Who is at the Centre of the Universe? The EBS Game!

  • Thread starter Famine
Not that I have been especially diligent but I have been exploring this topic from time to time since I first read this thread, and I must say I am damn impressed with anyone who has an EBS at all. It appears to be freakishly difficult.

Could have sworn Jaron Lanier would have had one, but can't seem to work it out...

Another thought (for those with the ability to figure these things out with a little more, ahem, speed): Thom Moran from the 70's band Boston.
Not that I have been especially diligent but I have been exploring this topic from time to time since I first read this thread, and I must say I am damn impressed with anyone who has an EBS at all. It appears to be freakishly difficult.

Hehe, I'll admit, mine is mostly luck. Being in academia for as long as I have, and having worked with some big name scientists in my time, my Erdos number was always going to be my strong suit, and I have several routes to a 5. My Bacon number was a fluke - I was spotted by a talent scout because I had sideburns and ended up appearing on screen with Charles Dance the next day. And my Sabbath number is pretty lucky too, although I am working on bringing it down. I should be able to arrange a gig (or possibly even a recording) with a professional musician friend of mine, which will bring my Sabbath number down by one point. And when she plays a gig next month with a guy who once played with Mick Fleetwood, my Sabbath number should be two lower than it presently is!

Trackripper123 > Lang Lang > Katherine McPhee > Carlos Santana > Peter Green > Mick Fleetwood > Dave Walker > Black Sabbath.

Yes, I have performed with Lang Lang. Gives me a Sabbath number of... erm... 6? Or 7?
That would be six, because Dave Walker = Black Sabbath.
I can now confirm that my friend Cat did play a gig with Gregg Wright the other night, and hence my Sabbath number comes down by 1....

... and, I just found this - Mick Fleetwood is credited as a drummer for Black Sabbath, which means that my Sabbath number comes down by another 1 :dopey:

So, that gives me an EBS number of 12:

Erdős #: 5 (Me - Laurence Barron - Peter Atkins - Freeman Dyson - Dean R. Hickerson - Paul Erdős)
Bacon #: 3 (Me - Charles Dance - Julia Roberts - Kevin Bacon)
Sabbath # :4 (Me - Mark Francis - Cat Myers - Gregg Wright - Mick Fleetwood (Sabbath))
I have a Paul & Ringo of 2. I'm not sure how to do the rest to link to Sabbath!


I went to acting school as a kid and did a couple of minor productions although I don't think with anyone famous. I did however audition for the lead in the 1993 release of The Secret Garden. Obviously I didn't get the part but would this be allowed for acting links?

I've never published anything so no Erdos.
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I have a Paul & Ringo of 2. I'm not sure how to do the rest to link to Sabbath!

Ozzy Osbourne did a track with Ringo Starr, so that would give you a Sabbath number of 3!

Incidentally, you can now find a Bacon number simply by Googling "Bacon Number" followed by the actor's name. I checked it with Charles Dance and it came up with 2, albeit a different two to the connection I had already found myself...
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So does this mean Jordan now has a coveted Erdős number (presuming he doesn't already have one?)?

Congrats Famine and Jordan on the joint publication :cheers: - I'll probably opt for the download option personally, since I'm a pdf-phile. OK, that came out wrong.
Yes. Yes it does. And he's guaranteed to have a Bacon number due to appearing - presenting, in fact - GT Academy :D
I'd say "no". Generally, the rule is that you must appear on-stage with someone at the same time they are on it for any given performance.
That sucks. I probably have been on stage with someone but have no idea who they were or who they are now!. This was 20 years ago!
I get an Erdos number of 6 for David Martill (and hence a provisional 7 for you if you do get an authorship credit with him...)

David Martill --- Michael J. Benton --- Francisco Ayala --- Paul Davies...

Paul Davies has an Erdos number of 3 according to his Wiki page (although Wikipedia is not 100% accurate - the Wiki page that lists people with various Erdos numbers is definitely wrong in places...) That said, Paul Davies (and Michael J. Benton and Francisco Ayala) are all pretty famous scientists, so I'm not surprised that Davies has a low Erdos number.

I just said hello to Francisco Ayala as he was coming out of the canteen at UC Irvine :lol:

Next time I'll have to ask him if we can co-author a paper...
Apparently I've a Bacon number of 4 and a Sabbath number of 8.

Both are almost certainly dubious of course.

I appeared on Monty Halls Great Irish Escape briefly, who has a Bacon number of 3 according to the Oracles of Bacon site.

I have also played banjo on stage with a couple of people (music teacher and my father) who have played with Sharon Shannon (Irish accordian player) who has a Sabbath number of 6 according to the 6 degrees of sabbath site.

I better work on publishing something...
Six degrees of Sabbath tells me I have a Sabbath number of 7 via Randy Brecker, who I've performed on stage with. I can get 8 through four different people...I think that should count for something. :P

No dice on either of the others though.
You can get a much lower Sabbath number than 7 through Randy Brecker...

He played with Ian Gillan and Roger Glover (Deep Purple) on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidentally_on_Purpose_(album) and the track that Brecker played on is featured on a charity compilation album released by Gillan and Tony Iommi (of Black Sabbath) called 'WhoCares': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Gillan_&_Tony_Iommi:_WhoCares#Tracklist... in other words, Brecker has a Sabbath number of 1, and hence by performing with Brecker yourself, you have a Sabbath number of just 2 👍
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You can get a much lower Sabbath number than 7 through Randy Brecker...

He played with Ian Gillan and Roger Glover (Deep Purple) on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidentally_on_Purpose_(album) and the track that Brecker played on is featured on a charity compilation album released by Gillan and Tony Iommi (of Black Sabbath) called 'WhoCares': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Gillan_&_Tony_Iommi:_WhoCares#Tracklist... in other words, Brecker has a Sabbath number of 1, and hence by performing with Brecker yourself, you have a Sabbath number of just 2 👍


I was wondering how effective that site was.

Awesome :D Thanks for the info.
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Does Rick Astley have a Sabbath number?
You've already asked that:
Does Rick Astley have a Sabbath number? I have played on stage to an audience with a guitarist who plays with Astley live. (With Astley on drums, he's a great drummer, bizarrely.)
And received an answer:
Yep. Astley performed on Ferry Aid alongside Suzi Quatro (see above :lol:) (I wonder if Suzi Quatro published any science papers??)

That would give you a Sabbath number of 4: You - your mate - Rick Astley - Suzi Quatro - Cozy Powell (Black Sabbath)
I was in the BBC Drama Marvellous with Tony Curran.
Tony Curran was in The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman with Sean Connery.
Sean Connery was in The Hunt For Red October with Alec Baldwin.
Alec Baldwin was in She's Having A Baby with Kevin Bacon.

I have a Bacon number of... 4? Sweet.
Do Bacon numbers only count if you were on screen? I just realized that I have a Bacon number of 4, possibly 3 if you count work as crew.
Do Bacon numbers only count if you were on screen?
Yes. A looser version would also apply to stage - so very many of us might have a Bacon number through a school nativity...
Ha, was attracted by the bait and now i know i have a Sabbath number at most 14. And that's with being a band member long time ago in an obscure folk punk band with only one DIY CD released. My path leading to Sabbath takes a quite interesting departure into big band swing. ;) I also have an Erdös number at most 6. But i have to pass at Bacon -- i never was televised. :(

Thanks @Famine for a perfect opportunity to waste time! BTW i don't think Shaq has a finite Erdös number, he just did an oral exam to get his Ed.D. And it's hard to find co-authors of Winston Churchill, the man had surely assistants that helped in writing his books, but they are scarcely mentioned by name.
I've been on local TV twice - my senior recital was broadcast and I was in a Chevrolet dealership commercial once. Even if those count (which I doubt they do), I'd imagine the connection to Kevin Bacon is very distant.
I've been on local TV twice - my senior recital was broadcast and I was in a Chevrolet dealership commercial once. Even if those count (which I doubt they do), I'd imagine the connection to Kevin Bacon is very distant.

It might be smaller than you think. Can you remember the names from anyone being aired in that two events? A moderator or some TV professional? They could be your starting point for searching links. If you found someone a little more known you can try that name in an oracleofbacon.org query to tie up the other end.

My conjecture is that if you have a finite Bacon number, it will be less than 20. Same for the other numbers. And if you appeared on screen the chances are pretty good that you will have a finite Bacon number. And finding and exploring the path is surely fun and enlightening!
Hey, Sir Richard Attenborough has a Sabbath Number of at most 9, his sample is used in

Keiichi Suzuki - Satellite Serenade (Transasianexpress Mix) The Orb Remix

and The Orb has a Sabbath number of 8 according to Six Degrees of Black Sabbath!

So he's also a member of the EBS club.
Yes. A looser version would also apply to stage - so very many of us might have a Bacon number through a school nativity...

Talking about crewing on a movie rather than stage acting.

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