Who is the person you most respect...on GTP?

  • Thread starter TurboSmoke
Der Alta
Viper Zero

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. A few of you I've had bad times with, it never meant that I didn't respect you, it's just that I'm a hard headed teenager.
pretty much anybody in the top 10 pages of posts.........that pretty much covers everybody

EDIT: xakirax2004 tops out the list because ive pissed him off to oblivion with postwhoring and grammatical mistakes and he is still a coolheaded guy:tup:
I respect the people who help themselves, who can put a point across, and reason it rationally and cogently. And then who can admit that they're wrong, if they are. The people who bring their own wisdom and perception to this community.

This thread is for the person you most respect. Not the list of people you respect. Damn people read the title of the thread. :P
Originally posted by Talentless
I respect me for my fabulous modesty. Humbly so, of course.

Well geez, there goes your modesty. Your username was all an act, wasn't it?

M5Power, because he lives an awe-inspiring lifestyle, and is still willing to post on a forum and chat and the like.
In particular Boom, Giles, Pupik, Neon, Gil, Vat and last but not least, Jordan.

Those are respected more then others simply because they conduct themselves not as "anonymous" posters on a website, but as they would in real life (I imagine anyway).

I also have time for people who take pride in their posts and argue with civility and logic, and as Giles said, arent afraid to admit they are wrong.

Yea and, Shannon, cos he has the intellegence of someone 10 years older then his current age.
Silviadrifter: For being the first guy to support me in an argument and for being a smart person (and making kickass drifting videos I could only dream of making).

Milefile: For being a cynical smartass and loving every minute of it 👍

Darin: For starting the TXR3 races on here (even though I always lose :lol: )

Der Alta: For giving me a great angle to an otherwise delusional story I'm writing

Neon Duke: For treating everyone here with respect (some more than they deserve) and for promoting good grammatical skills for all.
Thanks to Gil, Lotus and Akira for putting me on your list.

My top 3 would be:
1 Gil
2 Duke
3 the J-man himself

The rest of you are cut. Get off my team and clean out your locker.
My best respects, though most anyone gets my respect, but my best goes to the following:

1. bengee - for dealing with all the crap in the Drifter's forum and still having time to make a lot of decent conversations elsewhere.
2. milefile - for his laidback style and ever-growing ability to handle problematic people.
3. Gil - for the honesty given when needed and for his love of the "bird' and no, I don't mean the basketball player. :D
4. GoKents - for his kindness to me, and a loving for anime that I can compare to.
5. Miata13b - for his love of the nightlife, and his cat humour.
6. Mike Rotch - for his ability to help others to cope with eachother and for keeping tabs on me. Thanks bud. :D
7. powripper - for a love in scale modeling that I share. :D
8. oscarfulz - straight up kind person and has a good aura about him.
9. Jordan - for his uber-control over the forums, that seemed to be pretty stable overall.
  1. Sage - For all the CSS/XHTML support. 👍
  2. Acid X - For being the only one on my MSN list that knows anything about my web design ramblings...
  3. under18carbon - For liking the same music as me and being one of the only two people to talk to me for ours on MSN.
  4. Breet (aka Race Idiot) - ...until he starts talking about soccer
  5. Mike Rotch - Same as above.
  6. Klostrophobic - For funniness and decent posting in the music forum.
  7. Various other people - Because I couldn't be bothered listing any more... So if you know who you are by some kind of telepathic means, than congrats. 👍
Well, i respect some people here. Heck, i respect ALOT of people here. I've never really had a problem with anyone.. Anywho, to name a few:

Shannon - He's the smartest dude his age when it comes to web designing. (In my opinion) - He's a great help
Viper_Maniac - For just being the first dude i really got to know here, and for all the bottle-throwing good times.
Punkrock - For just being that fun-loving guy! Although we don't talk much anymore.
neon_duke - This dude deserves respect because he's a very good moderator. He leaves lengthy posts that actuall mean something, and he deservers great respect for his opinions.
Solid Lifters - Yes, i respect him for his vast knowledge when it comes to the guitar, and for his willingness to just send me things through the mail without worry when he didnt even know me! He's a great help whilst im trying to learn guitar!
Pako - He's just a cool guy, and deserves alot more credit than he recieves. Atelast, in my opinion he does.
Josh - Although we don't talk much anymore, he's still the fun dude to talk to when you want to insult somoene! Haha, just kidding, dude!
Jordan - For keeping this great site up for all of us to visit every day, and providing this great community.

Sure, there is probably alot more people that i can mention.. But i'm so tired i cant remember them all. Also, i think i've named enough! :)
Respect? These forums?!

If there are any half-decent members here they certainly don't make themselves known.

Ricers and assholes seem to have drown them out.
Originally posted by GoKents

(oh yeah, thought I would mention that I've always liked you too, talentless. Va. is my home land and commaratory amongst virginians is big to me now that Im living in the swamps of La. ) :D

Va. Tough but charming folks.:D
Well... I never looked in this thread before now...

I love you guys..

Lotus - Nope, it's the Junior Encyclopaedia of Everything, with foreword by Carol Vorderman. :D
Originally posted by Famine
Lotus - Nope, it's the Junior Encyclopaedia of Everything, with foreword by Carol Vorderman. :D

Pffft Carol Voderman is rubbish :P she couldn't even get the numbers the other day and it was so easy too!! :rolleyes: :D
I'd have two from her top - and four from anywhere else - any day... :D

I was trying to think of someone smart and couldn't remember the name of lisping "What The Romans Did For Us" guy... Damn I'm getting old... :D
Originally posted by Firebird
Respect? These forums?!

If there are any half-decent members here they certainly don't make themselves known.

Ricers and assholes seem to have drown them out.
And loud brash n00bs, much like myself
Man, I should hang out around the opinion forum more...Well, in no particular order:

  • Klostrophobic - A fellow northerner who listens to awesome tunes and also has sex with Doug. Why wouldn't we get along?
  • M5Power - See above. Honestly though, a cool guy with extensive car knowledge and some witty comments.
  • Neon_Duke - One of the most *****in' mod men around here! Another one who listens to some good music.
  • Milefile - One of the coolest fathers on here!
  • Ryan - A fellow Binghamton-er, and someone who listens to really great music. And he skates!

Well, my coffee is getting cold but I might add on later.
Wow, I'm on someones list!!!

I would have to say:

Boombexus - for being a great mod, and good person
Neon Duke - for helping me out when I was a noob, and for being a great mod....
Pergatory - He's probably my biggest influence when it comes to drifting. I learned quite a lot from him, and he helped me become the drifter i am today...
Jordan nuff said, he's the man......
Rumple - Mostly because we share almost identical music tastes, and he's got a good sense of humor........ Keep it real in the Music forum!!!

I might think of more later, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.......

There's no one person I most respect on GTP...

First up, Jordan spends his own money and time to make this possible for all of us. And he doesn't interfere with all our affairs unless absolutely necessary. Thus, Jordan is a good god.

GillesGuthrie and Milefile...both are way too much like myself, and I respect that. Sometimes, it's like reading about myself, which is either spooky, or cool.

Vat_Man and Talentless, both tell it like it is, and rarely use a word more than necessary, nor a word too few such that their respective posts would make no sence. I could take a lesson from that sometimes.

M5Power, Klostrophobic, Sn00pie. Sometimes I have no idea where M5 is coming from (literally), why Klos listens to the same old-school rap I listened to 15 years ago, or what the heck Snoopie has posted, but I respect them all.

Neon_duke. Not just because he owns a Neon, but because he handles the rank and file fools on this board better than I could on my best of days. (Even if that fool is myself.) Always has a constructive, and enlightened argument.

Der Alta, Boombexus, Gil, Rumple, Miata_13B, Famine, Race Idiot, Sage, Mike Rotch, Skynryd, MazKid, and probably about a half-dozen others make my day around here....even if I'm only around about once every two weeks.

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