture? Well that's kind of a lenthy process that my fingers won't allow me to type. Umm... the shot answer would be my 16mb Video card to my 18gb 10,000 RPM SCSI HD.

- Sorry I meant to ask if you prefferred a specific Vidcap card.
Any capture card'll do it.. but if you want pixels higher than 320x240, you'll most likely have to buy ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon or something.. they go up around 720x480 (which is soo sweet)

My ATI TV-Wonder can only do 320x240 as well.. but lately I've been using 16:9 format in-game, so captures are set at 428x240 for best results..

I desperately wanna buy that new Creative Annihilator3 GF3 64MB VIVO though.. :D

Pako, thx for those stats on the gif.. appreciate 'em..
that's one heck of a large filesize for a 64x64 animated gif tho eh? lol
Originally posted by SmokeAlot

Pako, thx for those stats on the gif.. appreciate 'em..
that's one heck of a large filesize for a 64x64 animated gif tho eh? lol

:lol: Yes indeed... Do you think Jordan will up his standards to allow us to have some real fun, like having the whole Intro movie as a avatar? :lol:
Originally posted by Pako

:lol: Yes indeed... Do you think Jordan will up his standards to allow us to have some real fun, like having the whole Intro movie as a avatar? :lol:

LOL!! :lol:

Only if the webpage turns to high-speed modems *only* :smilewink
Originally posted by SmokeAlot

I desperately wanna buy that new Creative Annihilator3 GF3 64MB VIVO though.. :D

Get it, GF3 is sweet. I'd wait until the radeon 8500 debuts though, hopefully there will be a price break.
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

Get it, GF3 is sweet. I'd wait until the radeon 8500 debuts though, hopefully there will be a price break.
Yea I was just checking the ATI website.. never saw that card before now.. is it really supposed to be that great compared to GF3?
Holy ****! Sweet card!

Wonder what the price is going to be compared to the GF3's though.. :odd:

But yea, GF4 should come out soon then too eh? :lol:

I heard they're supposed to release the MX versions soon.. which should make for a nice price drop.
Alright guys. I've been busy tonight, my eyes are blood shot, and my index finger hurts from all the clicking, but the american intro footage for the avatars are done.

Check them out at:


If this link doesn't work the first time just keep on trying, I've been having problems with my ISP. The page does exist and it is there.


Perhaps I should have a "No Fault Disclaimer" warning people of the possible effects of the page that might cause seizers (sp?), "Enter At Your Own Risk". :lol:
All those little buggers just flying around. So hows your glissening GT3 logo coming?

Was the 3D effect on the logo done by hand or with a plugin?
Are you kidding? It's from plugin. There's *no way* I could possibly have enough skill to make something looking like that by hand. :lol:

I'll see if I have some time tonight to make that thing animated though. I spent most of last night filling up my hard drives with video captures (which I didn't keep anyway).
Today (actually starting in 20mins) I'm gonna be playing MotorCity Online for about 10 hours since the beta servers will actually be open.. WOO
Tomorrow, same thing.. then sunday gotta go to an airshow. They're supposed to have the Thunderbirds this time (those guys haven't been to Ontario in YEARS)
Hey zerocool, is that Toyota going Backwards? :D Just kidding.
Pako's look great, I was using one for a while today, but he gave me a good point in the right direction, and I want to make something more "my own"😈
It's all about originallity isn't it?

But hey, are any of us truly original?