Who here has it.

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You mean Rhapsody?:rolleyes:

I had Audiogalaxy, it is just that is no longer free. They are charging you now.

I am about to put Kazaa Lite though.
Get the K++ version. It's better. This thread is related to piracy. It'll probably get locked and deleted, just so you know.
I use WinMX now, it's in my opinion better than KaZaA Lite because it seems that most of the people on there are from Japan, which helps me a ton because a lot of em have Mazda commercials that I really want. I might download KaZaA Lite again, just to have more sources...
In all honesty, eDonkey, next to newsgroups and IRC, of course, is the best file sharing network. You do have to give out your IP though, so don't do anything illegal. Nothing else even comes close, as long as you have a High ID.
Well...if you are dial up, wouldn't you have a different IP each time you get on the net? How would that work with eDonkey?
I used to use Morpheus a long time ago, then switched to Kazza lite when Morpheus was changing their program around and recently switched to Kazza Lite, it seems to be the best so far!
Originally posted by MazKid
Well...if you are dial up, wouldn't you have a different IP each time you get on the net? How would that work with eDonkey?
Usually a dynamic IP, like a dial up connection, only replaces the last section. For instance: 58.254.0.*, where the * is the dynamic part of the IP. Because of this, an alert person can discover your ISP through a WhoIs network, and can request your name and address from the ISP, with a pretty sound reason to do so. That could be bad. It also gives your IP away to hackers, which is a bad thing, especially if you send them a fake file, or something equally evil. I am very surprised I know these things.

Originally posted by ALPHA
Is file sharing illegal? - Oh I used Kazaa Lite.
File sharing is only illegal if you share copyrighted files. If not, you're fine.
Kazaa Lite K++ 2.40 Edition

I want to get the non-spyware version of Limeware so I have two P2P programs, one running the FastTrack network (Kazaa) and one running the Gnutella network (Limewire).
Originally posted by Mr. Snowtire
Sharing,caring, and borrowing are bad words in today's society:(
What does file sharing have to do with caring?
My dad paid $15 for Kazaa Lite somehow, so I don't feel any remorse downloading all the music I want. Not that I ever did.
I have Kazaa lite, I like it a lot. It's nice to be able to use Kazaa without all of the ads and spyware.
kazaa lite is good, no more of those annoying popup ads or banners. but still, newsgroup is better, but your ip is given out...so i don't really want to use it.
Originally posted by slk308
kazaa lite is good, no more of those annoying popup ads or banners. but still, newsgroup is better, but your ip is given out...so i don't really want to use it.
Newsgroup? :confused:
Kazaa Lite is great.

'Cept I have one complaint, although I don't think it necessarily has to do with the program itself. Recently, a lot of the songs I've downloaded off of K-Lite are continuous loops, empty, or feature odd hippuping sounds... This seems weird considering I ALWAYS DOWNLOAD from the source with the most sources and make sure that the quality is at the very least, 128 kbps.
Originally posted by Rice Rocketeer
Recently, a lot of the songs I've downloaded off of K-Lite are continuous loops, empty, or feature odd hippuping

I always thought this was the original uploaders fault.
It is. Online cd-ripping groups do, for the most part, a great job at supplying people like you and me quality music (i.e. 192 kbps). I believe random people rip music and then supply them to sites such as www.simplemp3s.com for the public to download. They end up on Kazaa, but for some reason turn into crap :rolleyes: Go figure.
ok I just downloaded a song(queens of the stone age.no one knows)from two different people on Kazza Lite, and both of them were messed up.
Recently, I've gotten into older music and bands that not many people know about. So I seldom encounter quality issues with those songs, but take for example Nelly's "Shake Ya Tailfeather". It took me 5 tries to find a version that wasn't a repetitive loop of the chorus or blank after 30 seconds of play.
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