Who here has it.

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Record companies put out fake versions of their published songs to discourage piracy. That's probably what your all complaining about.
Originally posted by Rice Rocketeer
It is. Online cd-ripping groups do, for the most part, a great job at supplying people like you and me quality music (i.e. 192 kbps). I believe random people rip music and then supply them to sites such as www.simplemp3s.com for the public to download. They end up on Kazaa, but for some reason turn into crap :rolleyes: Go figure.
I rip all my songs at 192kbps. When I do a Kazaa search, I always try and find songs at 192kbps. For an extra 2mb, the sound quality is so much better, and there is less chance of the crap you speak of.
When this thread was a general discussion about file sharing programs, it was acceptable.

However, you're now talking about the processes involved in obtaining music that is copyrighted, without paying for it. This is stealing, is illegal, and is therefore not acceptable.

You see, it's a fine line.

And I don't see how you could possibly have grounds to complain about falling victims to the industry's attempts to stop you.

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