Who wants a "engine compartment" mode/view?

  • Thread starter blue night
Okay, so I was thinking and trying to be creative on what PD could do that no one else has done that makes the game better. I had this idea that they could have an engine compartment mode/view in the game when you tune your car. Wouldn't it be nice to see everything under the hood replicated? And not only that wouldn't it be great to see the modifications actually change when you change things. Lets say you take out a stock Air filter and replace it with a cold air intake, you would see the change happen visibly in your car!

At first I thought no way would they have so much time to have exact replicas of engine bays but how is it more different then replicating the interior? Maybe I'm asking the impossible but hey it would be nice right? What do you think?
Honestly like that idea, but it can wait for GT6 as far as I'm concerned.
In fact, there's a lot of things that could wait 'till GT6, GT5p just doesn't
cut the mustard anymore. :(
it'd be interesting to see in a future GT but not necessary. hell lets say it was available now, i wouldn't personally pay too much attention to it
Since they're also modeling engines, I do hope for a similar feature.


pic by Coiler
Idk about all that but i definitely want to be able to pop open doors and hood trunk in the Dealer Showroom and in the Garage, gaddamit its aobut time even NFS Porsche was rocking that.
The engines are not modelled on every car. Thats one of the reasons not all cars have damage. It would take too long to model everything of every car. What we dream of in the terms of features is actually a lot of hard work and expensive man hours for PD. I think they have made a perfect compromise between dream and reality.
There almost is engine modeling already.

The F40 on some replay views I can see some red cables from the main vent at the back.
I would appreciate to view Ford GT's shaking in silentblocks while revving it on the start as well as engine moving while gear change.
Great idea. I know exactly what you mean. I wish that when you bought a second stage turbo you could pop your hood and see it being installed. But like everyone else is saying; it's not necessary. I'd rather PD focus on driving physics and graphics than unneeded extras. Would be really cool though!