Who Still Plays NFS: Underground 1?

  • Thread starter JakeMR2
United States
United States
I have been recently beating the game on hard for the third or fourth time, and it's decently hard I have completed the Race of the City Skyline? I think it's Race 80 in career. Well. The A.I is very freaking dirty, but it's street racing. And, not to mention they have some sort of cornering that cannot be matched at all, I tried multiple times and I still couldn't do it unless they slow down a notch.

Although, I am trying to find preset car data now to take a break from all the A.I that is hard to deal with. Here is a scope of what I believe to be the car data, but I am not certain of the possibility.

Again, I won't go into specifics, but this is just a general things or talk about Underground 1.
50 mins ago I finally finished UG for the 3rd time and still, I would rather have UG over UG2.

Now I loved the original Underground because this is where it started it all.

Before NFS2015 you had Carbon, Before Carbon you had Most Wanted '05
Before Most Wanted '05 you had UG2, and Before UG2 you had the original UG.

Of course with every game there's always a way that the game will not like you. There's the obvious AI rubberbanding. Unlike in other NFS titles that have rubberbanding, Underground had the most obvious AI rubberbanding. It's very evident when you take corners and the AIs be like "Too easy." and that frustrates you because you're asking yourself "How was that possible?".

There's also the rage inducing races in Underground mode. Kurt's Killer Ride and Good Samaritan were the most difficult races in Underground due to the AI but KKR had a different situation and that is due to the no. of laps, AI rubberbanding, and the no. of traffic present.

Unlike in other NFS titles where traffic is not much of a deal (except for NFS2015) but here in Underground, its big of a deal because if you're in a hard race then getting hit with traffic is one way of rage quitting the game especially in 5-7 lap races.

But despite that I still love UG and I really enjoyed the ride for Underground Mode.

This might be debatable but I think Underground is the most difficult NFS game ever made due to the AI rubberbanding.
Just been replaying this myself, and KKR and Enduro are races that have made me relieve those bitter-sweet childhood memories.

It's around the point when KKR comes up that the AI starts running on black magic and magnets (the things I've seen!), but that's only if they stick to their normal line. A cheeky nudge and they'll suddenly experience normal levels of grip, which usually sends them into the wall... and I have no qualms about doing so, not after seeing them take 90* turns like an X2014.

I would say KKR is the easier of the two listed because that one has traffic; if you've slipped behind, there's a chance of them smashing into something, or at the very least having to slow down. Enduro on the other hand (7 laps on Terminal) has none, so if they do get ahead then the only hope is that they go over the ramp/steps "shortcut" and somehow mess up... otherwise you're going to get about as close to the back of the leader as a modern F1 car.
Yeah. Your blocking skills need to be perfect because when they do use their "magic" and you manage to block them, they spun out and that gives you a huge gap against the other opponents.

Surprisingly I used the MX-5 from start until Good Samaritan because I decided to replace the MX-5 with a Skyline for storyline purposes. The MX-5 has a ridiculously good handling that can match with the AIs ridiculous cornering.

But still those races really made me rage. A thing that I've never experienced before in any racing game.
I'll be replaying through nfs UG when I build my PC in 2-3 weeks
Good luck! Be prepared because Underground might make you rage quit :lol:.

Also I suggest starting UG with a MX-5 if you're gonna keep up with the AI's magic cornering powers.

I also heard that for Win10 users that you might ran to compability issues when running Underground.
Good luck! Be prepared because Underground might make you rage quit :lol:.

Also I suggest starting UG with a MX-5 if you're gonna keep up with the AI's magic cornering powers.

I also heard that for Win10 users that you might ran to compability issues when running Underground.
I hope not I haven't heard of any compatibility issues
There is a bug wherein one of the old anti-piracy things (I know, i'm so tech savvy) that NFSU uses was patched and then later disabled disabled due to a flaw. However, it seems to have been omitted from Win 10 altogether.

With 8.1 and earlier it's a case of manually reactivating and deactivating SecDrv when you're finished, but for Win10 you have to download/copy it from another machine and then sign the file as secure... that's all over my head, but here's hoping you can get it to work.
There is a bug wherein one of the old anti-piracy things (I know, i'm so tech savvy) that NFSU uses was patched and then later disabled disabled due to a flaw. However, it seems to have been omitted from Win 10 altogether.

With 8.1 and earlier it's a case of manually reactivating and deactivating SecDrv when you're finished, but for Win10 you have to download/copy it from another machine and then sign the file as secure... that's all over my head, but here's hoping you can get it to work.
What kind of anti piracy are we talking here? Does it affect gameplay or is it just one of those old EA games that require a code to activate the game?
What kind of anti piracy are we talking here? Does it affect gameplay or is it just one of those old EA games that require a code to activate the game?
The anti-piracy thing is probably hardcoded into the game at start to avoid piracy. But, it had some certain side effects which make the game kind of glitchy at times.
Back then my legal copy of Hot Pursuit 2 wouldn't work without overwriting the EXE with a crack to bypass the protection. Hurray, DRM.

Seeing this thread pop up has reminded me of my playthrough of NFSU1, in which I built a stock-looking VW GTI to softly troll the candy-colored popular tuner cars in online multiplayer. Thinking back, I also recall its tracks had some good sections that were better than most of what you get out of NFSU2's contrived noodly curves (but at the time, all any of us cared about was the freedom to cruise around, of course).
The anti-piracy thing is probably hardcoded into the game at start to avoid piracy. But, it had some certain side effects which make the game kind of glitchy at times.
What kind of side effects? Are we talking GTA4 levels of side effects where in the whole game you're on drunk cam?

You know I would like to imagine what Olympic City looks like when you're on free roam.

Lastly do you guys think that Melissa (the last racer you'll race against in Underground) should've driven the Eclipse from the intro rather than a generic modified 350Z? It would have been fitting considering that the Eclipse that Melissa drove is what made her a legend in the street.

Oh and the intro had a Motor City Online reference. The two cars that were featured in the intro were the last cars to be added to MCO before the server shutdown.
What kind of side effects? Are we talking GTA4 levels of side effects where in the whole game you're on drunk cam?

Not side-effects as such, but when I tried to launch it the first time on 8.1 it just would not start, at all (either no error or "Please login with Admin privileges"). I tried the usual tricks such as launching it on compatibility mode, running as admin... nothing worked until I found an article explaining how to get it running. You basically need to have 2 .bat files, one to activate secdrv (which lets you launch the game) and one to deactivate it when you're done, although both need to be run as admin.

Not side-effects as such, but when I tried to launch it the first time on 8.1 it just would not start, at all (either no error or "Please login with Admin privileges"). I tried the usual tricks such as launching it on compatibility mode, running as admin... nothing worked until I found an article explaining how to get it running. You basically need to have 2 .bat files, one to activate secdrv (which lets you launch the game) and one to deactivate it when you're done, although both need to be run as admin.

So if @Marc30599 were to run it in Win10, would he run into issues like this?
So if @Marc30599 were to run it in Win10, would he run into issues like this?

It would be more complicated because (I didn't mention it earlier) Win10 actively treats secdrv as a virus/malware vector, so manually downloading and activating it isn't enough... NFSU would still be blocked from launching. Marc would either have to find a no-cd crack somewhere that isn't loaded to the gills with virus', or self-sign SecDrv as secure. This is what I found after a quick google search;

It would be more complicated because (I didn't mention it earlier) Win10 actively treats secdrv as a virus/malware vector, so manually downloading and activating it isn't enough... NFSU would still be blocked from launching. Marc would either have to find a no-cd crack somewhere that isn't loaded to the gills with virus', or self-sign SecDrv as secure. This is what I found after a quick google search;

Oh that?

How about a compressed version? Would that be enough?
You know what's weird? The full version of Kimosabe sounds a lot better than the version we have in Underground.

Plus I wished they didn't censored the word Playstation for the PS2 version.
I'm just waiting until they get map editing tools figured out. There's supposed to be something coming out for NFSC soon so I'm wondering if that could work for this game.
I'm just waiting until they get map editing tools figured out. There's supposed to be something coming out for NFSC soon so I'm wondering if that could work for this game.
Same, it is still possible though. Hopefully one day custom championships will be arise by the "Players" custom tracks.

I just found someone or somebody will make NFSU do a MIRACULOUS COMEBACK!! http://www.moddb.com/mods/mse-m2011-v20
Well, that changed the game dramatically in style. It's even better than NFS 2015's and quite possibly Payback's customization.
I just found someone or somebody will make NFSU do a MIRACULOUS COMEBACK!! http://www.moddb.com/mods/mse-m2011-v20
I'm looking at the mod right now and I'm getting Juiced 2 vibes. Well nothing much else to say though.

In fact everything on that mod is from Juiced 2 minus the rims and probably the AE86 widebody. That's not to derail the mod though I'm still looking forward to it.
I'm looking at the mod right now and I'm getting Juiced 2 vibes. Well nothing much else to say though.

In fact everything on that mod is from Juiced 2 minus the rims and probably the AE86 widebody. That's not to derail the mod though I'm still looking forward to it.
Hopefully it will not keep crashing like NFSU2's Mod City Drift World Edition V2, that was a buggy broken promise... Think about making a NFSU2 brother contest though, it would be cool ;D
Hopefully it will not keep crashing like NFSU2's Mod City Drift World Edition V2, that was a buggy broken promise... Think about making a NFSU2 brother contest though, it would be cool ;D
We'll see about having another NFS car build contest.
This caught my attention recently. Looks pretty good compared to other mods I've seen.

I played with the mod today after seeing your post... And I must say, the graphics are pretty impressive the road reflection is amazing and the post processing looks great.

On an unrelated note, is their anyplace else I can find car mods for nfs underground besides nfs cars.net? There seems to not be a lot of car mods for nfsu on there
I played with the mod today after seeing your post... And I must say, the graphics are pretty impressive the road reflection is amazing and the post processing looks great.

On an unrelated note, is their anyplace else I can find car mods for nfs underground besides nfs cars.net? There seems to not be a lot of car mods for nfsu on there
Check the link I posted before :). Check for n2011 mod as well :)

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